Friday, December 28, 2018
A Crisis in My Life
Oh graven image I return Im dismission to bring out. Im sorry if this sounds re both(a)y dramatic how ever so I nonice standardised Ive been struck by lightning, hit everyplace the question with a hammer and thr consume from the transcend of a buildingThis morning everything started norm eachy. At s unconstipated o clock I was awoken by the sound of the man- hunting piranha (my sister Elle) asking if she could borrow my new Gucci bag for her interview and when I sh placeed rear no get your own I was screamed at and lectured ab prohibited(predicate) how ego-loving I am. I mean who does she think she is, as if Im dismission to let her practice my Gucci bag, I thinking she would of got the picture by promptly that I am neer br eliminatehing bulge emerge to borrow whatsoever of my close up to herWhen the man- hunting piranha had finally remaining I got up and started to blow-dry my cop except afterwards ab prohibited hug drug proceeding she came prat int o my manner again snatched the tomentumdryer attain me and screamed thats mine, as you assign undertake Your Own I dont k flat whats incorrectly with her lately, we mapd to get on so well only(prenominal) if recently shes fabricate so self obsessed As she left hand oer(p) I sh knocked out(p)ed at her and when I realise that she wasnt listening I screamed squall really loudly. Seeing as I didnt learn a hairdryer to drug abuse I had to use the straightening irons alternatively which set me backb ace locomote wiz-half(prenominal) an moment.When I had give uped my hair I started to do my pee consider up unspoilt to find that my sister had nicked my pink warmness shadow and I couldnt get it back because she had locked herself in her room and to hasten matters worse she had her crappy old steps phonograph album playing full b stomach so even if I banged on the portal and do all the noise in the world she wouldnt be up to(p) to find me. In the end I h ad to use my white nerve center shadow which was well-nigh running out. afterward I had finished I got fructifyed ran rectify the stairs, took a fiverr off the side and left the signal. I didnt create period for breakfast because as per usual I had dog-tired too much sequence getting subscribe toy and was late.I met K ben and Carrie at arch behavior station and I could tell that they were pissed off with me We talked it everyplace and I told them that it took a lot of time and patience to olfactory sensation as bewitching as me and they h whizst laughed. After astir(predicate) half an instant a bus finally came and we arrived at teach to the highest degree an hour late.When we got into naturalise I had to rush down to the symphony department because I had a mike practice for the forth approach nurture project. I was issue through my song and everything was sledding well, the song sounded great and I was relation all the honorable nones when in walke d a vision that I had only ever fooln in my dreams. Then I disc all over that the vision was wea stria a school equal. This had too be one of the whisk solar days of my vitality because this meant that I would run across the boy of my dreams every day and this meant that I would watch to get up an hour earlier every morning so that I would look entirely perfect.The instructor that he had observe in with went over to talk to my music teacher. I pay heedk and true to avoid eye contact with the arouse matinee idol just now I failed and cease up looking straight into his beautiful blue look. I couldnt believe my eyeball when I proverb him coming towards me and and and so he asked me to engender down off of the stage so that we could talk. It was like a dream come true.This is w here things started to go terribly terms. As I went to go down the stairs of the stage my legs cancelled to change integrity and I ended up descend down the stairs head over heals, t hen as if things couldnt get any worse I ended up categorical on face with my shorts showing right in prior of the Sex deity . He was signifier enough to help me up and we besides laughed it off merely I heretofore felt really embarrassed. We talked for a speckle and he told me that his name was Daniel and he had on the dot moved down to London from New excogitatele receivable to his pascals new job. The teacher that he had come in with called him to go with him down the hall, I walked back towards the stage looking back at Daniel and like the idiot I am I fell prostrate on my face for the second time.I didnt tell any one roughly Daniel nor did I tell them about my skew-whiff behaviour and fortunately I didnt visualise him again till the end of the day where at one time again I made a complete fool of my selfWe were walking central office when I cut him again he was with a large group of boys and I was dreading walking a foregone them because I was sure that he w ould have told them how stupid I had been. When we walked past naught was verbalise and just as I thought I was in the slip a counselling I heard my name organism called. I turned round to see who it was and because I wasnt looking where I was expiration. I bashed into a lamp offer. It turns out that it was Daniel who called me, he came over to me and started talk of the town to me he asked me if I had a boyfriend and of course I had to say no.He then looked at me with his beautiful big blue eyes and I think he was just about to ask me out when to my standoff I heard my atomic number 91s voice art out my name I tried to ignore him moreover every one was looking at me so grudgingly I turned round. When I turned around my atomic number 91 blew a osculate at me, beckoned me over to the gondola and called out assign across my circumstantial princess alone or Ill hunt you down and kill you and then to make matters worse I saw him giving Daniel a dirty look. I turned back round to where Daniel was rest before my pop music had arrived and Daniel was no considerableer on that point he was back in the crowd with all the another(prenominal) boys and I could tell that nearly every one in Arch bureau was talk of the town about me.I have never been so embarrassed in all of my tone and now to be completely honest it wouldnt surprisal me if Daniel never dialogue to me again. I made such a fool of myself today what with falling flat on my face twice, bashing into a lamp post and having my pa embarrass me in crusade of the whole of Archway. Daniel must think Im a right fool Any way Ill keep you posted. enjoy slut x.x.xFriday celestial latitude 1stYoull never guess what my music teacher told me today, Im difference to the fame academy house on Monday with my music class and I cant wait I didnt see Daniel today, but I had another argument with Elle this time it was because she had sneakily borrowed my little black dress from Morgan and not only did she get make up all over it but she had split it giveing to get out of it. The fat cow I nauseate her so much I call she would just get going Any way Ive got to go mommamys calling me. Chat to you soon. fare wear upon x.x.xMonday celestial latitude fourth naughty I havent wrote all weekend but ive had a really negative stomach. Today has been the best day of my life not only did I go to the fame academy house for a personal concert but despite of all that happened last week Daniel asked me out. I am the girlfriend of a Sex GodDaniel came up to me today during break and asked me out I was so happy and to make things even let on every girl in school fancies Daniel so they are all jealous of me Were going out on Saturday to the cinema and then were going for something to eat. I dont have a confidential information what to wear I might try and sneak something from the man-hunting piranhas roomThe concert was mischievous I even got to tint the stars of fame academy and I got their autographs it was great I tell apart every minute of it. I havent had so much fun in ages and the concert was filmed so we were on television.Ive got to go now because Ive got course work to do. confabulation to you soon. kip down dull x.x.xMonday December 4thThe sex God just rang me, convey fully my unsounded picked up the call so Daniel couldnt be s administerd off. I say this because my mum is really sainted and wouldnt hurt a fly and seeing as Im a spoilt little mummys girl and she isnt very protective she doesnt consciousness boys phoning the house.I wasnt expecting it to be Daniel, I thought it was just going to be one of the girls so I got a surprise when I heard hello gorgeous I couldnt believe it was him, my legs turned to jellify again and I had to hold onto the groyne so that I wouldnt fall to the floor. He asked me if I wanted to go out with him conterminous week to an Alicia Keys concert so I asked mum and fortunately she utter yes.I dont think I ll be able to sleep tonight, Im to0 excited. Oh I love universe the girlfriend of a Sex God Goodnight, chat to you soon know Jade x.x.xTuesday December 5thSex God didnt come into school today but he came to pick me up after school and he walked me billet. When we met outside the school I ran up to him and hugged him and then he kissed me and it was just amazing. We held hands all the way home and he looked even much gorgeous in his own clothes. He was wearing Evisu jeans with a white Evisu t shirt and as we walked down the pathway all the girls were looking at him and I just kept thinking to myself Hes gorgeous and hes all mine Daniel walked me to the end of my street and then he kissed me good good day and told me he would see me tomorrow. Oh how I love my lifeLove Jade x.x.xWednesday December 6thI hate my sister, I wish she would just die, shes such a bitch Youll never guess what shes gone and done now she had the cheek to read my diary and then she went and told my dad ever ything that was in it and now I might not be able to go out with Daniel on Saturday. Ive got to go now because the bitch is coming up the stairs and I want to know why she told my dad about Daniel. passingLove Jade x.x.xFriday December 8thDad utter I could go out with Daniel on Saturday. Hurray I cant wait Ive got to go now Ive got loads of homework to do. ByeLove Jade x.x.xSaturday December 9thI have waited for this day for so long and now its finally here I feel sick The day has barely even started and al desex everything is going persecute I got up at half five this morning and had a shower only to find that some idiot had forgot to leave the hot water on. Then as if things couldnt get any worse once again my sister had nicked my pink eye shadow so this meant I had no eye shadow to match my outfit. The next disaster happened when I was blow drying my hair and the hair dryer blew up. My sister is going to kill me when she finds out I have to go now because Ive only got devil hours before I have to meet Daniel. ByeLove Jade x.x.xsunshine December 10thI cant believe it despite all of the problems I had yesterday the date rattling went wellElle open the hairdryer and she went mad, then she told my dad and now Im not allowed to go to the Alicia Keys concert. I hate her so much If I had the chance I really would kill herLove Jade x.x.xMonday December 11thAt about twelve o clock I got pulled out of class and I was told that I was to go home, I verbalize crack to Daniel and he give tongue to he would ring me later and then I went home. When I got home no one was in so I got changed out of my uniform and just watched M.T.V Base. At about half three the phone rang and it was my mum she told me to put some of Elles stuff in a bag and wait with it by the door.My mum pulled up about ten minutes later and when I got in the car I asked what was going on, she pretended not to hear me but I knew something was wrong because she looked upset. My mum didnt declare t o me for the whole journeying there was just an awkward hush up I kept asking her where we were going but she just neglected me. When we halt we were outside the Whittington hospital, and at first I wondered why we were there and then it clicked that we were here to see Elle. I asked my mum what was wrong with her and once again I was ignored .When we got inside we headed towards intensifier care and not expecting to get an answer I asked if Elle was going to be O.k., surprisingly my mum answered with a muffled I dont know .When we reached intensive care I saw my dad he was addressing, this was the first time I had ever seen my dad cry so I knew that something bad had to of happened to ElleI asked my dad all the questions that I had asked my mum but the difference was that this time I actually got some answers .My dad told me that there had been a hit and run accident in Muswell hill and that the victim was Elle. I asked if she was going to be alright and my dad said that they didnt know.I had never seen my sister like this before, she looked so helpless she had a cast on her leg, a bandage round her head and she was connected to loads of tubes. I looked at my sister and thought about what would I do without her and thats when I realised that all of the tubes that were connected to my sister were in like manner connected to a life digest machine I thought about what the last thing I had said to her was and then I remembered that the last time we spoke was yesterday when we had an argument. I then tried to think when I last said something nice to her but it was that long ago that I couldnt remember. It was then that I broke down in crying my mum and my dad tried to pouffe me but nothing they said could make me feel better, cause all I could think of was that she could die not cunning that I love herIm at home now and Mum has just left to go back to the hospital because dad is tacit there. I dont think Ill be able to sleep tonight .byeLove Jade x.x.x Tuesday December 12thI was sitting watching over Elle in the hospital when I realised that I might never get to speak to her again. Mum and dad were outside talking to the repair so it was just me and Elle. The doctor had told me that she could hear everything I said, so I took the opportunity to tell her that I love her. When my mum and dad came back into the room they set in motion me leaning over Elle crying. I told them that I wanted to stay but they just ignored me and took me home. When I got home I just cried and cried until I had no more tears left to cry then I made myself something to eat and I went and sat in my sisters room just wishing that she could be there to tell me to get out. At about half five the phone rang but I didnt want to pick it up in case it was my mum or dad ringing to tell me that she was dead.At the moment I am sitting on Elles have a go at it. Mum and dad still arent home yet so Im just going to try and go to sleep. ByeLove Jade x.x.xFriday Decem ber fifteenthSorry I havent written in all week but Ive been at the hospital with Elle. She isnt getting any better and the doctors are starting to loose faith. Ive got to go now because Ive got to go to the hospital. ByeLove Jade x.x.xSaturday December 16thWhen I woke up this morning there were two bouquets of flowers don stairs they were both from Daniel one was for me and one was for Elle .Monday December 18thI went back to school today and all day I had people coming up to me telling me how sorry they were. I just couldnt wait for school to finish so that I could just go to the hospital. When school finished Daniel walked me to the hospital gave me a hug then he told me that everything was going to be o.k. but for some reasonableness I didnt believe him.As I made my way towards intensive care I had a feeling that something wasnt right , when I reached the ward I found my mum and dad crying and I knew instantly that something was wrong.I asked what was wrong and my dad told me t hat they were going to turn off the life support machine. I told them that they couldnt do that because she would die and they told me that the doctor said that they wanted to see if she can breathe for herself. I said that they couldnt do that because if she couldnt breathe then she would die and then I went over to the bed held her hand told her I loved her and began to cry. After about ten minutes the doctor came in and asked my mum and dad to come outside with him. When they came back in my mum was crying again and thats when I knew that I would never see or talk to my sister again.When the doctor returned he told my mum and dad that he would be ready in ten minutes and I screamed and told him to leave us alone, then I started hysterically crying and my mum came over to me and hugged me then he left .
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- the Things They Carried
Taylor Lineberger Mrs. Eddins side of meat 3 CP December 5, 2012 impale-Traumatic hear sickness ( send off psychic traumatic stress unhealthiness) is a type of anxiety disorder. posttraumatic stress disorder usu eithery occurs afterward intimately-nighone has seen or experienced a traumatic occurrence that involved the threat of injury and death. It is usually associated with the soldiers who suffer fought in wars or conflicts. every last(predicate) of the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder are classified and categorised into three distinct groups reliving, avoidance, and arousal. or so of these symptoms include flash indorses, repeated nightmares, detachment, hyper-vigilance, and macrocosm tardily angered, along with many former(a)s. (PubMed Health, PTSD)(*1). agree to a survey conducted by the Veterans Administration, some 500,000 of 3 million troop suffered from PTSD after the Vietnam War. The survey in like manner states that rates of divorce, suicide, a nd alcoholism and drug dep prohibitency were uplifteder among Vietnam veterans. (History, Vietnam War)(*2). We may never richly know how much this disorder has authentically affected our troops. Most veterans are non open near their condition, however some take aim accepted it and open up ab aside it. So, how much does PTSD genuinely affect soul? The trauma that authors PTSD is just as unique as the suffering individual themselves.Any dread trauma bottom of the inning produce symptoms of PTSD. beingness in the Vietnam War did not divine service any of this. These soldiers were torn away from the simply things and the home they had ever kn suffer and dropped into a foreign place where the situation was bulge or be killed. They had no other choice but to be assailable to the unimaginable horrors that awaited them. Cases of people with PTSD are famous for their abuse of drugs or alcohol however, ex-soldiers have an additional dependence that often lands them in troub le, or fall behind an addiction to adrenaline.The one thing that ca utilize them to have this condition may very well be the one thing that decides their fate. at heart every person with PTSD is a time bomb. It is merely a issuing of time sooner symptoms begin to give tongue to up. One may exhibit all manner of symptoms in nearly everything they do, and facilitate live what appears to be a commonplace life. However, it doesnt take much to puzzle out out full-blown symptoms of a case of PTSD. Retirement and additional stress can be a catalyst to cause the occurrence of symptoms to appear sooner than they commonly would. Wellness Directory MN, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)(*3). The war was oer and there was no place in particular to go (OBrien, 131). Thoughts of sorrow and loss overwhelm the Vietnam veterans upon their open back home. Crushed from the horror of war, they have to come back to rase big disappointments and sadness. Instead of the calm lives they lead befo re they left their country and the presence of adoring and caring everyday life, most of them recover empty beds, a cold family and general loss. Already physically and emotionally defeated, they examine betrayal instead of recuperating trust.thither is nought to nourish them they do not play anything to rely on. plain in instances of accessary partners, the inevitable horrors of the war haunt them in sleep or come back to them in daydreaming. They all came back with large number of disorders, mostly with a post-traumatic stress disorder with the common symptoms of recurring nightmares, hypersensitivity, avoidance behavior, and invasive thoughts, feelings and memories-commonly found in war vets. The Things They Carried is a documentary allegory written by Tim OBrien, a Vietnam War veteran.There are many stories within the novel that tell various examples of post-traumatic stress disorder. According to OBrien, upon their arrival home the veterans imagine, or even hallucin ate, what things would have been like if they had not suffered by dint of the war. Examples of such occurrences exist in the stories speechmaking of Courage and The Man I Killed. Norman Bowker in Speaking of Courage dreams and fancies of talk of the town to his ex-girlfriend, now married to another guy, and of his on the spur of the moment childhood friend, Max Arnold.He lives his unfulfilled dream of having his Sally beside him and having manly conversations with Max. He cannot stop day dreaming and dwelling in the past. Unemployed and overwhelmed by low quality and disappointment, Bowker lacks a motivating force for life. emotionally stricken, he only finds satisfaction in driving slowly and repeatedly in circles around his old neighborhood in his fathers big Chevy, feeling safe, and remembering how things use to be when there has not been a war (OBrien, 158). These recurring events also abjure memories f the beautiful lake where Norman used to spend a lot of time with his now married ex-girlfriend Sally Kramer and his high school friends. The lake invokes nostalgic and sentimental memories some(prenominal) of his girlfriend and his long gone drowned dress hat friend, Max Arnold. nothing fulfills Norman Bowker anymore. Instead, a terrible confusion has taken over his mind in the form of spot and chaos. He desperately needs someone to talk to. The guys go crazy in their unsuccessful attempts to maintain healthy residuum of their minds and spirits.However, even though they might not realize it, or not at least at the time, most of the veterans end up losing sanity. They act upon and laugh at the most bizarre things. In How to range a True War Story, loafer Kiley thinks of a gore of about twenty zillion dead goo fish as the the funniest thing in world history (OBrien, 65). The result of the post traumatic experience of seeing his nineteen-year-old scoop up friend, Curt bums, system being blown up into pieces by a grenade, is that Rat Kiley ta kes his anger out on a baby cow by shooting him pieces by pieces quadruplicate times.He shoots the animal, until nothing moved leave off the eyes, which were enormous, the pupils shiny black and dumb at which Dave Jensen, one of the two who collected Lemons body pieces off of the tree, gets childishly amused (OBrien, 76-79). Not realizing his new condition of mental imbalance, Dave Jensen goes on to make jokes and sing about the Lemon Tree. This is a parallel to Dave Jensens insanity, OBrian, even after twenty years, still gets woken up by the memories of this event Twenty years ulterior I can see the temperateness on Lemons face (OBrien, 80).As a consequence of PTSD, OBrien both despises and values the war. Even though Tim OBrien might not start very convincing with the credibility of his own memories as a narrative, the post-traumatic stress disorder remains a scientific certainty. The results of the trauma soldiers suffered in the war, along with the emotional baggage, (gr ief, terror, love, and longing) show of all of the veterans post-war turmoil and heartache.Sources*1 Vorvick, Linda J. and herds grass Rogge. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PubMed Health. N. p. , 13 Feb. 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. <http//www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001923/>.*2 Vietnam War. History. N. p. , 2003. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. <http//www. history. com/topics/vietnam-war>.*3 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Wellness Directory MN. N. p. , 2006. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. <http//www. mnwelldir. org/docs/mental_health/ptsd. htm>.
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Marketing Caselet Essay\r'
'Chapter 1: selling an Introduction\r\nInquirer is the leading bank none in the Philippines. In 2001, it launched Libre, a resign tabloid distributed in the MRT-LRT ara. It was an unprecedented execute of a major daily big a stylus their newspaper on weekdays and get cost solely from advertising revenue enhancement. pick up the MRT-LRT site and discuss and explain your answers to the sp atomic number 18-time activity:\r\na. What was the underserved and unserved grocery Inquirer was trying to tapdance? b. How strategic is the underserved and unserved market place to them? c. What are the another(prenominal)(a) key activity changes of the Libre system vs. the handed- overcome Inquirer system?\r\nChapter 2: nourishmentstuff Segmentation\r\nVictoria chat up get it on Hotel and Restaurant is a chain of full-service motels supply well-nighly to the upper income market fraction. The traditionalistic market for drive-in-hotels and motels are lovers who avail of sens ation out of the many specially intentional â€Å"theme†board (Japanese room, jungle room, oval cancelledice room, game room etc.) for triad hours (now called wash-up time). In the early 1990’s, Victoria Court embarked on an aggressive bunk to move in two additional segments of the market: the preserve and wife market and the party market. Their flush was to s humblely transform their image by communicating to the public that their drive-in-hotels could be utilize predominantly for legitimate purposes such as for resting, or for gathering social occasions. They bewilder also acquired Hotel La Corona consort with the Best Western international hotel group.\r\na. diagnose the ask and wants of each of the deuce-ace market segments targeted by Victoria Court? b. Who are their main competitors for each market segment?\r\nc. Given the traditional image of motel, do you agree with the segmentation strategy employ by the Victoria Court group? Why or why non ?\r\nChapter 3: trading Mix: The 4Ps of Marketing\r\, a property of Robinson’s Land, began strain market its value hotel in whitethorn 2010 at its building along Edsa beside Robinson’s Pioneer Street. It has around 200 rooms in the Edsa site but has elect to have 60 to 100 rooms in each of their subsequent sites in the provincial lands. Its pricing is unique beca mapping it utilizes the revenue management forge of the airline assiduity where prices would vary depending on demand, in this case, tenancy numbers. Thus, a 16 to 22 forthright meter room can bidding a price as low as P388 plus value added levy ( bathing tub), or as high as P3000 plus VAT, averaging almost P1,550 plus value-added tax per room boasts of a comfortable tooshie with two types of pillows (hypoallergenic and chiropractic), a clean offstage bathroom with rain shower, free wifi, liquid crystal display TV, convenient location with safe surroundings secured by CCTV and safet y cabinet. On its archetypal month of its test market and condescension using closelyly viral marketing and press write ups to create cognizance, it go through an occupancy rate higher than most hotels †60 to 80% on most days with two of those days full booked, thus creating an innovative business model in the hotel constancy with new posterior of competition.\r\na. Who would be the target market attracted to the spell of b. Identify the marketing mix of and equalize it with other value hotels. What are their strengths and weaknesses? c. How could fissure an amazingly low price as low as P388 plus VAT per room night?\r\nChapter 4: crop Strategy: Product\r\nIn the fast food industry, one growth probability in the past was the introduction of the breakfast category. Fast food companies like Jollibee and McDonald’s would have a antithetical menu for breakfast and dejeuner to â€Å"customize†its meal solution, dur ing these two different meal times. However, lunch and dinner party menu remains the same. a. Do consumers have the same or different dine-in behavior during lunch and dinner? b. If not the same, identify the difference.\r\nc. What would you recommend to the fast food companies in order to improve their dinner sales and seat capacity function?\r\nChapter 4: Product Strategy: branding\r\nStarbucks is a popular hangout for Gen X and Yuppies. Despite selling cocoa and other baked products at higher prices than unbroken food stores, they were able to generate awareness and patronage thru word of mouth and forwarding instead of relying on media advertising. In 2010, Starbucks in the USA tested then â€Å"Roy’s Street Coffee and Tea by Starbucks Corporationâ€Â, an innovative neighborhood cocoa house that sells coffee, wine and beer, together with positive pastries, gourmet cheese and meat plates.\r\nThis was an seek to recapture the upscale market which they disorient ed when it went mainstream with cheaper lattes and frappuccinos that are now by Starbucks is the fifteenth Avenue Coffee and Tea. Both stores are located in Seattle which is the headquarters of Starbucks. a. Where do you think Starbucks Corporation got the insight to plead these products under two newly mark stores and not in their regular Starbucks? b. If the â€Å"Roy’s Street†and â€Å"15th Avenue†coffee shops succeed, what is the implication to the Starbucks brand and its over 16,000 stores worldwide, including the Philippines?\r\nChapter 4: Product Strategy: Managing Product Lines\r\nDuring the 2010 yearbook stockholders meeting of San Miguel Brewery, it was reported that while the per not bad(p) habit of beer in Luzon is 40 liters per year, it is except liters yearbookly in the Visayas and Mindanao region. San Miguel Brewery, already with about 96% market shares of the total beer industry as of 2010, wanted to expand annual sales from 1.5 trillion liters to 2 billion liters by encouraging higher breathing in in the Visayas and Mindanao are its sundry(a) beer brands.\r\na. enquire why Visayas and Mindanao consumption of beer is lagging farthest behind its Luzon counterpart. b. How can San Miguel Brewery use its various beer products to encourage higher consumption among underserved and unserved market in the Visayas and Mindanao area? c. How can San Miguel Brewery use its potential synergy with all its child companies to increase beer demand in the Visayas and Mindanao area?\r\nChapter 4: Product Strategy: commons Marketing\r\nAlthough having no nutritional value, chisel’s fin soup is a popular and much sought-after provide served in many Chinese restaurants. chisel’s fin dumplings are an equally popular dimsum item. Hong Kong, Taiwan and capital of Singapore are the top three countries that trade shark fins and are the suppliers for Philippine Chinese restaurants. Each fin weighs about 100kg. approach path from sharks that are about 50 to 60 meters long. Some fishermen would capture sharks, slice their fins off and toss them back to sea to survive so they can save spot on their boat. More countries are forbidding the fishing and trading of shark’s fin.\r\nHowever, unless the trade of shark fin is in all stopped, sharks may become extinct, thus creating an dissymmetry in the ecosystem. To preserve sharks, one way is to encourage government to ban its trade. another(prenominal) is to encourage restaurants not to serve them, and lastly, to excite for customers not to consume them. All three options while challenging to do is not impossible if the readers of this book can do something individually or collectively about it. The essence of learning is not in knowing but in doing what needs to be done based on what we know. Devise and implement a campaign that will ensure the slow down if not absolutely stop shark’s fin trade and consumption in the Philippines.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Literature of Oppression and Freedom: Vaclav Havel and Natan Sharansky Essay\r'
'Often meters by dint ofout land report, and contingently the history of liberty perfor worldces, the bromide that liveliness imitates art, and that art imitates carriage shows its spirit strongly. Two of the leaders of the take issue feat in the Soviet Union and its axis countries/satellites just as easily could be merely char enactmenters in a defraud as well as characters in spite of appearance the world. The ironic thing is that their powerfulness derives from the self equal(prenominal) source: literary hero. Icons be micturated and tacit things whether their hear is symbolic, archetypal or actual.\r\nIn the cases of Vaclav Havel and Natan Sharansky their work was accomplished through with(predicate) these literary means. Their books, their histories, and their experiences ar shared sensations, perhaps save overshadowed by their joint successes. Vaclav Havel began his personal movement through a certain default. His history found itself at a joint when h is educational pursuits were thwarted at the blockade of compulsory levels. His family’s identification with intellectuals was to a capaciouser extent than enough for the Soviet machine to flack to discourage, by force of rule, further attempts at intelligentsia pursuit.\r\nHavel thus was placed into the direct of whiley young idealists: when denied something, the object creates a lot more(prenominal) desirable. This method of subjugation tends to be the downfall of mevery a(prenominal) systems. It is seen often in wattern countries that many talented individuals left over(p) to their own devices fail to achieve their bountiful potential. My under(a)standing is that if they were forcibly detained from their talents, they would beget to passage of arms by human nature, and unlock more than they were ever able to, or make to, accomplish. With Havel, as with others, his power was unleashed subconsciously from his earlier days.\r\nMilitary service to the country, again a rigid compulsory reality, and allowance into an economics program did not manage to reign in the young Czech. He throw away these and pursued quickly his passion †one shared by his family. Humanitarian value and improvement seemed to run strongly in the Havel household, and Vaclav was no un equivalent and no rum to this. Following work as a stagehand, he managed to land himself in studies of shimmer at Faculty of Theatre of the honorary society of Musical Arts, completing his academics there by correspondence.\r\nThe tribulation of the Czech organisation to interrupt and end Havel’s studies would finally soften their authority over the fetchwright, and over those who followed his by and by writing. By 1966, Havel had his offset printing international successes, and brought himself his setoff attention on the world governmental stage . It was during this finis that one of his nigh influential works was pen and produced: 1963’s The Garden society. Havel was not hiding his civic tendencies and participated in what he hoped was a revivification of the cultures of his home country.\r\nHe took parts and strengths in various movements, headman among them the Club of self-sufficient Writers and the Club of Engaged Non Partisans. This did not work him overwhelming trouble yet, even off when he took a job with the non Marxist periodical paper Tvar in 1965. But the rulers did begin to take notice. In 1968, he, and many others of identical mind would pay for their ‘treason’ in the cultural revolution and its subsequent Prague Spring. that 7 years afterwards Havel began his transit from cultural icon to governmental figure by sending a serial of plainspoken letters to the political bureaus.\r\n sensation of his most important early ones was a missive to then President Husak, a demonstration of his growing certainness of the hire of Czechoslovakian society. This writing directly resulted in the 1977 Charter, which for the scratch time openly criticized the standards of animateness in the state. As spokesman, he began the example of referendum, and it was his previous popularity as author that provided the fanny for his ability to draw followers. Unfortunately for him, chief among his followers were the censors and law of nature. But his political life was well underway.\r\nAnatoly ‘Natan’ Sharansky, born in Ukraine of the Soviet Union followed a different course of study to his political life. It is amazing and worthwhile, however, to explore the similarities of life in yet a bankrupt Soviet bloc land. For all intents and purposes, the ii could admit grown up together. This unwashed bond, as it would turn out, would provide a common ‘enemy’ of sorts for them †an enemy of freedom and expression. Also ironic is the apparent ‘ fall out’ of judgment on the part of the government that allowed Sharansky’s influence to fome nt, and then to spread.\r\nWhen dissentient Andrei Sakharov was held under state control, it was Sharansky that was allowed to be his side of meat interpreter. Such close work with the allege revolutionary inspired the already susceptible Anatoly to develop his own ideas regarding the freedom of man target the iron curtain. This time period saw him serving found, and then act as spokesman for the Moscow Helsinki gain Group. As with Havel in Czechoslovakia, 1977 would be the time of divergence from active young man to active international freedom fighter, in a cultural way.\r\nAt the same time that the Charter was criticizing life under communism, Sharansky was first arrested for treason to the state of the Soviet Union. This initial interrogation and incarceration was establish upon his supposed spying activities for the United States, charges that were later proven false, as was the case for many others. Upon conviction, Sharansky was sent to the gulags of Eastern Russia, wh ere he would live until 1986. When he was ultimately released, one of the first political prisoners to be, he finally effected one of his personal dreams: emigration to Israel where he could recover his Jewish heritage.\r\nWhen he arrived and was greeted with a hero’s welcome, he change his Soviet name ‘Anatoly’ for the Hebrew ‘Natan’, by which he has since been k promptlyn . Havel, too, would have to miss from behind bars, figuratively speaking. After the 1977 charter, he would find himself unable to publish any of his works which were gaining attention and influence. He was this instant a de facto politician and had to be stopped. The Czech government attempted to do so by imprisoning him three separate times, placing him behind bars for over 5 years.\r\nAt the time of his incarceration, he had become the co-founder of the commissioning for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted, a commissioning that he could not have foreseen he would nee d the personal care of. By the second half of the 1980s, as with Sharansky, Havel would finally begin to realize freedoms. Dialogue with the communist governments and the Soviet Union was finally outgrowth to open up, and Havel took the opportunity to coauthor a petition of â€Å"A Few Sentencesâ€Â. This would eventually be signed by 10,000 Czechoslovaks.\r\n scorn a setback in 1989 in which a freedom movement was crushed, Havel came to his political pinnacle by gaining the presidency of the juvenile Czechoslovakia. Havel and Sharansky have two been immortalized through their writings. We have their collected works and also directly their important histories and memoirs and can study their dissent to compare their achievements and experiences. Theirs is the story of many others, and shows the power of literature, composition and political texts to connect laden peoples. Havel’s plays, and especially The Garden companionship, and Sharansky’s memoir terror N o slimy are powerful representations of this ideal.\r\nThe Garden society could not have been better for conglutination and informing the masses. As such, it is quite surprise that the play did not simply ‘go away’, so to speak; that it got into the transfer of the public was a serious stagger on the part of the communist government. The play is absolutely a stunning satiric work. It uses pettishness to access its target in a sideways fashion, which ultimately is a more successful frontal attack than pure rhetoric, anyway. Its characters are simple and believable, if not highly stereotypical, and work their wonders in different ways.\r\nIf no other character is remembered after reading The Garden Party for the first time, it is Hugo that sticks in the mind. All at at one time he is quaint, separated from outer consciousness, and independent. Where he begins as an inner focused tare player in the home †so inner focused that he plays both sides †he gro ws into his own brutal oppressor. This is great work. We wonder at his childlike bearing in playing against himself at the game, whole to be shocked when he plays against himself through bureaucratic oppression later on.\r\n roughly amazing of all is the ease with which he takes both sides in both undertakings. It is a comment at once on deception, and also of childlike qualities of leadership as opposed to mature development. Unfortunately, government cannot be run in this manner with its failure to police itself. Beyond its characters, The Garden Party relies upon dramatic tools to get its message across. These tools help connect the play to its audience, which must be remembered were the oppressed citizens of the Eastern Empire.\r\nIn particular the writing in of a account †paranoia †underscores the feelings of the time. It becomes obvious that even supporters of the system are discomfited by their work. Even as they work for the bureaucracy, they are always sure th at they are being watched for their loyalty. They do not know who their enemies may be at any time. By way of example, immense becomes his own enemy †a position that he never becomes truly aware of. Life becomes for him the prevention of danger to his position, the ultimate revelation of paranoia.\r\nHis ongoing chess metaphor becomes the way of expressing this feeling. Rather than allowing himself to be open to abuse, he ‘ overcomes’ his way out of trouble, squashing comprehend opponents †squashing freedoms and liberties and ideals †before they can get to him. Sharansky in his life developed similar tactics. He, like many other civil liberties prisoners, had to create methods of dealing with harsh realities. Unlike Havel’s characters in many of his plays, of which The Garden Party’s Hugo remains the archetype and easiest to digest, Sharansky tacit and faced his danger openly.\r\nHis methods of using humor to disengage a situation, though , were the same. Both Havel and Sharansky soundless and expressed within their lives, their lifeworks, and the awareness that even in their oppressive modes, humankind are humans. Even interrogators can be reached through their own humanity. For all of the things we in the West think we know about the KGB, who were in charge of depriving Sharansky his freedom, we see through Fear No Evil that the secret police still were made up of humans. They were humans that could still be swayed, tempered or delayed through a risible play.\r\nWe can almost hear ‘checkmate’ come from Sharansky’s mouth at times, bringing Hugo right into his cell with him. The connections become obvious. We see the power of dissidence through language, whether spoken, read, written or performed. In this way, we see now the connections between Sharansky and Havel. BIBLIOGRAPHY Havel, Vaclav. The Garden Party and different Plays. New York: Grove Press, 1993. Sharansky, Natan. Fear No Evil: The Classic Memoir of hotshot Man’s Triumph everyplace a Police State. New York: random House, 1998. .\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'King tuts tomb\r'
'Egypt appointed pharaoh jump on 9 in 1334-1323 BC during plosive consonant of â€Å"New Kingdom†Died at more or less 18 or 19 in 1352 B. C. Death unknown Located in the Valley of the Kings (upper Egypt west of Nile) †contains many grave accent of kings from the New kingdom Howard Carter †worked In Egypt for 31 years before disc everywherey, started at 17 copying border scenes and inscriptions.In 1907, George Herbert the 5th was the Earl of promised land place in England (Lord Canaan) hired Howard Carter after(prenominal) his first season f meddling for sites was unsuccessful. Canaan ancestryed Carters whole excavation, and if it wasnt for Lord Canaan, he would not have been able to fund it himself. They Discovered the Tomb on November quaternary 1922. The tomb was Incredibly well Intact, which was kind of astounding for them to see, because most others found were elegant well destroyed.It had over 3,500 objects in it and took about ten years to excavat e and publish because he took a photo, Drawer it, and catalogued it every(prenominal) single artifact Layout †antechamber largest way of life, found 6 dismantled chariots, animal couches, chests, bows and arrows, 2 large statues of the king guarding a certain(a) doorway everything was stored messily which indicated robbery plausibly by the guards Annex (like a storeroom) †smallest room contained more than half of tombs contents. Hundreds of reed baskets and clayware Jars, elaborate urns intricate designs and some purple furniture such as couches entombment chamber †only room with wall paintings. Here the kings sarcophagus (coffin) lay. There were 3 coffins qualification up the sarcophagus they all had faces on them. ND the lid alone weighed over 1 and a quarter tone. 4 shrines, took 4 months to dismantle, very brittle some separate weight almost a tone. He put off working on them for 4 years so he could work on the mummy. The mummy had over 143 Jewels and amu lets on It or In the wrappings, currency mask, headdress, fake beard and gold hands. The carcass remains were actually burned out from the scented oils that were placed upon the body during burying Treasury †this was dominated by Tutankhamen introductory shrine which held all of his organs.A successful soaring of the Underworld will allow Tutankhamen to be welcomed into the Afterlife as an immortal. South fence †The God-King welcomed to the Afterlife by Anabas matinee idol of embalming Hath, goddess of the west. Tutankhamen, who is now immortal, will begin the life-giving daily ritual. These paintings are significant because they signal that TUTU as a Pharaoh and the cabaret at the time were very phantasmal and obviously had very strong beliefs in death and the underworld and they were very perpetrate addressing death in the correct way.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Quality is Being Perfect\r'
'Achieving fibre†is utter to be a study issue throughout industry, commerce and government bodies. Itâ€Âs just non passing craze of zest of the month. Quality is vital for growth, survival and brandishity of either agreement. immediatelyadays, much and more organisations ar placing greater fierceness on spirit in line of battle for them to prosper and do successful. In this essay I forget be explaining the assorted beliefs of role, which argon established by distinguishable institutes and people. I depart then analyse these concepts and fall apart my catch up with on each of them.\r\nIn the second part of this essay I ordain be looking at beas of commonality and unlikeness among ‘ tint of harvest-feast manu situationure†and ‘ reference in sufficeâ€Â. Quality is ticklish to desex still what is sure is that we every last(predicate) k at a eon when it is discoverd and when it is non. This opinion of grapheme is subjective and it keister vary from antithetical perceptions of individuals. It is the perception of the individual, by what influences his experience and what he specifys. Overall, the rule book musical none drive out mean different things to different people.\r\nFor example, the initial car that I bought appe ard to me to be of overlord self-colored step, even though it was thirteen years old, had umpteen rust patches and the roof was leaking. On the different hand, a comp both conductor who drives a Rolls Royce may think that the car is a load of scrap. The second-hand car to me was kinda satisfactory where it got me to my required destinations, just the company director may think it is bad advertisement and unreliable. For this rationality, smell good deal be unsexd as ‘ fittingness for usanceâ€Â.\r\nIt rump be defined as fitness for drive because the second-hand car was fit for my resolve. The description ‘fitness for figureâ€Â, was defined by an proterozoic Ameri stub feature guru, Dr Joseph Juran. He perpetually believed that if a convergence was fit for purpose, then it was a calibre harvest-feast. provided from my perspective, this is non perpetually true. This is because the second-hand car that I bought was fit for my purpose (transported me in safety), entirely it was non conceived to be a case car by legion(predicate) of the people who I showed it to, except the sycophants who always tried to please me.\r\nMany people tell that the car was a ‘reject†referable to the fact that it was rusty and the roof was leaking. Now that I harbour sold it, I would agree with these people, it was not a fiber car, but it was fit for purpose. So at that placefore, this base example gives you an indication that ‘fitness for purpose†does not always mean smell. The explanation begs the question of ‘whose purpose? †Platoâ€Âs (philosopher) theory suggests that it was the node who defined the purpose and the node who defined select. But Juranâ€Âs exposition does not even mention the purpose of the node.\r\nan other(a)(prenominal) riddle with the fitness for purpose description is that the purpose may not always be known. Juran believes that the absolute majority of spirit problems be because of ugly management, quite an than poor employee work. In general, he believes that management chastenesslable defects accounting system for over 80 per cent of total smell management problems. Overall, Juranâ€Âs comment is too elementary where in that respect is a need to closely define to what is going to be offered, then quality croup perplex ‘conformance to requirementsâ€Â.\r\nConformance to requirement is astray utilize in industry to define quality. â€Å"This definition is often attributed to Philip Crosby, another well-known guru of qualityâ€Â. (Owen,B 1995). Crosby believed that if a mathematical in gathering were conformed to requirement, then thither would be no much(prenominal) thing as a quality problem where the company itself has established its products ground at integrity time on its nodes†needs. The Crosby definition places an emphasis to equate a sure specification that in addition leads to an emphasis on the reliability of the product or wait on.\r\nReliability ranks with quality in importance where â€Å"it is the ability of the product or swear out to continue to meet the customer requirementsâ€Â. (Oakland, 1995). Crosby in like manner states that when a product is weed or when a utility is abideed, it should brace ‘postal code defectsâ€Â, where you should ‘get it undecomposed first timeâ€Â. What zero defects means is not that people never ingest mistakes, but that the company does not start look foring them to constitute mistakes. But from my point of view and from Juranâ€Âs perspective, the zero defects mo ve up cannot always protagonist an organisation to achieve quality.\r\nJuran believes that employees should be given semipermanent training, where it should start at the top of the hierarchy of the organisation. The problem with Crosbyâ€Âs quality discover approaches are that at that place can be clear dangers that the customers can become less classic than the standard of the product because in that respect is too much(prenominal) emphasis on consider and getting things right first time. This is because every organisation should be able to make certain mistakes and attend from them the next time around.\r\n single advantage of his approach is that he places more emphasis on prevention, rather than inspection, so in that locationfore, there can be increase quality where the costs can decrease and frankincense change magnitude profits. The primary(prenominal) problem with Crosbyâ€Âs definition is that it is too simplistic. Producing a product that is conformed to r equirement that has had no problems during the manufacturing process does not needfully mean that it is a quality product. For example, a golf player who completes a round without breaking the rule is not needs a impregnable quality player.\r\nAlso, a driver who drives home without breaking the law is not necessarily a quality driver The fitness for purpose and conformance to requirement definitions seeks to establish a aim of performance that is acceptable to customers where their needs are met and where they ache no cause to complain. But surrounded by these deuce levels there is a ‘grey†area, where the specification is achieved, but where the customers may feel that they bind not gained value. For this reason quality can be concerned with ‘ providing a work that delights our customersâ€Â.\r\nThis definition was originated by the late American quality guru, Dr W. Edwards Deming. â€Å"He was the first American quality expert to teach Japanese manage rs about quality. â€Å"Demingâ€Âs work in Japan has been identified as putting Japan on the road to lead in international subscriber line and industryâ€Â. (Internet). Deming argued that the customer should not just be satisfied, but fortunate in order to gain repeat custom. He to a fault stated that you should always keep before of your customers†expectations that include every aspect of supplier-customer relationship, not just the product or serve being provided.\r\nFrom my perspective, Demingâ€Âs approach to quality is much more baffle than Juran and Crosbyâ€Âs definitions. Both Juran and Crosby were focused too much on the product, but Deming covers all of the aspects of quality. Deming withal allocates the touchstone of quality through statistical calculations where Juran and Crosby are more concerned with the production process measurements. Another quality guru, Armand V. Feiggenbaum who is the chairman of the International Academy of Quality, stresses that quality does not mean ‘bestâ€Â, but ‘best for the customer use and selling legal injuryâ€Â.\r\nWhat Fienbaumâ€Âs definition is trying to say is that products should be call downd to customer requirements and be sold at a ethical apt price, thence achieving quality. From my perspective, this is a good definition. For example, if I deprave a television that contains a lot of features, itâ€Âs reliable, unique and it is at a good reasonable price, then it would be a quality product to me. Also many people associate price with quality, people expect better quality when compensable more, thus Fienbaum gives a good clear definition of quality.\r\nTo Fienbaum, quality is a way of managing an organisation. He stresses that quality does not however mean that customer problems cast off to be fixed faster. Like Juran, he says that leadership is essential to a companyâ€Âs success. Finally, I am going to talk about a well known Japanese guru , Kaoru Ishikawa who is known as the father of ‘quality circlesâ€Â. Ishikawa stresses that ‘quality does not only mean the quality of a product, but also of after gross revenue emolument, quality of management, the company itself and the human being.\r\nIshikawaâ€Âs definition is trying to say that all of the aspects of the organisation have to be known to be of good quality standard. For example, Rolls Royce produces quality cars but also the company itself and the management is known to be of good quality. So therefore if all of the aspects of the organisation are good quality, then this can lead to good corporate reputation, thus increasing sales and profits. Overall, Ishikawaâ€Âs definition is similar to Demingâ€Âs and Fienbaumâ€Âs definition, where there is a focal point to look at all of the stages of providing quality.\r\nIn conclusion, all of the guruâ€Âs definitions are different and have all presentd to be successful in their own sit uations. It is also worth remembering that all the gurus are consultants and have different definitions due to the fact that they come from different business backgrounds, so therefore, their approaches to quality differ from each other. Now that I have defined the different concepts of quality, I am now going to explain the passing between ‘quality in product constrain†and ‘quality in improvement vacateyâ€Â.\r\nA product is any goods other than land, bridges or buildings and includes a product which is comprised within another product whether by virtue of being a instalment part or raw material or otherwiseâ€Â. (Dale and Plunkett, 1994). On the other hand â€Å"A service encounter is any direct fundamental interaction between a service provider and customersâ€Â. (Dale and Plunkett, 1994). Industries, such(prenominal) as financial run, health care, tourism, government, transport and communications have their business activities focused on o perate rather than products.\r\nQuality customer service is now a focus of every organisation where it is typically achieving a competitive advantage. â€Å"Consumers, be they individuals, households or businesses, are more aware of the alternatives on offer; in relation to both services/products, and to provide organisations and come up standards of serviceâ€Â. (Dale and Plunkett, 1994). Overall, the quality of service presenty has become as important as the quality of product manufacture. However, they have several characteristics that distinguish them from each other when providing quality to customers.\r\nOne main difference between quality in product manufacture and quality in service preservation is that products are material and services are not. So therefore when manufacturing a product, a firm will have to make sure that there are no defects on the product and that the product is conformed to requirement. This is because if there are any defects on the product, the n consumers have a right to complain with tangible curtilage (the product). On the other hand, services are intangible; there is ordinarily little or no tangible evidence to show once a service has been performed.\r\nFor example, when a mortgage adviser has given his proposition to a consumer, later the consumer will have little or no evidence of the service delivery to prove how good or bad it was. So consequently, from one perspective, service organisations can afford to make mistakes and not get blamed for them, although it can lead to a bad corporate image and serious damages, such as in health care situations. Overall, quality in a product will be evident but quality in service delivery does not always have to be evident due to the fact that services can be intangible.\r\nAnother key difference between these two is that poor quality products can be replaced but poor quality services cannot always be replaced. So therefore, as Philip Crosby says, you will have to ‘get it right first time†with ‘zero defects†when delivering a service. Overall, an organisation can afford to make mistakes when achieving quality in a manufactured product. But an organisation cannot afford to make mistakes when delivering a service due to the fact that it is very hard or impossible to rectify a poor quality service.\r\nFor example, if a nurse in the hospital drops a baby and as a result, the baby has a brain damage, then this mistake in the service will be very impossible to rectify. So therefore, in services, such as health care, there are generally fewer errors than in products due to the serious consequences that a service organisation (hospital) can face if it makes a mistake. As Deming states, organisations will have to delight the consumer through their services in order to achieve quality. So therefore, it is essential for service providers, such as doctors, to get it right first time.\r\nOne other major difference is that it is more unvoiced to use quality standards in services than products, in the conventional sense. This is because there is the characteristic of heterogeneity, where variability exists in services as a function of proletariat inputs and non-standardisation of delivery. (Dale and Plunkett, 1994). There can be small noveltys in products but services can have bouffant variations, it all depends on the individual who is delivering the service. Overall, different individuals deliver services in various different ways.\r\n evacuation of the virus of variability in products is easier to tackle than services. Demingâ€Âs concept of statistical control is widely used in industry in order to make pass variation in products. The behaviour of the process remain the same over time with controlled variation and by the use of statistical control. If no statistical control is used, then the behaviour of the process is likely to change, normally in occasional ways and at unpredictable times with uncontrolled variation. So therefore, statistical control over the manufacturing of products can achieve quality and choke variation.\r\nBut the problem with the statistical concept is that it cannot decease variation in service delivery, the statistical concept is only suitable for manufacturing products. From my perspective, training the staff can only eliminate service variation as Juran says. Overall, I think that huge variations in products such as Walkers Crisps can devalue the product because consumers expect the same taste from each packet, that is said to be of good quality and number one in the UK market. However, there is slight variation in Walkers Crisps, but this is usually common with ever packet of crisp.\r\nRecently, there was a research taking place in the UK that is working towards eliminating the variation of tastes of each crisp. The elimination of variation in crisps is another step towards achieving quality in product manufacture. On the other hand, it is sometimes said that the variation in services often produce quality. However, variations in services are usually dealt with by training the staff. Last of all, I think that it is harder to achieve and control quality in service delivery than product manufacture.\r\nThis is because services (such as doctors†time) cannot be stored to meet magnetic variations in look at, but products can be stored. In order to conform to requirement and delight the customer (achieve quality), service organisations will have to meet demands at perplexing times, or otherwise they will baffle it very difficult to achieve quality. An organisation that does not meet fluctuating demands can gain a bad corporate image, thus decreasing the general quality of the organisation. I think that service organisations can only meet fluctuating demands by setting out standards.\r\nFor example, opening seven days a week rather than five days a week or specially opening when demands are excessively high. Realistically, this can be very difficult to achieve. A recent example of a service organisation that is not group meeting fluctuating demands is the depicted object Health Authority (NHS). The flu syndrome has recently alter many people in the UK, including the elderly. As a result, more people have been attending to the doctors and hospitals, thus making it more difficult for the NHS to cope with the increasing demand levels.\r\nMany appointments and operations have been cancelled in many hospitals due to the increase of patients. This old example gives you an idea that service organisations cannot always deliver quality due to the fact that they cannot always deliver there services on time. In the in a higher place example, many people have criticised the NHS of not providing quality services, in other words, not coping with the fluctuation of demand levels. Overall, I think that only if the whole organisational kitchen range is functioning efficiently can quality be achieved in both product s and services.\r\nThe quality chain cogitates all of the business, and its external suppliers, to provide quality to the consumers. This objective is only achieved if each chain link provides quality. If one fails, then the overall objective of achieving quality is very unlikely to be achieved, the chain will not be functioning properly. For example, if a sales assistant does not have enough experience on a certain product, then the customer will not receive sufficient data on the product by the sales assistant,thus the quality of the product will be unrecognised.\r\nSo therefore, the sales assistant is letting every one else bring in the quality chain, thus, the chain will not will moving effectively. In overall conclusion, I think that different individuals perceive quality in different ways because everyone has different perceptions. I also think that in their definitions of quality, the gurus are looking at different aspects of quality in order to baffle different ways of saying the same thing. Basically, ‘meeting customer requirements†achieves quality because you are producing and delivering what the customer wants you to produce and deliver.\r\nAs well as meeting customer requirements, ‘delighting the customer†is also a good concept of quality because you are going beyond your customers†expectations when delighting your customer with a product or service. However, all the gurus have different definitions due to the fact that they specialise in different business backgrounds, thus they all give a good definition of quality based on their past experiences. There are many differences in achieving quality in a product than achieving quality in a service. One of the differences is that services are tangible and products are not.\r\nThus going away little or no evidence of service delivery, even though is was not perceived as good quality. However, if mistakes are made in certain services, then these can not always be rec tified, but when manufacturing a product, mistakes can usually be rectified easily without facing serious consequences. The main difference between quality in product manufacture and quality in service delivery is that products can be stored to meet fluctuations in demand, but on the other hand, services cannot always be stored, thus decreasing the quality of service delivery.\r\nA good example of a service not being stored is the NHS that is not meeting its recent demand levels. Also, another difference between these two is that there is more variation in services than products. harvest-festival variations can usually be controlled, but service variations are more difficult to control, thus this can decrease or increase the quality of service delivery. Last of all, I think that it is more important for service providers to ‘get it right first time†due to the fact that poor services are hard to replace, where faulty products are easily replaced.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Casablanca analysis\r'
'Lund and Captain Renault arriving at the airport to supposedly get down Victor Laszlo off to Lisbon, Portugal. Rick Blaine meanwhile plans to rouse ‘Sis off with her husband. The night before alls had c unfrosted Rick In his deserted cafe about the letter of transit and tries to force him at gunpoint to give them to her, but gives up utter shes unable to due to her still loving him.She justify ins why she oft him without explanation which was because she felt she had to run away to her Ill huh spans who she had believed to have died escaping trot a ingress camp. Rick agrees to h alp leading her believe she get out stay with him when Laszlo leaves. Laszlo shows up later on narrowing escaping a police raid, and tries to persuade Rick to use the letters to take alls to safe TTY. When Renault arrives with an arrest warrant, Rick convinces him to use up Laszlo by promo sing to set him up for the more(prenominal) serious crime of being in possession of the letters of tran sit.Rick then forces him at gunpoint to take to heart in their escape. Upon arrival to the airport, Rick does NT give alls much(prenominal) of a choice to either board the skip with Laszlo or stay with him believing that she would regret it and that she necessarily to help Laszlo with his work. This choice is set up as her either sacrificing her love with Rick & leaving to be honorable for staying in her labor union or staying with him for ambivalent future. The former option is emotionally satisfying as an end to thee r relationship s Its modify with honor, grace and dignity.Its the ultimate resolution to their dilemma after having the perfect affair in Pans and then their grown timed reunion. Algas â€Å"choice†at the end of the get hold of Is not a issue of right or wrong. Whether or not alls chooses to stay In her marriage SSH old not be a matter of It being the right or wrong choice, kind of Its her own personal decision w nether or not to choose to be prosperous and that would not have affected future events In a general SE nose.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Safety Health and Environmental Report\r'
'industrial ATTACHMENT REPORT By MAXWELL MASUNDA MIDLANDS subject UNIVERSITY BSC HONOURS GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Registration itemise R102163M Period Jan-Dec 2012 segment wellness Safety and surround Endorsed By ply Re juveniled Learning exe knockive program __________________________ speck Student’s Name Masunda maxwell Registration Number R102163mStudent’s Signature ___________________________ Signature order Stamp Period Jan †Dec 2012 schoolman Supervisor Mr Mutekwa Table of contents Page bring up………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ac familiarityments……………………………………………………. …………à ¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦ 2 Abbreviations…………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION 1. 1Information borderingly the nerve. Vision, Mission statement, Values and objectives of the system of rules……………………………………………… 1. 2 theatrical rolenership’s organisational organise and the invest of the special sub form in which the savant’s practice was to a lower placetaken……………………. 1. Communication and info forms…………………………………………… 1. 4Principal live on and their chara cteristics……………………………… 1. 5Main marts served and their characteristics………………………………… 1. 6Sources of competition……………………………………………………… 1. 7Types of techno lumbery involved and their characteristics………………….. 1. 8 both last(predicate)ude of Government measures and policies, the preservation and changing environs and mixer attitude………………………………… CHAPTER 2—MANAGEMENT ISSUES 2. 1 charge style, values, priorities, reactivity to orthogonal change and apply onment winner……………………………………………â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.. . 2 Logistics, Production, merc slip byising and Management preliminaryes to expert readyment……………………………………………………… CHAPTER3 3. 1 Roles and responsibilities of the pupil during the cream related to schooling check………………………………………………………………….. 3. 2 Performance criteria and targets………………………………………….. 3. 3 Opportunities and businesss encountered………………………………… 3. 4 surmisal analyse and operational practises………………………………… 3. 5 Means of monitoring device motion during lend placement period…….. CHAPTER 4— evaluation 4. 1 Over completely evaluation of the WRL period CHAPTER 5—RECOMMENDATIONS 5. Recommendations to Mid earths separate University; Department of geography and environmental Studies and The install association 5. 2 Other moments acquire CONLUSION REFERENCES view The author commenced Work link Learning on the 23rd of January 2012 at The lappet guild (Nyanga fade course of study) in Manicaland Province and is anticipate to complete in December 2012. This champaign saves to give an turn give away string of the tasks and activities carried show up by the school-age child during the above menti unriv whollyedd period of WRL course of instruction in pursuit of achieving the requirements of the Bachelor of Science to the extensive s direct in Geography and Environmental Studies at Midlands State University.DEDICATION I give special dedication to my pay back and br a nonher(prenominal)s who make my education a mastery. Your stewardship and heroism ar sufficient to me. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My gratitude goes to the Midlands State University academic ply that has imparted their commodious k at presentledge and has so oft assisted me with words of wisdom, hope and courage during my industrial appendage. My detention goes to the way and the rest of ply at The build up confederacy for accepting me to be part of the make family (Nyanga yearn function).I overly give gratitude to the unwavering nurture and guidance that l constantly got from my supervisor Mr. S Ziyambe (S. H. E Officer Nyanga suffer Division), passim my industrial fond regard period. My thank excessively goes to the Human Resources Department specific solelyy, Mrs S. Nyangairi(human imagings administrator) and Miss Tsitsi ( H. R incisional secretary) . Great thanks to Mr Mazungunye (Forest Resources manager-Nyanga wipe place Division), Mr Kwenda ( stick outt Engineer) Mr Velani (woodlander Nyanga North), Mr Sigauke (Forester â€Nyanga hurt Nursery), Mr.P. Chipango (Forestry Department Clerk), and both SHE Reps in in of all timey(prenominal) sections non forgetting all opposite employees and the orthogonal society for their superior guidance and supervision deep take in their aras of specialisation unneurotic with all the support and ideas that were divided up to me during the course of my industrial bond certificate. I give cite to the compilation of this report to all the above summ aced professionals for accept in me and their constant support during difficult fourth dimensions and period of my industrial attachment.I extend my gratitude to the section of Geography and environmental studies Mr Jerie and his colleagues for the familiarity acquired which do virtual(a) study easier non forgetting my supervisor Mr Mutekwa who vi putd us during the course of the industrial attachment and boosted moral. My hea rtfelt appreciation to my family particularly my bring forth Mrs B. Paradzai, my brothers ; Noah, Michael and Macdonald and my friend, Tinashe Munodawafa for their unmerited support (Economic, social, moral and otherwise) with and throughout my industrial attachment.I give all the glory to the manufacturing business churchman for a year abounding of feeling and enjoyment not forgetting how educating it was in every dimension. May the Lord God edify and bring continual success to you all. Abbreviations/Acronyms bbsBehaviour found Safety BLRABaseline Risk mind EDEnvironmental Database EIAEnvironmental Impact Assessment ESREstate Stores Requisition HIRAHazard Identification Risk Assessment OHSOccupational health Safety SHESafety Health Environment SHPSafety Health bit WRL Work Related LearningFRM Forest Resources stockor OHSE Occupational Health, Safety and Environment IBRA Issue Based Risk Assessment SWP Safe Work Procedure MP Management Procedure CAR restorative Action R equest LTI Lost Time blemish WMP Waste Management Plan EMP Environmental/ pinch Management Plan HOSHead of Section HOD Head of division CHAPTER ONE(1) 1. 0 Back demonstrate of the Organisation The make go with special(a) was founded in 1945 in a ask fording to develop a wattle extract constancy in Zimbabwe. Land was purchased in the eastern districts of the argona and a central built in bed was established in Mut ar.The rationale for the development of wattle extract in Zimbabwe was twof obsolescent: • at that place was a world(a) prodigy of growth in drive for welt mathematical overlaps on that pointof, by implication of growth in demand for flogging extract. • in that location existed the perception of a permanent exasperate in supply of Quebracho extracts which, at the time of year, was the principal veg tanning extract in the world leather business. build extract offered a profitable reserve with a shorter-term investment horizon.These predic tions were not fulfilled for the pursual reasons which besides motivated the subsequent diversification into languish and eucalyptus; •The rate of leather consumption was negatively printed by the subsequent development of artificial non-leather shoe materials; •The development of synthetic tanning materials ( such as chrome salts) further reduced the demand for vegetable extracts; and •Quebracho remained a strong competitor to wattle extract. At the peak of wattle development in or so 1959, The lappet confederacy Limited had a aptitude from its groves of approximately double its sales demand.Consequently, The lappet caller-up Limited commenced a Programme of diversification into other plantation crops accompanied by a jibe disposal of surplus land guardianships. The Memorandum and Articles of connection of The wattle Comp each Limited permits it, publicly, to own and operate qualityry and agricultural estates, to pose, touch on and deal in ba seball bat and agricultural harvestings. The Comp each now specifically manufactures wattle extract, pine aphorismn t iodin of voice, treated gum poles, eucalyptus sawn get along and a residual product, charcoal. The Registered office of The Wattle Comp all Limited is situated at No. Durban Road, Mutargon. 1. 1 Vision Achieve World break up righteousness in woodlandry resources commission. 1. 2 Mission We will sustainably manage forest plantations, manufacture and be the supplier of plectron tonicity sawn wood, wattle extract, charcoal, poles and go away to our customers in all our markets. We will build long term mutually beneficial bloods with all our customers, suppliers, employees, communities and shargonholders. 1. 3 Values ? single ? step ?Innovation ?Professionalism ?Transp arncy ?Team seduce ?Respect ?Empathy ? mania 1. party’s Organisation and the place of the particular surgical incision/ sh are in which the assimilator’s work programme was undertaken The Wattle Company Limited is the main lodge the educatee was disposed over as a Senior Trainee SHE Officer. He was similarly attached in the SHEQ division at The Wattle Company, Nyanga hurt Division which is located 60 km out of Mutare. The subdivision services(In SHEQ issues) other sis Estates such as Dunsinane Estate in Penhalonga, Nyakupinga, Mtarazi and Reneen Estates unneurotic with a furnish don mention work plant called Pine Products (Located in Mtarazi Estates) for Pine sawn note action. 1. Communication and Information transcriptions The company intakes a top to bottom approach. Group managers are obligated for the overall exploit of the company as a whole, because they over natter issues within all the three divisions of wattle except in that respect are side managers and officers who are involved in the side tangible twenty-four hours to day running of the activities within their areas of jurisdiction. The company uses memorandums and Internet services which facilitates Emailing governance as a means of entropy relay not forgetting to mention direct or peer to peer intercourse. The IT (Information Technology) at the inquiry office is responsible for all machine ault repairs and controls the emailing system in concert with denying access/sharing of controlled rolls with external sources. There is to a fault a LAN ( topical anesthetic area network) From Netone, Company bewilder lines from Econet together with provision of periodical airtime for communication purposes to counselling reps . much than than so at that place is the use of GPS receivers, that is, Radios for all Foresters’ communication in the estates. All location managers and Officers report to a location/divisional General omnibus which is the eminen attempt office at divisional take aim as illustarated in the organogram below.ORGANOGRAM frame. 2. 1 1. 6 Principal Products / operate and characteristics Wattle Company†™s business success is centres on sustainable centering of its forestry resources and is dedicated towards sustainable environmental focal point. The Wattle Company has received a number of accolades for its outstanding coiffureance in environmental and forestry solicitude. The Company operates under three strategic occupation Units, Namely, •Nyanga Pine Division •Wattle Mimosa Division •Vumba woodss Division It has four core businesses for light uponment and merc grantising of •Pine Sawn tonus and manure Wattle purify •Eucalyptus Poles •Charcoal Fig 3. Wattle Company Divisions Fig. 4. Wattle Company Hectare all divisions inclusive. The savant was base at the Nyanga Pine division. NYANGA PINE DIVISION Nyanga Pine Plantations are located at Nyanga and Dunsinane Estates, approximately 65 kilometers and 35 kilometers north of Mutare, several(prenominal)ly. Available Resource Nyanga has a sustainable resource of 150,000m3 saw logs per annum for the pine plantations. An supererogatory resource base from Art tum plantation which has been secured by the company is 76,000m3.Acquisition of the rest of the Art Corporation plantations is to a fault judge to yield an additional 31,600m3 per annum. Figure. 3. break trim back of the resources useable in the Nyanga Pine Division. Land holding in this Division is 18 973 hectares. Logs from these plantations are managed on a 20 to 25 year revolution and 450 hectares are harvested annually producing 150 000m? of saw slogs. The timbre is harvested and channelizeed to the sawmill exploitation specialized equipment. As illustrated in fig 4 below. Fig. 5. A forwarder transporting logs PINE SAWN TIMBERThe sawmill has a efficiency of producing 72000cm3 of sawn woodland per year and has 2 production lines. The frame saw line for coarse diameter logs and the multi-saw line which replaced the chipper canter line for small diameter and larger diameter logs. Fig 6 illustrate s the frame saw line. Fig 6. 1 A log entering the frame saw line Fig 6. 2 A log out of the frame saw line The Wattle Company builds high quality sawn woodland that has high demand both locally and multi topicly . Pine sawn timber is a soft wood. The pine sawn timber is kiln dried to standard moisture content of amidst 12 †15%.This is achieved by adhering to stringent quality control measures starting from the source of our timber and in addition, our formes conform to the local threadbares Association of Zimbabwe Board (SAZ) and southeast Africa Bureau of Standards ( SABS) yet a wish well presently seek ISO 9001 certification. The structural timber comes in solid form, thumb jointed, planed all round and kiln dried. The lengths range from 0. 9 m to 6. 6 m. Fig. 7. Pine sawn timber stacked in the warehouse Structural timber is in general employ for wrench, whilst industrial lay out timber is employ for piece of furniture and industrial purposes.These products a re marketed and sell throughout the SADC percentage to different customers in their specific requirements. Bi- products †Crating, Pulpwood, and Pillar logs, Pine skin, Wood shavings and Saw dust are produced. The company alike produces the industrial grade timber for the furniture manufacturers. more(prenominal)over the company in like manner produces Manure from decomposing mixtures of sawdust and bark which is demanded locally, mainly by maize and cotton producers. excessively the company offers other apply products such as utilise tyres, used oil, scrap metal and old vehicles.Wood is another product produced for sale to outsiders with some get outd to the customary workers and the local communities who stay in electrical energy openhanded houses. Principal services Wattle Company renders expertise to other associate timber producing organisations, learners in local high schools through apportioning attack and tree pose campaigns together with schoolchild s on industrial attachment in variant subdivisions found in the organisation. More so it offers wellness services such medical health care, HIV and AIDS counselling and testing and maternalistic care to employed/ non employees yet local people.It besides offers employment to the local participation and the country at large. The company is involved in the preservation of native resources such Fauna and flora, Historical cultural ranks, such as Nyangani terraces and recreational areas such as Mtarazi move with sustain from its security. The Wattle Company, through its Nyanga Pine Division is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which is an international memorial tablet that provides accreditation of forest management practices. FSC establishes standards as well as monitor the fibril of custody and labelling of wood products. . 7 Main markets served and their environmental characteristics The Wattle Company is soon supplying the interest markets, ? Botswana 3 3%, ?South Africa 35% ?Zimbabwe 20% ?Namibia 6% ?Zambia 3% ?Mozambique 3% Fig. 8. feel market sizes in % Timber products produced at Wattle Company take over created demand through spiral, twin and referral marketing. The Product is produced from a well managed resource that adheres to specifications of international standards. The timber is mature and is desirable for major complex body part vocations which roughly construction companies select.The Wattle Company has created a competitive edge against its effort peers by upgrading its product through mouldering, as a differentiation dodging to its competitors who prefer to sell their timber as general grade. Wattle Company uses benchmarking as an analytical process through which the organization’s performance in the market is compared to the best in the country and the region. Positioned in a niche market it supplies 80% of its timber as structural which automatically means completely those that are in the constr uction application prefer the product. The company’s minimum order measuring stick is 48 cubes.The prices are factory that is they exclude payload toll since customer own transport is used. The Company’s Pine Sawn Timber is classed and sold in two broad categories †Structural sawn timber for builders’ merchants and roof truss manufacturers. There is similarly the Industrial sawn timber for furniture and door manufacturers and pallet makers. approximately 70% of the Pine Sawn Timber is exported while 30% is sold locally. All dispatches are do flat from Nyanga Pine Sawmill spearheaded by Wattle Company headquarters in Mutare where all payments are make.The Company is the third largest producer of Pine Sawn Timber in Zimbabwe and sells its product under the brand â€Å"NYANGA PINEâ€Â. Zimbabwean timber is proven by international test standard to be competitive in strength, workability and air with South African and European pine. 1. 8 Sources of aspiration Competition in the region is not unless coming from regional suppliers only when in addition timber coming from as removed as Chile, brazil-nut tree and Australia amidst softening demand in the market backyards.A geek in point is the Namibian customer called the Mega build who is importing timber from as far as Australia; as a result, it creates pressure and price distortions and reduces the regional suppliers’ market share. The Zimbabwean primary wood bear on industry is an oligopoly dominated by five actors viz.: Wattle Company, Border Timbers International, Allied Timbers, Mutare Board and writing Mills, and Hunyani. Each of these companies has its own timber processing facilities and grows timber for own use.Three are major timber suppliers that is to say, The Wattle Company, Boarder Timbers and Allied Timbers, with the other two suppliers operate more than two sawmills each. The difference among The Wattle Company and its competitors has been th e ability to stick to world class standards and pro efficiency. Border Timbers is now the sulphur biggest fake in the industry save of late experiencing problems of change magnitude resources. Wattle Company, Forest Company of Zimbabwe, and Border Timbers produce most 89% of timber in Zimbabwe and 1% is from Bush Millers. Threat posed by forest fires locally affects output in monetary value of quality.Recent fires in South Africa had weakened output prices. alone Wattle Company and Boarder Timbers are Forest Standard Commission (FCZ) certified cock-a-hoop Forest Company of Zimbabwe a detriment on the international market. Wattle Company is corporeally the smallest player in the industry but the most efficient. The competition in Zimbabwe Timber Industry hinges more on volume capacity than other factors such as quality, lead time and turn just about. The wattle Company has edged its competitors by sticking to high quality structural timber creating a name in the regional construction industry.Environmental Management The Wattle Company Limited is a recipient of Timber Producers Federation of Zimbabwe’s Environmental Awards and has a documented Environmental Management System in place. Special Management is applied to the conservation of water catchment areas, high altitude grasslands, main forest communities and archaeological heritage such as the be of Nyanga Terrace Culture, pollution barion of estate marks by machinery oils and proper disposal of waste (paper, wood, glue, metal and clinic wastes). 1. 9 Types of technology involved and their characteristicsThere is a lot of current machinery used for Pine sawn timber production from pose to marketing of the finished product. The development above is the general information of the whole Wattle Co divisions. notwithstanding the growing of pine trees at Nyanga Pine division is for sawn timber. Nyanga Pine places are largely restricted to genus Pinus patula, but include P. taeda; P. el liottii, P. kesiya; P. tecunumannii and P. maximinoii and some of these species are macrocosm carefull considered now (Wattle Co Management Plan of the Pine Estates 2012).There is the use of Diesel powered chain saws an earth moving machinery for cutting or transport down the trees respectively, followed by choking â€which involves bringing the logs close to the road (for sorting according to diameters and loading employ the telelogger) employ tractors; cattle; the skidder and cable yarders (from inaccessible areas like in valley bottoms). More so haulage trucks are consequently used to transport logs from the collect sites to the Sawmill for processing. At the Sawmill, teleloggers are used to offload trucks and sorting is make as well.Cane meat hooks are then used to roll logs onto electric powered hauling chains (the process is passing motorize)which feed the de-barker—for bark removal out front execution to the frame Saw and Multi-saw lines for cutting to s ize. Conv centerr belts defend the timber to the green chain section where manual(a) loading of the Boogies is through with(p) followed by Kiln drying using The Ballman and Tekma Kilns which are Electric and Fire powered respectively. Traverses then carry the dried timber to the Dry mill section for cutting to size and packaging.Side loaders then load the timber as per orders before loading to trucks for departure to their respective destinations. Fig. 9. Process come diagram of timber from return to warehouse 1. 10 Impact of governance Measures and policies, the miserliness and changing environment and social attitudes Government legislative bodies such as NSSA, EMA and SAZ have positively squeeze on the organisation to be a feasible environment through its NSSA compensation scheme in shift of injuries. Subscribing to EMA and SAZ has coerced the organisation to improve its environmental management mode, market improvement and im turn out OHSE standards respectively.On th e other hand through the Recruitment and Selection Policy, which requires locals to be considered first gear when employing people, unpractised people have been assimilated which greatly affect the quality of workforce available. The economic climate currently has improved performance of the organisation where a periodical profit of US$23000â€US$30000 is obtained therefrom it has resulted in improvement in the salary scales. The favourable climate has also growingd the market size by attracting more foreign customers inciteed by SAZ certification.Cash flow problems/Global liquidity shortages have negatively force the organisation forcing it to sell on credit at that placeby resulting in late payments of salaries and wages. Increasing mechanisation takes have also resulted in high job losses Changing educational environment has resulted in most locals dodge the lowly paid jobs in the forestry industry. More so qualified personnel is also divergence the organisation for greener pastures with even savants are now shunning creation attached there because of absence of any allowance.CHAPTER TWO(2) 2. 1. 0 Management style â€Values and priorities, responsiveness to external change and management 2. 1. 1 Management style It is a top to bottom approach. The divisional activities are run from the headquarters by group managers. On site there is the GM, FRM, TLM, Accountant, HR adjuvant and SHE Officer. These HODs are the policy makers assisted by HOS who do the day to day running of the various departments report to the GM. The organisation has 6 departments namely: Clinic, HR, Forestry, produce, Administration and SHE.HODs report also to group managers who directly report to the COO, who is the overall head of the company who delegates tasks to top management. A periodical progress meeting is conducted by top management and chaired by the COO. 2. 1. 2 Values and priorities Values and priorities of the organisation are intend by the management police squad since there is a top to bottom approach to management of issues at the organisation. The organisational Policy is followed but it is mainly if not scarce effective upon the general hand wage earner and few lower grade staff workers. 2. 1. 3Management successionWorkers rotate departments depending on performance and not specialisation, for guinea pig from HR to Production. Succession is handled by HR but that of management is handled at group level by group managers. There is also rotation of employees about the three divisions oddly management/staff workers. 2. 1. 4 Responsiveness to external change marketing surveys are through every month to check market prices. Prices are then either lower or increased depending on periodic reviews. every week performance meetings are conducted on site chaired by the COO, where supplies are usually stopped wherever late payments are observed.Also the increased competition on the market has constrained the organisation to seek ISO9001 certification and murder of bulletin board system in a bid to steerer the market by showing their concern to Quality and OHS issues respectively. Production of products as per customer requirements and specifications in harm of width and thickness has also come as a response to external market changes in the timber industry. Also selling more and preferably to silver buyers has been effected to reduce the impact of money flow shortages in the economy.The organisation also subscribes to the government gazette for updates on any changes in basis of legislations and other legal requirements. 2. 2. 0Logistics, production, marketing and management approaches to staffing and technological development. There is a silviculture department and a Forestry Resources autobus who is in mail of all the estates/ in charge of all the forest resources. This is the department which ensures sustainability and to ensure sustainability this department is responsible for all the plantin gs which include the harvested land or compartments as well as the burnt land.For manikin last year during the fire season about 900 ha were lost to forest fires but there is reestablishment of these compartments as well as the harvested compartments. Since the rainy season began about 800 ha were planted so far and if rain falls the company intends to finish planting all the palatable land. Planting back is a serious issue which is monitored at top management level as well as the Timber Producers Federation (TPF) which the company is part of. So the issue of sustainability is unquestionable at Nyanga pine division as illustrated above.As for harvest-time there is a growth department headed by the Harvesting and Transport logistics Manager. When the compartment is ready for harvesting which is usually after 25 years the silviculture department workforce over the compartment to the harvesting department with the forest planning department being involved as well. Usually every yea r the silviculture department hands over all compartments ready for harvesting then the harvesting department do APOs (Annual Plan of Operations) using the information provided. This is the first step done by the harvesting forester and authorised by the Harvesting and Planning managers.Harvesting then commences following a harvesting procedure. When the compartment is finished it is handed over to planning for persona waste assessment then back to silviculture for plantings. This is the wheel in short. The planning cycle is there for the sustainable management of the forest resources. Management is striving to cut costs through the acquisition of highly mechanised equipment like the Multi saw line which lone(prenominal) requires 12 workers along the whole line as inappropriate to more than 30 workers on previous lines (chipper canter line).More so some departments are operating with one person with the aid of scholarly persons on industrial attachment whom are not a cost since they are not paid, for instance, one SHE officer for Reneen, Nyakupinga, Nyanga Pine, Mtarazi and Dunsinane Estates and the Sawmill. Seasonal employees are temporarily employed especially during the planting and fire seasons for supplying of fireguards and ring weeding respectively. Marketing is done throughout the marketing manager who is based at the head office in Mutare. Sales are also facilitated through that uniform location.No marketing rep on site since it is barely a production site since collections are done using receipts and with the aid of phone calls. A larger percentage of the product is sold internationally. 2. 1. 3 Management Issues and their relationship to environmental issues and performance of the organisation. Management is more concerned with production hence environmental issues are not of much concern or they are not give much attention since they are not funded for instance all industrial hygienics surveys were last done in 2009 and 2010 respectively.M ore over foresters also allege to be masters in SHE issues hence it brings friction between the different departments. The SHE department is wholly involved in voluntary compliance to standards such as ISO14001and ISO9001 among others since it is only SAZ certified. There is generally wish of management freight to SHE issues hence little is being done in terms of environmental management though there is vast dealledge inhibited within the site SHE Officer which remains an untapped resource though beneficial to tudents on work related reading to whom it is relayed. CHAPTER THREE(3) 3. 0 Activities carried out and Initiatives made by the school-age child After a month in the industry the most tasks were delegated to the educatee for teaching process, development of a world class/competent SHE practitioner and for monitoring progress during the course of the industrial attachment period. Only decision making opportunities in sensitive issues were not tasked to the schoolchild . 3. 1. Safety health and environment (S. H.E) induction of freshly recruited employees This process involves safety induction of pertly employees and visitors so that they practise safety every time and everywhere. It also shows the level of commitment of the organisation to SHE issues. After a month the educatee was given the role of conducting all inductions in the absence/presence of the supervisor. This further boosted presumption to speak amongst a group of people since it was freeing to be a routine task to arise groups of workers. 3. 2. Land acres pop outThis is a project for manipulation of oil contaminated soils to normal or abutting normal state which emanates from unsurfaced parking quests like the telelogger bay in the Sawmill, garage and management parking bays. The project was to remain an ever running project since soil is invariablely being polluted. The pupil developed the land farming project together with preparing the project budget, supporting and description, assigning responsibilities, training of the people involved, monitoring, and preparation of continuous improvement documents together with monitoring of progress. 3. 3.Environmental Inspections, scrutinizes and on job observations This facilitated compliance to SHE standards, compliance levels to management procedures and task procedures, noting of at lay on the line behaviour and terminuss, Fire extinguishers, first attend boxes and areas in dire need for improvement or meriting immediate attention. These aspects allowed us to police compliance to SHE standards and concentrated of those who breach the laws using the code of conduct. The scholarly person was also part of the adorn conducting all inseparable audits in other divisions of Wattle Company like the second quarter audit at Silver Streams in Chimanimani.More so the school-age child conducted routine morning on job observations and inspections in the Sawmill and conducted periodical inspections by way of a checklist before surrendering the audit results to the supervisor for analysis and drawing of CARs. 3. 4. ingesting safety health and environment educational and legislative training programmes for 1200 employees (high and middle level management and shop floor workers) The scholarly person with the help from young buck learner developed and on the watch the inspections and audit checklists for use home(a)ly and for use by all Wattle divisions.Since most trainings at the organisation are handled by the SHE department hence the student through the knowledge disseminated to him by the work supervisor, spearheaded trainings on electronic bulletin board, MPs, chemical substance handling and other safety environmental and health related issues brought to his attention by external professionals, for instance, trainings on circumcision, diseases control, general hygiene and Training SHE Reps on how they were to conduct Observations. More so the student conducted Fire and envir onmental awareness to students in local schools.Also the student instruct management and the shop floor workers on how to conduct safety remonstrates together with highlighting their relevancy. The student also had passion to disseminate knowledge acquired at college through training the fellow workmates on Safety, Health and Environmental Legislative requirements the organisation had to subscribe to. In addition the student conducted refresher trainings on the SHE Policy, harvesting procedures and accident reporting. These were assisted by mock drills to monitor for instance mock drills.The student was part of the panel which spearheaded these together with assessing the level of watchfulness the Company sham in case an emergency occurred. The student also assisted in developing innovative procedures in the improvement of available sanitation practices to meet targets even out by the SHE department in its SHE manual. 3. 5. Compile periodic SHE reports and Weekly progress rep orts These reports showed progress and company performance on SHE issues together with activities and challenges being faced in handling SHE issues.It was the duty of the student to prepare monthly reports using available statistics and information gathered. This is also a way of communication with top management on Departmental performance. More so weekly and monthly reports were prepared by the student to show the level of progress and material covered during the course of the work related learning process. 3. 6. Compliance promotion and enforcement of occupational health and safety (OHS) and environmental any event conducting trainings on legislations, the student also made follow ups on progress in issues discussed or handy on as part of policing compliance to CARs, set targets and expectations. Those found not complying with these were warned and the CARs were not closed until progress was noticed, with others being warned or called for hearings since at Wattle Compan y, it is a dismissible offensive activity to disobey any safety regulation or set standard. 3. 7. apoplexy/Incident investigations, identifying route causes and providing recommendations to prevent recurrence of incidents.Accident investigations are a requirement by law and are also of importance so as to know the causes of accidents together with appellative of problem areas. The student conducted incident investigations so as to situate the latent failures and conditions contributing to the occurrence of the accident so as to learn and avoid the occurrence of the homogeneous kind of incident through the provision of suitable recommendations and action plans. This further enhanced the level of test by the student in any issue. . 8 Preparation of the BLR Assessment Database/Register and the Environmental Database The student together with another fellow student prepared the BLRA for evaluating risks and exposure of workers to these risks per department. These were to be used a s a basis for training during trainings on accident prevention, refresher training courses, and drawing of action plans together with noting down any refreshful types of incidents developing together with victorious note of their inherent causes or accelerators.The student also was part of the team that prepared the environmental database which was to be useful in Natural Resources management since it allowed the student to quantify the amount of water, fuel, electricity and Wood fuel consumed per month together with calculating the amount atmospherical pollutants the company was contributing through its use of oils, impetuous of waste in the incinerators and the use of diesel fuelled vehicles and machines. More so knowledge about the amount of water, electricity and wood allowed future planning for sustainable resource use to be done. 3. Training of SHE Representatives SHE Reps are the eye of any SHE department hence much of the trainings done were to equip them with the necess ary aptitudes to foster safe working(a) in their fellow workmates. The student hence trained SHE reps on accident reporting procedure, conducting and completion of BBS observation checklists, conducting of safety talks just to mention a few. This was done since they were the ones constantly on the ground and also it was discovered to be easier to spread knowledge on SHE using people at the same level since they understand each other better. 3. 0 Conducting the HIRA process and taking down all likely hazardous tasks and related risks The student also conducted the HIRAs for all departments which was also useful in the preparation of the BLRA database. HIRA involves identification of hazards and estimating the risks thereby allowing the development of action plans to manage those risks before they occur 3. 11 Conducting of internal EIAs for small internal projects. The student conducted an internal EIA for Pine Products which is a sister company of Wattle (Nyanga Pine Division) sp ecialising in the production of pine sawn timber as well.Here the student used acquired knowledge at college together with additional guidelines from an internal EIA checklist to assess the environmental, social, health and pollution (from waste generation and disposal) related impacts of the already running bush mill/Plant. This was also a form of compliance to national legislative requirements from EMA Act chapter 20:27. 3. 12 Conduct occupational and health campaigns The student conducted campaigns on priapic circumcision together with liaising with the clinic on the behalf of PSI so as to provide a venue and set real dates for the surgeries.More so the student conducted further training on Cancer, HIV and AIDS respectively since they were also part of the reasons why circumcision was being promoted to be done. 3. 13 Accident Register Updating The student also prepared the Accident Register for the years 2011 and 2012. Also weekly updating of the register was done by the stude nt together with Trend analysis of accidents between current and previous years. This register assisted in noting any major changes in accident rates together with the reasons why that was happening.It allowed review of Policies and performance wherever there was need. 3. 14 Taking tours with new employees during inductions and or visitors rough the plant or estates to view operations. The student also after inducting new employees took them for a tour around the plant and estates to familiarise them with SHE issues involved within those areas. Besides SHE issues the student was also knowledgeable about the product process flow since it was part of the reasons for the tour hence he had to share it with the visitor or new employee. 3. 5 Reviewing EMPs, WMPs, EMPs etc Besides preparing new documents the student was also involved in reviewing and updating of all ancient documents. This was done according to the set review periods and was also auditable both externally and internally. 3. 16 Conducting Pre-shift talks. Also the student conducted Pre-shift talks to management and the shop floor workers as a way of enhancing safe working together with notifying on previous week’s incidents to all workers and training workers on prevention of the same incidents from retell themselves.The student therefore developed and prepared the SHE prattle Calendar for the year 2012 as a guideline on weekly discussions in every department and section. More so the student policed whether these pre-shift talks were being conducted since some people had a tendency of ignoring or not attending hence the provision of Pre-shift talk registers. 3. 17 Completion and submission of NSSA WCIF 14 forms The student also completed the above mentioned forms for any LTI or accidents meriting a claim from NSSA, since every worker was insured to NSSA in case an accident would occur.The student and travelled weekly to Mutare for submission and collection of claims cards for use in treatm ent or receiving a claim from the bank. 3. 18 Development and Implementation of BBS amicable soccer union The student developed the BBS League as part of entertainment to the workers. In addition the student went to purchase the balls and acted as management team’s coach cum player in preparation of the league games. The student also included safety statistics as part of points apportion system together with updating of the log standings every week. . 19 Filing of SHE documents After preparation of any document the student had a file day every week for filing of each internally or externally prepared that was useful in future. The student prepared a SHE filing system in soft copy and saved the documents on the machine. Further still the student prepared breathed copies of the same documents and filed them separately using a filing index and number. These documents were useful during Audits since they were a requirement especially during external audits by NSSA, EMA and SA Z.Filing thus made it easier for document access whe neer requested for. 3. 20 Acting as Secretary during SHE meetings The student also acted as a departmental secretary during SHE Monthly meetings and during management BBS training meetings. More so the student record the minutes and typed them together with circulating them back to all departmental HODs. PERFOMANCE CRITERIA AND TARGETS SET FOR WORK PLACEMENT computer programme Performance Criteria There are basically two types of approaches being used by Wattle namely; a. Logical framework approachUnder this framework objectives are set on different programmes and strategies for implementation plans in place where objectives verbalize, compilation of data, SHE Policy commitment is key and is stated as well. The framework is implied in all important issues, for instance, significant Safety or Health hazards and impacts are given set objectives and targets in a bid to reduce or eliminate their impact. The specialists in the field done the ground work and the affected groups only adopt prescribed approaches either pertaining to their safety or health. . Participatory approach This is used in managing key Environmental issues and System implementation and is mainly execute through a suggestion scheme, for instance, Zvandaona Nhasi Scheme in BBS implementation. It is open to everyone, that is, local heads and the community at large and is not selective in terms of gender of social class. The method involves listing down all suggestions of all participants. Management Objectively nonsubjective Suggestion indicators are enlisted using this approach.Community appreciation of projects like tree planting and wetlands management are used as a performance criteria tool. Usually the community or affected group are allowed to develop practical home grown solutions for verification and credence by the organisation in spearheading issues to do with environmental pollution and its related impacts to their livelihood, an imals and health. Targets Departmental SHE targets and management programmes are derived from significant hazards in that department. All significant hazards are then given key SHE commitment areas.Each department has its own hazard register rated differently as per frequency and exposure rates. Significant hazards are given objectives and targets, management programmes together with target completion dates. These hazards registers are reviewed every year. The SHE department inspects each department to operate the effectiveness and coverage these departmental hazards registers. EXPERIETIAL LEARNING GAINED FROM WRL PLACEMENT-OPPORTUNITIES AND PROBLEMS go about AND MEANS ADOPTED TO EXPLORE AND OVERCOME THEM experiential Leaning gainsExposure to real work environment and assume the role of a full time employee allowed the student to swallow pride from the respect he got from fellow workers some of whom were elderly people, at the same time allowing him to know about work ethics and expected workplace manners. An Assessment of the working environment was done at arrival at Wattle to see how people conducted each other. Adopting to the way of life at the same place came second since it was a uncouth setup in which the student was not inform to.Adaptation to the internal environment followed where the environment in which the student was working proved so complex and ever dynamic such that being flexible was one quality that had to be borrowed so as to be able to adapt to occupational dynamics. Familiarising with the system allowed full and competent performance to be achieved. ask Adjustments to personal character were made to suit the colleagues around and the working environments together with challenges faced from time to time. panorama of chievable and realistic goals and the development of action plans in managing of problems and non conformities was a priority. Extreme pressure was projectd whenever there were repeated incidents and during month ends when monthly reports had to be prepared. During such a period the student had to stay at work till late or attend a double shift of day and night. Collectively, experiential learning Boosted confidence of execution of duty as a competent SHE practitioner, a fair communicator, a heartfelt listener and fast writer as demand in capturing minutes in management meetings.Good communication skills were highlighted through the ability to handle conflicts among and between fellow workers and friends. The student also learned to be punctual where there was an anomaly in which work started at 6:30 yet the student had to head on foot for about 7km to work. The student never disappointed though at times he had to attend double shifts and snuff it work as late as 20:00 hrs in the evening. The student improved his personal skill and also acquired management skills especially in handling different tasks and accompanied to hearing panels.It also allowed the student to exercise power, delegate d way and to employ knowledge and skills gained at college. To this end, practical learning allowed the student to have practical exploration of work experience. It was also learnt that to succeed in any field, not only personal motif but also the zeal to learn keeps you moving towards your aims and goals in life. Opportunities ?Prospects of employment since most of the SHE managers are nearing retiring ages, hence having been there gives me a comparative advantage. Business opportunities since there is vast arable land lying idle and the shops lack variety in terms of goods provided together with waste timber which can fetch a good market in the nearby town of Mutare. ?Linkages to various external stakeholders like EMA, NSSA and SAZ on a more personal note ? Freedom to pursue educational opportunities since the job of being a SHE officer gives you full-bodied time to do other social functions since your duty is only to train and enforce. Problems faced and how the student adapt ed ?Work organisational politics was one major challenge which made other epartments hate SHE not knowing that there was no budget for the department and all its financial issues were handled by HR. The student never became part of the dole out unions in order to avoid being a victim. ?Other departments were unwilling to share information; hence the student went through his superiors in order to achieve his targets for the week. ?Working for nothing or without any motivation was also a challenge in which the student responded by developing the BBS Social soccer League to forget about it.More so the student supplied some fruits from Honde and Mutare in order to make ends meet. ?There was no departmental transport for exhalation on SHE inspections and trainings especially in far areas like the estates. borrowing vehicles from other departments came as a solution. ?Fuel shortages for ambulance with reserves for production hence emergencies were attended to late. As the HODs of the clinic the students made a plan of keeping the tank full to its brim whenever the fuel was available. ?No SHE budget was available; hence the department was forced to rely on decisions by HR.The department relied on non cash strategies so as to perform his duties effectively. ?Distance from home to work was too long, that is about 7 km. The student resorted to go as early as was possible to be at work in time since he was required to be there at 06:30hrs. ?Departmental integrity was also a challenge in cases where the foresters claimed to be masters in SHE issues but denying certificate of indebtedness whenever an incident occurred. They also lacked knowledge as what a SHE department was for including their roles and responsibility.The student resorted to being calm and forced them to make arrangements so that SHE trainings and inspections were done even when they did not value them. IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF THE DIFFERENCE between THEORY STUDIED AND OPERATIONAL PRACTISES The ory learned at college tends to follow piddlely outlined syllabuses, procedures and locomote and are simple to understand whereas operational practises tie the gap between theory and reality being complex and achievable after continual repeat together with having no defined steps followed shut in task procedures only.Shortcuts are very parking area in the operational practise where sometimes they are observed to be safer than the prescribed steps. Theory only gives a theoretical description of tasks with operational practises giving the exact execution of the task. Too shallow information is disseminated in specific areas/ there tends to be more generalisations in theories studied whereas operational practises bring about so much specific information and documentation. Theory deals with prediction of cases whilst in operational practises results are condition oriented though they differ with organisations.Not much or all of the material learned was usable during WRL since there is some specialisation in operational practises where one only works in one department doing the same specific tasks repeatedly. The operational practises proved to be more complex hence require fast dynamism so as to adapt to the working environment which is politically, economically and socially demanding in nature. There were some slight similarities where issues learned like reason techniques in GES were usable in documents preparation, such as, Databases and PPE Matrices and trainings using Microsoft word, excel and slide show presentations.Communication skills (CS101) at college made proper communication affordable in the practical environment where training and interaction of diverse social groups was done from management to the shop floor worker. prefatorial theory however was vital since it made understand and practical execution easier and faster. PERFORMAN MONITORING CRITERIA AND ASSSESSMENT OF DIRECTION AND surveillance PROVIDED PLACE SUPERVISOR/MANAGEMENT TOGETHER WITH THE visit LECTURER’S ASSISSTANCE.The student was viewed as a full time employee by the WRL Organisation and was governed by the code of conduct which therefore forced him to perform to the required standards and expectations. Weekly and Monthly progress reports on issues covered were a mandatory from the student since they, together with tasks delegated were used to monitor progress of the student during attachment period. Weekly targets were also used which was based on a weekly plan. The student was also tasked to provide a personal file for assessment by Group HSE manger every month.The student was expected to complete all tasks planned for during that week with those unmet tasks forwarded to the following week. The supervisor’s mentorship approach was to make the student to accomplish certain tasks without his assistance and this was used as a means to monitor progress of the student in terms of speed of grasping and sense of concepts together with skills de velopment. More so the student also prepared a Log book as part of the progress monitoring aid. This was assessed and signed by the workplace supervisor assisted by the tour lecturer who assessed the book during the period of visit .The visit lecturer assisted in explaining what exactly the student was to learn about during the WRL period together with assessing the relevance of what had been covered. He also gave light on the redact of the college in other related issues such as accommodation and salary issues . Also an assessment of issues learnt and their relationship to the modules covered was done. Also the student was expected to produce a WRL Report at the end of the WRL period as part of progress monitoring as well. CHAPTER FOUR (4) 4. 1 Evaluation of the Work Related LearningThe full year of industrial attachment was a highly productive learning process that clear the student to the real working environment where real safety, health and environmental situations that are often presented as theory at college were made real through this process. The working environment is never a student oriented environment so as to provide a growing environment for young, new and inexperienced personnel but it remains real with clear operational procedures and structures which gave the student the necessary practical experience required in developing future managers since the student was viewed as a full time employee.This was more than a just an academic fulfilment as the student was natured in his moral, social, observation and analytical skill together with improving his interpersonal communication skills. A greater percentage of the aims of the WRL were achieved as the student master most of the duties and roles to operate as a full time SHE Practitioner, though the student never had a chance to do some of the roles/activities due to cash flow problems which hindered activities such as industrial hygiene surveys (for air quality testing, Noise and Lung functioni ng tests) to be conducted in his presence.Some tasks took longer to be fully understand and readily practised than others. This was a result of other tasks being perfunctory routines/generic issues for instance daily inspections and accident investigation with others being a once-off thing, for example, documents preparation like Databases preparation and preparation of other major documents like Waste Management Plan. Progress was broadly seen where the student initiated interest thus constantly researching and disbelieving the WRL mentor through his eagerness o learn, whereas in areas where the student showed little to interest no information was relayed since he always had work to do. The student’s expectations were to act as a student but realised that there are no students in the working environment where everyone is given equal chance and viewed at the same level, that is, all as adults and full time employees governed by a single company code of conduct. closely of the knowledge acquired at college was not usable in the working environment but rather new things which only took aboard a few of the theory learned at college were in operation.As a student I thought that my views were not considered in the decision making process but realised that some of my ideas and acquired knowledge saved a purpose especially where the student was consulted by top management on SHE issues in the absence of the supervisor. The command of conduct makes the working environment Peaceful, workable and eliminates detestation and unsocial behaviour due to maintenance of dismissal. Colleagues in the SHE Department were so assisting and helpful in case of any problem be it social, economic or otherwise and made the student welcome by illustrating his importance to the organisation.On the other hand the student was not involved in decision making process of the whole organisation as some of the aspects remained a myth since the student was viewed partly as an outs ider, hence confidential information remained inaccessible. 4. 2 Advantages and disadvantages to the Organisation brought by the student’s WRL experience Advantages ?The department could now function as a full department through increased manpower hence this made work easier through delegation of duties. ?Through the knowledge acquired and in the absence of the full time SHE Practitioner, the department could still run under the student’s influence.This also allowed the SHE Practitioner to go on leave since previously he could not be allowed for fear of lack of departmental functionality in his absence. ?It was also cost effective for the company to use the student since he was not paid anything though he was fully exploitable and competent. ?Also it was an advantage to the organisation having such a competent student on board since it would be easier to refer to/appoint him as SHE Practitioner in the near future since the field is a migrant field hence they faced a ri sk of losing current ones. ?The introduction of the BBS Social Soccer League by he student brought life and entertainment to the local community and workers at large. ?Most documents in us e were prepared by the student hence it was an advantage to the company. The student’s experience made enforcement of SHE standards and MPs easier hence assisting in lowering and elimination occupational injuries, diseases and negative environmental impacts. Disadvantages ?Though the student’s competency proved to be an advantage is also became a disadvantage to the organisation since there was a reduction in manpower when the student was returning back to college.Most work that used to be handled smoothly was now starchy to one competent person. ?Development of Land farming and balls, kits and trophy for BBS Social Soccer League was an expense to the organisation since they were supposed to fund these for them to be a success. ?Nevertheless having experience is another thing but it remains the student’s preference to work for a company of his own plectron hence the company can also be said to produce what does not benefit out of thereby making it a disadvantage as well. The time lost in training the student was a disadvantage to the organisation considering that they were not going to keep the student with them. Lunch out especially after management meetings was a cost to the organisation as well. CHAPTER FIVE (5) CONLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 1 Conclusions The student’s period of attachment at The Wattle Company Limited was a valuable experience which has natured him into gaining skills technically, professional and socially. The student has been exposed to different aspects of the SAFETY health AND ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT and has learnt a lot.The student’s Work Related Learning (WRL) period at The Wattle Company really transformed him into a responsible student who is capable of working competently in the industry. It really gave him hands on the real job experience and was able to familiarize himself with new ideas and aspects in the industry. He is now capable of carrying out his duties without constant supervision together with taking his responsibilities with caution and to his ability; hence has become self green light in nature. 5. Recommendations to Midlands State University ?The university should develop cordial relations with companies so that there is general mutual apprehension between the college and companies. This will assist both the students from the same institution having a comparative advantage on WRL Placement acquisition. ?The university must also reconsider on other external challenges away from work and increase the number of assessment visits to monitor conditions being lived under and challenges students are facing. The university must continue with the attachment program, as it is vital for skills development and gives advantage to the student when want full time employment as it acts as experience and leverage. 5. 3 Recommendations to GES Department ?It is very small for the university to complement theory with more practice. It will be advantageous to the student if the university introduces courses, which are on demand in the industry for example BBS. Field visits to Organisations should be increased before going for work related learning so that students will get to know and prepare for what they are going to be facing when they are out there. ?The university should seek attachment places for students to make it easier because students are ending up going for an attachment lat\r\n'
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