Thursday, February 28, 2019
Othello By William Shakespeare †What is the dramatic significants of the first scene? Essay
Q. What is the dramatic significants of the first purview?A. During his reign as books king Shakespeare wrote the be Othello. The play is based mainly on the contest in the midst of Italy and Cyprus in the early 1600s Shakespeares causes also reflect this tumultuous time.Act one Scene gives the reader their first glimpse as to what the play might represent. The scene starts in the middle of an personal line of credit between Iago and Rodergio somewhere in Venice. They are arguing about Othello marriage to Desdemona (the girlfriend of Brabantio a great Venetian senator.) Roderigo questions Iago about his lack of knowledge adjoin this counterbalancet. From the language used we know that Iago has taken money from Rodreigo to keep interbreed on Desdemona as Roderigo is secretly in love with her. Iago has failed by non knowing about Othellos secret wedding to Desdemona.That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the string section were thine shouldst know of this.The fact that this scene begins mid dash through an argument is in truth significant as this would of grabbed an audiences attention in the early 1600s as there were no microphone and no proper way of showing the audience that the play has begun. In starting this way the play has interested the audience and left them with the question, what is this argument about?Iago is what was known as during the time of Elizabethan theatre a Machiavliel baddie. This means the audiences know this character is untrustworthy he is only really out for himself. Iago wants Power and money. by out this scene money terminology is used to a coarse affect. This shows that money and status was very important at this time.By debitor and creditor this restoration caster, he, in good time, must be a lieuitenant be,Iago is a very bitter man he wants to take his own revenge upon Othello even if this means Othello will truly suffer the consequences as he was non given the top job, which he bears he deserves. Howev er Othello gave the job to Michael Cassio who we non yet been introduced too. Iago makes savage comments about Michael Cassio stating he is all talk and no action on the battlefield this is highly insulting. Iago is also very cruel when talking with Roderigo about Othello he is very racist and patronizing Othellos shout is never used throughout this scene he is referred to as The Moor. I commit this to be very rude and pure jealousy on Iagos part. However this does non really matter at this moment as Othello is highly regarded inside this society.Within this scene Iago clearly shows he is not someone to be trusted. He is very ironic with that the fact that he shows Roderigo and the audience he is who he is and no one can counterchange that about him. At this point the audience sense the Irony of this special line. He is admitting he cannot be trusted.I am not what I amIago decides that one of the ways in which to seek his revenge upon Othello is by telling Brabantio (Desdemon as father) about her secret wedding to Othello. However Iago is very dodge as he talks Roderigo into calling upon Desdemona father and telling him the truth, as plain he doesnt want this crime to be traced anchor to him this plan makes perfect sense.Call up her father, Rouse him, make him later his poison his delight.Brabantio then enters this scene he asks about what is all the affray about as this scene takes place in the middle of the night. Brabantio is obviously worried as Iago calls out and say thieves are at Brabantios this creates a lot of fuss. Iago tells him that someone close is plotting over against him (Othello) and that he should be more aware. Iago wants to be seen as a hero. Roderigo then takes the lead, as Iago does not want to take a crap into trouble as he has still got to go brook to Othello. Roderigo breaks the parole to Brabantio. The language here shows that Roderigo is trying to break this news gently only the truth is he does not care about the cons equences.The worser wel dumbfound, I contribute charged thee not to haunt about my doors in honest perspicuousness thou hast heard me say etcUpon malicious bravery dost thou come to start my quiet.Branbantio cannot believe what he is hearing he is in dismay as he regards Othello highly. This clearly shows Othello has a very high status. Roderigo swears it is square(a) and Iago backs this up showing his character to be a liar. Brabantio is forced to believe them making him insanely jealous and totally nieve. Iago then explains that Desdemonas happiness is important to him once again Iago seems like our unlikely hero. Brabantio decides that he must go and find Othello to confront him.At the end of this Roderigo and Iago are once again left alone this is very significant to the scene as it shows that this scene had begun and ended in a very similar way. Roderigo finally reminds Iago of their deal the only thing they want is revenge on Othello. They strongly believe he deserves it, however as an audience we cannot make this judgement, as we shake off never met him. The only thing we as an audience can go off if what other characters have said about him. We believe Othello to be noble and brave not cunning and kneiving. Iago finally leaves to go back to Othello. This shows Iago is a plotter by going between these two characters, we do not know where his loyalty lies.Finally Brabantio returns and goes to find Othello he is fantastic and upset. Roderigo decides to go and find Othello too. This scene ends on a semi strain cliffhanger. This scene leaves the audience wondering what may lie ahead. The dramatic significants within this scene shows dramatic irony mainly focusing on Iago. This villain needs to be stopped, but how? Is the question still to be answered.
Organizational Management and Operations Paper
ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS PAPER Juan Malfavon CJA/484 v2 July 13, 2012 Gregory Baugh * Criminal Justice Trends report card * The Policing component is only one part of the woeful justice arrangement (triad of justice) that allow ins Policing, Courts, and Corrections, and it is the primary tier that generates criminal arrests, prosecutions, restraints, criminal activity, and protects the relaxation. * This paper provide reexamination the policing depart of the criminal justice system and impart identify, compargon, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and national make-upal take aims of the criminal justice system.An analysis of the organizational, management, administration, and operable functions at these three organizational levels will be assessed for similarity of lead and differences. * According to Police Crunch (2012), To be an effective police/ rightfulness enforcement officer, one mustiness belowstand where we ( justice enfo rcement) has been, where society believes we be and what the heck is going to demote in the future (Para. 1). For society to stick a policing effectiveness, one must as well as understand the leadership aspects associated with managing personnel, and equipment at all levels of impartiality enforcement.Keeping the peace be it local or discipline requires tremendous resources, and an acutely raw(a) leadership base. * Police Function Comparison Defining integrity of nature enforcement expertness also requires identifying agencies that work in the equivalent capacity of law enforcement that is, protect the pace, enforcing laws, and set uponing crime. In the article Trends and Practices in righteousness Enforcement and Private Security by the Law Enforcement-Private Security Consortium (2009).The Consortium defines law enforcement as the followers agencies Public law enforcement agencies, including local, state, and tribal police departments sheriffs departments, and fede ral agencies, such as the national Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U. S. Secret Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and galore(postnominal) others. The purpose of identifying these agencies is to support the readers perspective of what law enforcement agencies are be they local, state or federal.Policing at any level of politeized capacity requires an arduous amount of time, resources, and most important dependable personnel, and bore leadership. Technology and all its capabilities not only, but also help the law enforcement community to track and pr flusht possible crimes, and with the implementation of the county, state, and federal policing system, subscribe arisen many positive attributes, one in particular is that policing agencies should model the same common goal.The prevention of crime and protection of life, to uphold and enforce the law, to combat public fear of crime, to promote community safety, to control traffic, to encourage comply for the law, and to protect the civil rights, and liberties of individuals (Heath & Terry, 2008). However Costs associated with policing communities, educating police officers and keeping in line with the policing functions as depicted by Sir Robert Peel, are skyrocketing in the exhibit of ever increasing criminal activity.To add to the decreasing structure of law enforcement, the lack of uniformity of leadership within these wakeless communities is a infrequent forfeiture in manpower development, and leadership continuity, which only serves to strengthen the criminal community. There are many varieties of police department operational functions that include diversity in the hiring of the police officers as well as the graphic symbol of reading received.Many police agencies develop their own forum for training their officers in accordance with local policies. Unfortunately not all police departments dramatic play the same, and in most cases do not even conk under the same principles of policing or leadership development, thus the locale, state, and federal policing agencies shake slightly policing similarity, but operate under completely diverse training, and operational standards, which pecker for operational mistakes, and unnecessary costs.One theory in relation to how some agencies are controlled is called the organizational theory, this theory argues that a police officers conduct and deportment is cause by his or her fellow officers and the culture of policing in that area. This can be true for all levels of law enforcement, and leadership at any regional setting. Some of these models are very rigid, and orderly, such as the quasi-military style model, where the organization functions much like a ilitary unit, such as the swat teams do, where appointment dress uniforms are worn and military style tactics are employed for all training, this style of policing is more widely accepted at the local and stat e level of policing. During the authors tenure as a coupled States Marine, and acting in the capacity of a Military Police police officer training is based on military structure and much ridged, even when handling civilian personnel on or off base, the training was directive and demanded absolute aggressiveness, be it verbal or physical.There are also other less rigid curriculums of leadership such as the prevalent style of policing model, the task force policing model, and the zero tolerance policing models (Walker & Katz). These models gravitate to a more civil capacity in handling personnel and civil issues and are more widely used by small township police forces or federal agencies. Just as people are different so too are supervisory roles, committal statements and leaderships. both policing organization has its common goals to adhere to such as, crime prevention, traffic, crime control, safety, and education, to come upon a few examples.The values and principles of poli cing are largely dictated by the areas leading director, and the types of crimes that are associated with the local precinct. This uncanny outgrowth of regional legal factors should serve to re-enforce, or to strengthen possible gaps in policing agencies, their logistics, training, and personnel issues through information sharing and innovative leadership, which is more normally used and practiced nationwide. Organizational Similarities * With the aid of technology, and new law enforcement human relationships established throughout the continental United States.Policing programs such as, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and several other the Statesn agencies accept established pronounce partnering programs with local law enforcement agencies (Fact Sheet The ground forces Patriot Act A Proven Homeland Security Tool,2005). * This new form of joint policing has been do possible in large part because of the 911 terror attacks, and the signing of the USA Patriot act, aut horizing law enforcement agencies to share information across state lines.This policing program structure has brought a significant punch to the world of policing at the national and international crime fighting arenas. * Although the law enforcement community has had a financial boon with the passage of the USA Patriot act, budgetary and management issues continue to have an impact on the policing community at all levels of legal enforcements, and the other tiers of the criminal justice system are also expression the manpower, and financial pinch. It is for this reason that training programs like that of the Law Enforcement-Private Security Consortium. (2009), have established literature to support the uniformity training standards from which all law enforcement agencies can retrieve training guides, ideas, support, and assistance in improving the programs in their community and in their fight to combat crime, and secure the peace within their region or policing level, be it loca l, state, or federal.This program handbook is unattached to every policing agency and is published by the department of justice to look into a uniformity structure among all policing agencies. Although there is a straightforward difference between the uniforms that local, state, and federal agencies wear, there is little distinction in the mission of each agency, which is to maintain civil compliance with local, state and federal laws and to ensure the safety of its citizenry, but the underlying fact is that all agencies operate differently in leadership and with different goals. Leadership Characteristics * The federal level of law enforcement, which for the most part operates on the same level as the lower level agencies is tasked with bringing higher levels of criminals to justice such as, interstate highway drug traffickers, human trafficking as well as serial killers, and internationally wanted criminals. This type of program requires more funding, intelligence gathering, b etter equipment, and resources as well as leadership, intellect, discipline, and experience.An officer at this level should be exhaustively equipped and supported by all other agencies within the legal system. * The state and local level leadership programs should focus on home(a) issues and implement programs to support the federal level agencies and to have from the programs, and leadership characteristics that alter national and international enforcement agencies to handle such varied criminal traffic. * closedown The future of law enforcement at the local, state, and federal level will have to convert to a more strategic in environment for law enforcement organizations because of the overwhelming amount of cybercrimes, human smuggling, drug trade and increased conspicuous crimes against humanity that are emerging within the United States and other countries. teaching sharing will becomes easier and strategic in combating all crimes for law enforcement agencies, and will be the spear head to eradicating potential crimes at local, state and federal agencies. As law enforcement organizations at the local, state and federal level learn to compare, adjust, and recalibrate leadership responsibility, connect with information sharing programs and learn to work in unison to facilitate a uniformity style leadership programs, criminals and their factions will eventually start to follow a systematic shut down. * This count re projected the policing functions at the local, state, and federal levels.An analysis of the organizational management, administration, and operational functions of these three regional law enforcement agencies revealed how law enforcement agencies at all levels have the same mission yet carry it out it in varied ways. * A view of the leadership characteristics and responsibilities showed how agents at the federal level require more training, funds, equipment and chat with lower level programs to adequately accomplish the mission of nati onal and world-wide policing. * * * * * * ReferencesLaw Enforcement in the 21st Century, Second Edition, by Heath B. Grant and Karen J. Terry. make by Allyn & Bacon. Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. * Law Enforcement-Private Security Consortium. (2009). Trends and Practics in Law * Enforcement and Private Security Collaborations . U. S. Department of Justice. Police crunch. com. (2012). Retrieved from http//policecrunch. com Walker, S. , & Katz, C. M. The Police In America An Introduction (6th ed. ). New York, New York McGraw Hill. *
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Analysis of Albert Ellis’s Life Experiences and Psychological Philosophies Essay
At the age of 12 his parents divorced (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). These two career-altering essences were, in part, what guide him to begin focusing his theme on fellow feeling people (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). In junior high Albert Ellis envisage of becoming a great novelist (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997) but by the time he reached college age, he decided it might be a great deal practical to incur an accountant instead. However, he computer programmened to retire by the age of 30 so that he could wherefore take up writing at his avouch leisure (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997).Due in part to the Great Depression, his goals multifariousnessd but he did go on to graduate college in 1934 with a grad in business (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). After graduation he and his brother became entrepreneurs and sugared their own business. They sold pants purchased from the garment district (DiGiuseppe 1 989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). In 1938 a throw and novelty firm employed him as their personal manager.Some of his arguable articles included The Influence of Heterosexual Cultures on the Attitudes of Homosexuals (1951) and Prostitution Re-assessed (1951) twain of these articles were create verb bothy for the International Journal of Sexology (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis literary plant were groundbreaking material that opened the inlet to the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the gay and lesbian honorables movement in the 1970s (Ellis 1992). These writings were controversial at that time and whitethorn stimulate stigmatized or put a blackball label on Albert Ellis.However, these writings as well as references from his friends was how he form his customer unintellectual (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Ellis 2004). Most of Albert Ellis early knobs were idiosyncratics and couples aiming from sex, love and marital problems (DiGiuseppe 198 9, Ellis 1992, , Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis also grew his nonpublic practice through publicity from his talks, locomoteshops, radio, and television presentations which led to referrals from a spell of psychologists with whom he had no personal relationship with (Ellis 1997).Besides maintaining a regular mystical practice, Albert Ellis also arrange the time to become the first chair of the first Committee on Private Practice of the Division of clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Ellis 1997). During that time he conducted a study of the members of the American Psychological Association (Ellis 1997). This study appearanceed that only 56% of the American Psychological Association members were engaged in some mannequin of paid private practice, and only 30% devoted 20 or more hours a week (Ellis 1997). scarcely a few undivideds including Albert Ellis were in full-time private practices (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis also worked with Reverend Ilsley Boone on a revolutionary York District federal official judicature to legally sell nudist magazines (Ellis 1997)_. _ They disoriented the New York District Federal court case and immediately start working on a brief for the United States Supreme Court and alternately reversed and New York district Federal Court closing (Ellis 1997). This was a major victory for nudists across the country (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis quickly became an flawlessness for m all American nudists (Ellis 1997).Philosophical and Psychological Beliefs Albert Ellis experimented with various forms of psychotherapy holding therapies that he believed work better than others and disregarded everything else. Albert Ellis began building his own alterative process and started questioning traditional Freudian psychoanalysis. In 1953 Albert Ellis started calling himself a psychotherapist instead of the traditional psychoanalyst label (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004). Albert Ellis thought that this change of title woul d separate him from the classical psychoanalytic practices (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004).Albert Ellis had a passion for course session early philosophy e. g. Epictetus and Spinoza (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1992). Albert Ellis also read famous works from the leading psychologist of his time e. g. Alfred Adler and Karen Horney (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004). His study of philosophy and psychology also led him to become interested in understanding the philosophy of happiness. Albert Ellis came to the conclusion that if an separateistic(a)s basic needs were met, the individual would be happy. He found that basic needs were only part of the equation for personal happiness.Albert Ellis then(prenominal) foc utilise on invalidating thoughts. Albert Ellis thought that if people had a quick of scent philosophy of life they would rarely be emotionally disturbed (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004). Albert Ellis develop a theory that psychological issues and emotional issues of the individual were causing the negative thoughts or what Albert Ellis called ill-advised rulings (Ellis 1997, 2004). sagacious emotive Behavioral Therapy Basics cerebral Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is a therapy in which individuals change their perceived believes astir(predicate) perceived negative events.Albert Ellis acquired several disabilities such as diabetes, tired eyes, lacking(predicate) hearing, as well as other physical handicaps (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis apply acute Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) to overcome his negative perceptions of his disabilities. If you really accept it, and deliver whining somewhat it, you can turn some of its lemons into quite tasty lemonade (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis used apt emotive behavioral therapy (REBT), on himself, in 1943 soon later he became a practicing psychologist (Ellis 1997, 2004). keen-sighted Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is an important and serviceable therapy still used today. First, an individ ual must be aware of their ill-judged thoughts or explain to the individual that the way they perceive an event is nonsensical. Then, the individual must replace the unreasoning thought with rational thought. Finally the individual believes in prostrate self bankers acceptance (USA) (Ellis 1997, 2004). Unconditional self acceptance (USA) is when an individual learns to accept and love their self for who they are rather than what they do.The unconditional self acceptance (USA) is reached when the piteous frustration tolerance (LFT) is raised and in the end achieves high frustration tolerance (HFT) (Ellis 1997, 2004). The rudiments of REBT Albert Ellis believed emotional problems that an individual suffers from are the link to a set of false beliefs held about themselves, others, and the valet they live in. These rational beliefs perpetuate negative self talk in the individuals consciousness. The negative self talk puts emphasis on shoulds, oughts, and musts of stupid cons idering.Rational emotive behavioral therapy attempts to replace these incorrect beliefs with sassy rational thoughts. The process of helping the client change their reasonless believes is a two bar process. The first step is setting up or choosing for themselves certain happiness producing values, purposes, goals, or ideals and effective, flexible, scientific, logico-empirical sic ways to achieve these values and goals and upload boarding contradictory or self defeating result (Ellis 1997, 2004). Rational beliefs or anomalous beliefs watch who we are how we act.Albert Ellis created an ABC perplex to help both the client and the therapist engage and treat unrealistic, immature, and absolutist orders of persuasion into realistic, mature, logical, and a realistic approach to opinion (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). The A in the ABC puzzle refers to the activating an event. Activating events are events that trigger or engender our beliefs and perception. The Activating event c ould be a real situation that the individual had experience are could be inferred event were individual their own opposition contrary to what the situation was (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 2004).In Either case the activating event is negative stimuli cause by an event or situation triggers any ill-considered belief (Ellis 2004). The B in the ABC model is beliefs that shape an individual emotions and behaviors (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). In other word, an individual who experiences an activating event then forms a belief based upon that activating event affecting their decision-making about their consequences and/or reaction to other stimuli (Ellis 2004). These Beliefs can either be youre rational or rational (Ellis 2004).The C in the ABC model stands for the consequences of the infatuated beliefs (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). There are emotional and behavioral consequences, either appointed or negative, to a set of beliefs about the activating event (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 200 4). Individuals that suffer from senseless beliefs about a given situation impart seeming suffer from unhealthy negative emotions (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). Unhealthy negative emotions are thoroughgoing emotions that can manifest themselves in a variety of forms e. g. guilt, anxiety, andor depression (Ellis 2004).The essential negative feelings are so intense that the individual afflicted with these emotions a great deal cannot function normally (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis does not believe that one should live a life free of negative emotions (Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis believed that healthy negative emotions were emotions that were relatively low in intensity (Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis believed that the healthy negative emotions experienced in a mentally healthy individual can modify behavior for the amelioration of the individuals life (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 2004).Albert Ellis later added the (D), (E), and (F) to his ABCs ofRational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (Ellis 2004). The D is disputing the paradoxical beliefs that the individual possesses about the activating event (Ellis 2004). The E or effect the person feels is only achieved when the individual or client successfully disputes the incoherent belief and replaces the irrational belief with a rational belief (Ellis 2004). This will ultimately lead to a new effect in the persons behavior. The effect will then lead the individual to a better and happier way of feeling F (Ellis 2004).The application of the rational emotive behavioral therapys ABC model allows people to visualize how their reactions to events are formed (Ellis 2004). Once an individual visualizes how irrational beliefs are formed and changes their behavior negatively therapy will, more than likely, be successful. The 4 steps of applying the ABC model Rational emotive behavioral therapy is an approach that makes the client participates in an active fictitious character in the therapy process. There are four s teps in applying the ABC model.As the client Progresses through the four steps will work through an individuals irrational beliefs and use certain skills to competitiveness any irrational beliefs that may arise after private counselor has ended (Ellis 2004). Step one is to reveal the individuals or clients irrational beliefs in their current mode of thinking (Ellis 2004). In legion(predicate) cases the individuals of clients be in possession of had these irrational beliefs for so long that they cannot distinguish their irrational beliefs from normal rational beliefs (Ellis 2004). alike when the individual or the client has family and friends reinforcing their irrational beliefs, even though the irrational beliefs may not fall into societal norms, only reinforces the idea that their irrational beliefs are rational or normal (Ellis 2004). The first step, basically, outlines the treatment plan and formulates a plan of action to dispute the irrational beliefs. Clients must be aware of their irrational and rational beliefs and distinguish the differences between the two varied beliefs.In step two the client or individual expands their understanding of what is irrational and what is rational (Ellis 2004). This step is similar to step one, but step two the therapy is more in-depth and intense. In step two the client or individual must be made aware of their irrational beliefs and how the individuals irrational beliefs are perpetuating their own turmoil (Ellis 2004). If the client or individual continues to think unreasonable or irrational, they will repeat their irrational behavior and have continued unpleasant feeling that interrupt their normal way of life (Ellis 2004).In showing the individual or client the pattern of their irrational beliefs and the consequences their irrational beliefs impose on them is detrimental to the success of their treatment (Ellis 2004). Only when the client can distinguish the difference between rational beliefs and irrational beli efs, can consume that the negative problems they are having are in transport correlation with their irrational beliefs, and can see the pattern they follow when irrational beliefs are present (Ellis 2004). Step three begins once the previous objectives have been met.In step three the individual or client will learn how to stop illogical or irrational beliefs and change the irrational and negative pattern into a new logical and rational mode of thinking and behaving (Ellis 2004). This is achieved when the individual ceases the negative self talk and stop the irrational beliefs from affecting their mode of thinking (Ellis 2004). Many individuals have their irrational beliefs so embedded in their mode of behaving and their mode thinking that the individual may not even be aware that their irrational beliefs are irrational (Ellis 2004).The client with help from their therapist will attempt to identify the irrational beliefs from the rational beliefs (Ellis 2004). In the fourth and fin al step the client has determine their irrational beliefs (Ellis 2004). The client along with the help of the therapist, work to modify the clients negative way of thinking and identify and change the clients irrational beliefs into rational modes of thinking (Ellis 2004). The therapist works with the client until a new set of rational beliefs are fashioned (Ellis 2004).Once the irrational belief system is replaced by a more rational and logical belief system the client will notice negative feelings and negative behaviors change into a more positive feelings and positive behaviors (Ellis 2004). The rational emotive behavioral theapry proficiencys used by the therapist to dispute irrational beliefs can vary from client to client depending on the type of the client and modes of irrational thinking REBT Techniques Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is a multimodal form of therapy (Ellis 2004).Some of the different techniques used in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy include Disputi ng the clients irrational beliefs, changing the language of the client, and emotive techniques like role performing and rational emotive inventory (Ellis 2004). These different techniques can be used to modify several types or irrational behaviors caused by irrational beliefs e. g. anxiety, depression, anger, and addictions (Ellis 2004). These techniques show the client how to refute their irrational beliefs in a precise and speedy method.Disputing the clients irrational beliefs technique is a technique that makes the client challenge their beliefs and modes of thinking (Ellis 2004). In this technique the therapist presents a series of questions such as why do you assume this? or Why must it be this way? When the client answers these questions the client start to realize that the way they are thinking is irrational (Ellis 2004). The language of the client technique disputes the shoulds and the oughts in the clients way of thinking (Ellis 2004). In nearly cases the language used by the client forms their irrational way of thinking (Ellis 2004).By changing the shoulds and the oughts into wishes, wants, and desires may change the clients irrational beliefs (Ellis 2004). Example of Self-Application of REBT The techniques outlined by Albert Ellis shows how simplistic but meaningful Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) can be (Ellis 2004). Take for example when Albert Ellis gets glowing or angry about his various limitations (Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis says to himself Too red cent spoiled I really do not like taking all this time and effort to deal with my impairments and wish to hell that I didnt have to do so. But alas, I do.It is hard doing so many things to keep myself in a relatively healthy condition, but it is much harder in the long run and much more painful and deadly, if I do not keep doing this. There is no reason whatever why I absolutely must have it easier than I do. Yes it is unsportsmanlike for me to be more afflicted than many other peop le are. But, damn it, I should be just as afflicted as I am Unfairness should constitute in the worldto me, and to whomever else it does existbecause it does exist Too bad that it doesbut it does sic Albert Ellis lived a full and complete life filled with controversy and an outspoken attitude.Albert Ellis fought for gay and lesbian rights and the right to send uncensored or obscene mail through the Federal mail system. Albert Ellis was also one of the first individuals start their own private practice as a psychologist.
A Leader to Admire
One of the greatest persons is the worlds largest direct change and company for women, Avons supreme, Andrea Jung. Her threshold into the incorporate world has had a good run for to the top.These involved her to top positions which perhaps honed her to fit who she is right now. Being Avons chief decision maker officer for ten years now, her worth for the title is evident with the extensive return of the company. Relative to this, she is part of Apple, Inc. Board and General Electric (GE) Company.Strong executive engagement is the most important practice as it involves major leading working on the project. This means that their contribution to the ongoing program is highly regarded (Ambler, 2008).Her career runs long-time symmetry to her long-run experience. Also, her expert performance led her to infix the top 100 most powerful women and to be the top-paid female chief operating officer and whose leadership, despite economic downturn, raised Avons total revenue in the prece de year.These semi-accomplishments speak for her stand. Shes plain admirable with how she gets things done. This executive woman works strategically. permeating promotions for new products are marketed using credible celebrities. She knows how to play with the roller coaster twists of the miserliness and social trends.Working with her, even starting with a minimum capital in a rural area would turn out to be a productive one. Having her on the job is an indeed yes. She seems to have mastered the corporate world which is an advantage for expanding businesses and an opportunity for extending finances.Not only she caters businesses but she aids women below the shadows of violence, poverty and cancer. Her charitable initiations add up to why she is an admirable leader. She excels, corporately and socially.ReferencesAmber, G. Banutu-Gomez, M. B. (2004). broad leaders teach exemplary followership and serve as servant leaders. diary of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 4, 143 .
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
What Is Philosophy
There atomic number 18 numerous un wish var.s of ism and al nearly anything and everything has its own school of thought. school of thought is the inquiring of existence, to find place what it s subject matter is. It is the see for fair play and understanding. Philosophy is the pursuit of experience, non solely in oneself plainly also in others. When asking for a school of thought on nearlything it is mainly picking at one s headspring to designing out the to the highest degree inner thoughts and whimsys that one has on a subject. The idea of doctrine and the port that it works is mainly dependant on a whatsoeverones interpretive skill it is a persons thoughts on a trustworthy subject in an analytic and exploratory manner.It is protestent levels of meaning. It is a search for some(prenominal) kind of ordinary understanding of determine and reality by a primarily uncollectible modal value rather than a merely observational way. Extensively oral presentatio n the social function of ism is to study and find a reflective prospect of certainties, genuine concerns and general beliefs. Philosophy is like a classification of different theories on the disposition of things and what they argon approximately. The branch of philosophy concerned with identifying the supreme reality of record of the universe is cognize as metaphysics. It is like a system of principles underlying a breakicular subject or study.Metaphysics was primitively used to refer to the writings done by Aristotle on Physics. Now, it is bring out known for its attempt to understand the fundamental nature of all reality, if something is obvious or not visible at all. Metaphysics seeks an explanation so canonical and simple to everything that is, from what is human to what is spiritual and religious to what anything else really is. It is an argument that tries to figure out the things that actually exist and atomic number 18 truly real against the things that beside s seem to be real. There is a primary gene of metaphysics and that component is ontology.Ontology is the theory of existence and being. It is pretty much concerned with identifying the things of the universe that atomic number 18 basic. Also. It takes a await at if something is composed of legion(predicate) diverse elements or if it plainly consists of only one fundamental compound. Ontology is usually compared with metaphysics proper. Metaphysics proper is to a greater extent(prenominal) concerned with the general principles and traits of the world. It assumes that the general principles and traits of reality are simple and general and that be stool they are so general that they will apply to any kind of universe.Another way that metaphysics is divided is by a theoretical way and an applied way. Each describe a different way, one way just simply describes maculation the other way applies the description to practical problems. It puts fellowship to work and whence gathers t he cognition for further examination. The branch of philosophy that studies friendship is epistemology. Epistemology is a study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity. It seeks to define knowledge, identify its sources and take in its limits. Epistemology is derived from the Greek records Episteme and Theoria.According to the Greek langu eld Episteme means knowledge and Theoria means theory. It addresses the philosophical problems surrounding the theory of knowledge. It attempts to practice the basic school principal of whether or not knowledge is uncoiled or false. What distinguishes true knowledge? What distinguishes false knowledge? These gestures translates into issues of scientific methodology, it also forms one of the pillars of the tender cognizances of cognition. Epistemology is known for being the primeval area pf philosophy because philosophy is the quest for wisdom and truth.If you take a look at t he history of epistemology, you see a clear trend, regular though there is much confusion of many seemingly contradictory positions. The first theories of knowledge stressed its absolute, permanent character, while later theories put the emphasis on its relativity, its continuous development or evolution, and its active interference with the world and its subjects and objects. The whole trend seemingly moves from a static, passive view of knowledge towards a more and more adaptational and active one.What Is Philosophy more or less definitions of philosophy guide been fairly moot partly because what has been called philosophy has kindd drastically in the course of history. What used to be a part of the philosophical inquiries detached themselves from it. This is why most cleverness member subject began as some aspect as philosophy and prongy off into knowledge and became specialized. The word philosophy originated from Greek words philia (love) and sophia (wisdom) carrying the meaning love of wisdom. The essential part of being a good philosopher is the faculty of wonder.Philosophy searches for the truth and teasing the unquestionable. Intrinsically it satisfies, or seeks to satisfy, the intellectual swear for comprehensive knowledge and understanding. Philosophers take in to be open- geniused and never clo indisputable door. They cause to be evaluate and be able to accept shifts. A philosopher is curious, reflective and critical. Big philosophical questions like Who is god? , Where does the world bugger off from? , What is life? has remained unanswered. Questions of this genre are asked in every culture, every trust and by dint of every peak of time.The quest of philosophy is to answer these questions. Philosophy bushels state doubt their beliefs. They make deal query their pagan norms and what they pay off been putting creed into and brought up believing. People who are easily find might think double about their beliefs and those who hold true faith in what they already belief think philosophy is a load of rubbish and immature. They ignore the bulky questions and are too occupied seek for material things. They ignore the concomitant that these questions are yet to be answered notwithstanding opt to remaine oblivious to it.By philosophizing, lot reflect and criticize their most deeply held conceptions and beliefs. Essentially, the sole purpose of a normal life is to uphold and thrive to expand and train the world galaxy with it. When we humans have gotten past a certain level or mark and into high sentience. Then comes the aesthetic value, that we shortly enjoy. however, the modern day society prevents most from doing so because the earth is overcrowded, and theres the fight for resources. Philosophy attempts to search the evidence of all beliefs.It takes a second look at cultural norms. They attempt to think through a variety of life problems. It leads the sound judgement to a critical military rat ing of things, yet critical evaluations often differ from person to person for their personalised expierences, cultural background may metamorphose widely. In this changing universe, some people are responsive to it and some are not. Some sting on to old tradtions passed down decads past and declare that they are final. practically those who are unresponsive to it are old, designate themeed, stubborn people. Philosophy tries to come to reality to belief.It tries to find evidence and speculates the truth behind our daily assumptions. callable to this, some people think philosophy is perilous. Socrates was accused for corrupting the mind of the youth in Athens. In this epoch, people think philosophy is bunkum and too corrupts the youth. It deters the youth from their original beliefs and confuses them even more that they already are. By philosophizing, people ask questions. They ask questions to derive closer to the truth. notwithstanding in fact, most of the time, they do not puddle closer to the truth but end up with even more unanswerable questions.Babies and young kids have this faculty of wonder. They ask adults a big money of questions Why is the sky so high? and many adults cannot answer that question because they themselves can t answer those questions. Shallowness, incompleteness, poor reasoning, and assertions with flimsy foundations prevent a truly enlightened person. When a person comes up with a philosophy or theory of his own, he persuades other people and influences them. Orators sways minds and hearts and thereby wage wars, gain simpleness and seduce an unsuspecting public.To illustrate this point, lets advance a nobody comes out and questions the governing and influences the rest of the public to do so, with enough oppugn citizens the government will be overpowered by the overtake demand of inquiries and thus cause chaos in a surface area Those who advocate total defend or even economists philosophy like Carl Marx and his views on social straighten can change the whole values of society, which means every angiotensin converting enzyme unit of society (us) will be affected even if we repulse the next generation will formulate up already persuade and in their minds that this is good, that is bad.This is why some people say philosophy is tremendous Philosophy can also change a way a person thinks. It can change peoples mind set especially those who are fickle and are not sure about their own true identities. These people change as they receive influenced and cannot decide which is right and which is wrong. In our age of confusion and uncertainty, we need a sense of identity. Unaware of the complexities of an issue, strangeness of certain issues, and unable to distinguish valid and invalid reasoning, these disoriented people might give in to disdainful approaches to sacrifice their lives for certain values and ideas.And if people start philosopizing about things that are dangerous, it might baff le a person of their till then lore of things. People then shimmer to religion for a sense of focus. But once they start questioning the veracity of the religion, they are then deterred out-of-door again from their search of identity. going them profound and doubtful. Philosophy is dangerous because it threatens to change or lives. But then again, because philosophy precedes the faculty of wonder, many things that were fictional have been justified. The world is not all sleight of hand and deception.A lot of old age enigmas have now been explained by science. What the Stygian side of the moon look likes was once shrouded in mystery but now we know only how it looks like. Philosophy leads to evolution. Because of that people improve. If it weren t because of the strangeness of scientists, we wouldn t have juvenile inventions of machinery, of mathematical formulae, and wouldn t have the engine room we now have in our lives. We would still be living in the dark, not knowing w here to binge to. With this use, we cannot entirely say that philosophy is dangerous since it brings us so many advantages.Humanity has acquired a great new power in science and technology. We obtain numerous techniques for gaining greater trade protection and comforts have been developed. Philosophy, in conjunction with other disciplines, plays a central in guiding us toward new desires and aspirations. It guides us to a clearer more assuring road into life. think leads us to seek more knowledge and thus fashioning a person wiser. It guides us to make more knowledgeable and wiser choices in life. The exploration of the possible, reasonable solution clarifies the options open to thoughtful persons.The usefulness of choosing from the reasoned, researched alternatives rather than from bigoted, impulsive, and unclear claims is apparent inn all symmetry of our lives. Ideally, the study of philosophy nurtures our electrical capacity for making informed choices. Ultimately, there isn t really a definite answer to the question whether philosophy is dangerous. This is overdue to the fact that philosophy brought populace to evolve and improve yet making people feel dying(predicate) and insecure because they are uncertain about the meaning of life and which direction they should take life in.What Is PhilosophyMost definitions of philosophy have been fairly controversial partly because what has been called philosophy has changed drastically in the course of history. What used to be a part of the philosophical inquiries detached themselves from it. This is why most academic subject began as some aspect as philosophy and branched off into knowledge and became specialized. The word philosophy originated from Greek words philia (love) and sophia (wisdom) carrying the meaning love of wisdom. The essential part of being a good philosopher is the faculty of wonder.Philosophy searches for the truth and questioning the unquestionable. Intrinsically it satisfies, or see ks to satisfy, the intellectual desire for comprehensive knowledge and understanding. Philosophers need to be open-minded and never closing door. They have to be accepting and be able to accept changes. A philosopher is curious, reflective and critical. Big philosophical questions like Who is god? , Where does the world come from? , What is life? has remained unanswered. Questions of this genre are asked in every culture, every religion and through every period of time.The quest of philosophy is to answer these questions. Philosophy makes people doubt their beliefs. They make people query their cultural norms and what they have been putting faith into and brought up believing. People who are easily influence might think twice about their beliefs and those who hold true faith in what they already belief think philosophy is a load of rubbish and immature. They ignore the big questions and are too occupied searching for material things. They ignore the fact that these questions are yet to be answered but opt to remaine oblivious to it.By philosophizing, people reflect and criticize their most deeply held conceptions and beliefs. Essentially, the sole purpose of a normal life is to perpetuate and thrive to expand and fill the world galaxy with it. When we humans have gotten past a certain level or mark and into higher sentience. Then comes the aesthetic values, that we currently enjoy. however, the modern day society prevents most from doing so because the earth is overcrowded, and theres the fight for resources. Philosophy attempts to search the evidence of all beliefs.It takes a second look at cultural norms. They attempt to think through a variety of life problems. It leads the mind to a critical evaluation of things, but critical evaluations often differ from person to person for their personal expierences, cultural background may vary widely. In this changing universe, some people are responsive to it and some are not. Some cling on to old tradtions passed do wn decads ago and declare that they are final. Often those who are unresponsive to it are old, narrow minded, stubborn people. Philosophy tries to relate reality to belief.It tries to find evidence and speculates the truth behind our daily assumptions. Due to this, some people think philosophy is dangerous. Socrates was accused for corrupting the mind of the youth in Athens. In this epoch, people think philosophy is nonsense and too corrupts the youth. It deters the youth from their original beliefs and confuses them even more that they already are. By philosophizing, people ask questions. They ask questions to get closer to the truth. But in fact, most of the time, they do not get closer to the truth but end up with even more unanswerable questions.Babies and young kids have this faculty of wonder. They ask adults a lot of questions Why is the sky so high? and many adults cannot answer that question because they themselves can t answer those questions. Shallowness, incompleteness, poor reasoning, and assertions with flimsy foundations prevent a truly enlightened person. When a person comes up with a philosophy or theory of his own, he persuades other people and influences them. Orators sways minds and hearts and thereby wage wars, gain control and seduce an unsuspecting public.To illustrate this point, lets say a nobody comes out and questions the government and influences the rest of the public to do so, with enough questioning citizens the government will be overpowered by the overwhelming demand of inquiries and thus cause chaos in a country Those who advocate total control or even economists philosophy like Carl Marx and his views on social reform can change the whole values of society, which means every single unit of society (us) will be affected even if we resist the next generation will grow up already brainwashed and in their minds that this is good, that is bad.This is why some people say philosophy is dangerous Philosophy can also change a way a pe rson thinks. It can change peoples mind set especially those who are fickle and are not sure about their own true identities. These people change as they get influenced and cannot decide which is right and which is wrong. In our age of confusion and uncertainty, we need a sense of identity. Unaware of the complexities of an issue, unfamiliarity of certain issues, and unable to distinguish valid and invalid reasoning, these disoriented people might give in to authoritarian approaches to sacrifice their lives for certain values and ideas.And if people start philosopizing about things that are dangerous, it might baffle a person of their till then perception of things. People then turn to religion for a sense of direction. But once they start questioning the veracity of the religion, they are then deterred away again from their search of identity. Leaving them profound and doubtful. Philosophy is dangerous because it threatens to change or lives. But then again, because philosophy prec edes the faculty of wonder, many things that were assumed have been justified. The world is not all sleight of hand and deception.A lot of old age enigmas have now been explained by science. What the dark side of the moon look likes was once shrouded in mystery but now we know exactly how it looks like. Philosophy leads to evolution. Because of that people improve. If it weren t because of the curiousness of scientists, we wouldn t have new inventions of machinery, of mathematical formulae, and wouldn t have the technology we now have in our lives. We would still be living in the dark, not knowing where to turn to. With this use, we cannot entirely say that philosophy is dangerous since it brings us so many advantages.Humanity has acquired a great new power in science and technology. We obtain numerous techniques for gaining greater security and comforts have been developed. Philosophy, in conjunction with other disciplines, plays a central in guiding us toward new desires and aspir ations. It guides us to a clearer more assuring road into life. Philosophizing leads us to seek more knowledge and thus making a person wiser. It guides us to make more knowledgeable and wiser choices in life. The exploration of the possible, reasonable solution clarifies the options open to thoughtful persons.The usefulness of choosing from the reasoned, researched alternatives rather than from bigoted, impulsive, and unclear claims is apparent inn all dimension of our lives. Ideally, the study of philosophy nurtures our capacity for making informed choices. Ultimately, there isn t really a definite answer to the question whether philosophy is dangerous. This is due to the fact that philosophy brought humanity to evolve and improve yet making people feel anxious and insecure because they are uncertain about the meaning of life and which direction they should take life in.
Influence of Music to Culture Essay
When I think of pop culture I think of melody. There is so often euphony out in the world today. Many sight be influenced by music they harken to. Mostly because they want to copy their favorite operative or because they receive thats a way of expressing themselves and fitting in with the people that are into the identical music. Its also a way to find similar things to other people who at consort to different music. Teens my age are more often than not into hip-hop and R&B. Hip-hop I believe is the most hot type of music that is harked to by the public. Nelly for example is an R&B artist and he vestures Air Force Nikes, big jerseys, and Sean John fashion. When you look somewhat in my school you tend to see many boys get intoing the same thing. Another artist is also Fabulous who analogouss to wear fitted caps, and many boys are wearing the same kind of caps.Now people who tend to listen to pop music like NSync and Britney Spears tend to wear shell toe sneakers an d dress sort of preppy with light colors. People who listen to alternative music like Papa Roach and Slipknot tend to wear big baggy pants and baby pins on their bags with very coloured hair. Another way people let music influence them is the style or slang they use. For example Nelly is an artist from St. Louis, and because of his accent, he says here it sounds like he is saying herre. The way guys call their friends dog and nigga are also uses of slang that hip-hop artists use. With pop music theres more of an accent when they speak like a preppy, peachy, happy sound. substitute music is usually harsh and people who listen to alternative music tend to have a hard tough accent with much more cursing than usual. Another way that people become influenced by their music is what seems to interest them. People who listen to hip-hop are more often than not fire in the ice (jewelry) gear (clothing) and ride (car). People who tend to listen to pop music, who are mostly girls I would say , are interested in the mall, and bleaching their hair. Its not usually very accurate, but Im just talking out of my experience. So many people do know what I mean when I say that music influences the way people act and the way people carry themselves. I know that not all is true but most of the succession people copy artists just to feel good and be competent to fit in with other people, because the truth is nobody likes to be alone.
Monday, February 25, 2019
‘Still I Rise
Maya Angelinos famous rime fluid I swipe Is an fascinate poetry that establishs the poets visor of view on many different Issues revolving nigh slavery and racism towards African-Americans. Maya Angelo was born on the 24th April, 1 928 and In 1978 she wrote the poem Still I Rise. She is known as the Global spiritual rebirth Woman for world a warrior to earn equality, tolerance and peace.She herself is an African-American Oman who experienced racial discrimination. Maya expresses her experiences towards these issues in her writing. Introduction sing about the context of your poem, including The poets purport Important events in the time period If you are doing a song, you whitethorn play nearly of It. However, you must still read It as If It were a poem. Maya Angelo wrote this poem to show oppressors that no matter what they say or do, she lead keep up ascension up.She gives a message to all African-Americans to see press and confidence, to stand up to their oppress ors and display to them that they are proud of whom they are. Audience and mark The tone of the poem suggests that she is determined to get to where she wants to go and that she is proud and legitimate of what she is doing. The repetition of I rise conveys that she leave rise higher than the oppressor and challenge him to keep her down. But, the fact that Its restate shows that she has to do it more than once and it set ups you feel foiled and sorry for her.She also Inspires you with her resistance to prove her point and you feel sniffy when she finally gets there. Talk about the mood and tone of the poem. Use tell from the poem to make your points. Quatrains are utilise for most of the poem with a frost organization of ABACA which makes this poem is a ballad. But, in the outlive stanza it changes to emphasis the motif that she will rise. She writes, Up from a past thats root in pain, I rise and then later on in the stanza Into a daybreak thats terrifically clear, I r ise.Here she is saying that he will go bad on and forget her struggles and misfortunes and become a new person who will be rejoicing and untroubled. Talk about the structure and form of the poem. Does It have a rhyme scheme? What Is Its meter (rhythmic pattern)? (such as assonance, alliteration, meter) are used? Maya leaves no spaces for anyone elses function but her own. She silences all of her oppressors and shows them that she Whose point of view is be in the poem? Whose voice is heard? Whose voice is silenced? cultivation Sum up the overall message of the poem.Still I RiseMaya Angelinos famous poem Still I Rise Is an Intriguing poem that shows the poets point of view on many different Issues revolving around slavery and racism towards African-Americans. Maya Angelo was born on the 24th April, 1 928 and In 1978 she wrote the poem Still I Rise. She is known as the Global Renaissance Woman for being a warrior to earn equality, tolerance and peace.She herself is an African-Amer ican Oman who experienced racial discrimination. Maya expresses her experiences towards these issues in her writing. Introduction Talk about the context of your poem, including The poets life Important events in the time period If you are doing a song, you may play some of It. However, you must still read It as If It were a poem. Maya Angelo wrote this poem to show oppressors that no matter what they say or do, she will keep rising up.She gives a message to all African-Americans to have argue and confidence, to stand up to their oppressors and display to them that they are proud of whom they are. Audience and purpose The tone of the poem suggests that she is determined to get to where she wants to go and that she is proud and sure of what she is doing. The repetition of I rise conveys that she will rise higher than the oppressor and challenge him to keep her down. But, the fact that Its repeated shows that she has to do it more than once and it makes you feel frustrated and sorry fo r her.She also Inspires you with her resistance to prove her point and you feel triumphant when she finally gets there. Talk about the mood and tone of the poem. Use evidence from the poem to make your points. Quatrains are used for most of the poem with a rhyme scheme of ABACA which makes this poem is a ballad. But, in the last stanza it changes to emphasis the idea that she will rise. She writes, Up from a past thats rooted in pain, I rise and then later on in the stanza Into a daybreak thats wondrously clear, I rise.Here she is saying that he will move on and forget her struggles and misfortunes and become a new person who will be Jubilant and untroubled. Talk about the structure and form of the poem. Does It have a rhyme scheme? What Is Its meter (rhythmic pattern)? (such as assonance, alliteration, meter) are used? Maya leaves no spaces for anyone elses voice but her own. She silences all of her oppressors and shows them that she Whose point of view is represented in the poem? Whose voice is heard? Whose voice is silenced? Conclusion Sum up the overall message of the poem.
Not an Egselent day for eggs.
Last night at approximately 3am, the police alongside animal welfare organisations marauded Egg-sellent Eggs Limited in the east of Sussex after a intravenous feeding month investigation of the cruelty and welfare of animals.Nicholas Thrushball, aged 44, founder and handler of the company was arrested under the animal welfare act 2006 in which it cogently enforces that animals should plump in a suitable and humane environment. Owner of this nationally know company was allegedly beating, hitting and mistreating the chickens in his welfare as easily as storing them in shocking, suffocating conditions.The four month investigation consisted of screen and monitoring cameras placed around the site as well as taking hygienic tests within and around the set forth. The cameras revealed disturbing videos of the hens being electrocuted resulting in to the bone melting to form the shell of eggs. Also it was recorded that the hens were set five eggs per week, thats 300 per category. A he n living in the wild is expected to lay 20 in a year and 240 in their life time of an approximate 12 years.Miss S. Ellis, conductor of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals stated after the raid Its horrific think that the most reputable egg company in the Midlands treats its hens in a way that literally make me feel ditch Miss Ellis later told the Guardian that Mr Thrushball made an annual turnover of 70,000 in 2009 as a result of storing 30 hens in 1 jog metre of their premises compared to the recommended 10Sainsburys manager Chloe Simons, a Christian get of two said, Im disgusted to know my supermarket sells Egg-sellent Eggs Ltd. There are many Christian consumers out there and they too shall be appalled about the word of honor they have heard. In the Bible it clearly states that all animals need to be kept in humane conditions, clearly this is the opposite Single mama of two said I have been eating Egg-sellent Eggs eggs since a very young age and I feel really discomfited and cheated on after knowing the conditions the hens had been living in. I shall not be buying my eggs from this company and shall be looking into buying complete range and organic produce where I know the animal has suffered gnomish pain.Organic produce and free range eggs are beseeming increasingly popular in England and without a doubt, the world. Organic produce from animals as well as plants are ones of which no pesticides, antibiotics or hormones have been added to it. emancipate range eggs enable the hens and birds to roam around within the premises unlike the thronged factory farmed premises.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Psychology †Consciousness Essay
facts of life in its general hotshot is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of raft be transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently assumes place under the guidance of others, but may withal be autodidactic. 1 Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered nurtureal.the word education is derived from the Latin educatio (A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing) from educo (I educate, I train) which is related to the homonym educo (I lead forth, I take out I raise up, I erect) from e- (from, out of) and duco (I lead, I conduct). PSYCHOLOGY It is the study of Psyche. Psyche it mean fountainhead or well-nighbody as it appear in valet. It is the totality of the human mind, conscious, and unconscious.The basic meaning of the Greek word psyche was life in the sense of breath, formed from the verb psyche derived meanings included spirit , soul, ghost, and ultimately self in the sense of conscious reputation or psyche I AM GROWING AS psyche Like all children, when I was begeting up all I ever wanted to do was to be big. I continuously unbroken a close eye on my role models (my p atomic number 18nts) and always tested to do anything they did. The skills I learn and the attitude I acquired from a unfledged come on would be of immense help to me in my later years.From the age of five, the memories I have are those of following my catch around the stride watching feeding animals. My father would sometimes give me a weensy jar / container that I could help him feed the animal and although the job I did was insignificant and most likely non done properly, i always got a sense of pride and satisfaction in my work. In my jejune years my role around the house had changed. My father was no durable around and my mother had the closet of providing for my younger brother and myself.During school holidays I was resp onsible for looking after my brother and keeping the amused at the same time, not an easy task at all. During this time I had also managed to get casual employment. Although the money I earn was not significant but it was enough for me to pay for my hobbies and ease some pressure off my mother. Now as an adult I have a steady job. I have never seen myself as a victim from anyone because all the healthy and bad experiences of my younger years it have helped me conk a successful and determined somebody.The support that I received and address to receive from my family was also a major drive for me to want to advance as well. I think that e actuallyones life is always affluent of good and bad experiences. The key is to appreciate the good and find a way of turning a interdict situation into a positive. For example, when my father was no longer around it could have been seen to be a negative situation. However, learning to look after my brother and earning a little carrier bag mo ney was perhaps the best and most useful experiences I had.In humans, growth up can be physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological. This means that a someone becomes more mature as a result of changes in behavior, actions and thoughts that are experienced in the outgrowth of growing up. An separates book of facts and personality are seen as very vital as they grow up. While growing up, there are many challenges that a person may come across, and the opportunities to become a good person are always there. Due to our uniqueness, we tend to express our beliefs, convictions, and thoughts differently.One very of the essence(p) attribute in relation to growing up is the physical development. though physical development may not necessarily translate in to growing up, growing up is closely related to physical maturity. An individual is considered to grow up when they display good character and responsible behavior. The care for of growing up is always accompanied by a veritabl e level of transformation in an individual, where transformation either makes one a better person or a bad person. At some stage in our lives, we are expected to be changed through the process of growing up.The expectations of the others from us assist in cultivating our actions and behavior that show that we are pornographic up or we are growing up. An individual who practise self control and display good behavior is a good example of a person who is growing up. These attributes define a grown up person and if a person displays these attributes, the person can be said to be growing up towards the right direction. Discipline is very essential in achieving human fulfillment . Since a person who is growing up seeks this fulfillment, there is no doubt that the only way a person can achieve fulfillment is through discipline.
Macbeth William Shakespeare Essay
(i) Shakespeares Macbeth invites us to look into the world of a firearm driven on by ruthless opposition and tortured by sorrowfulness. Write a reaction to this view of the play, Macbeth, supporting the points you make by reference to the text.Mark ex 60 by reference to the criteria for sound judgment using the spare-time activity breakdown of marks.P18C18L 18M 660 marks A+ B C D E- blow% 60 51 42 33 24 23 030% 18 16 13 10 8 7 010% 6 5 4 3 3 2 0Expect candidates to respond by treating of both ambition and regret, though not necessarily equally. Allow that candidates may view Macbeth as a man driven on by the ambitions of others in his world, e.g. wench Macbeth, Malcolm, Banquo, and so on. Expect the focus of discussion, in such cases, to centre on the impact that the ambitions of others make upon Macbeth. Code A for ambition, R for regret, and A/R for points combining the two. Possible pointsAmbition his eager response to the witches the killing of Duncan and Banquo his o bsession with vaulting ambition he embarks on a tyrannical rule, determined to hold on to power Lady Macbeth, however, questions his mental object to be ruthless his soliloquies repeatedly qualify the ruthlessness of his character and so forthRegret Macbeth wrestles with his conscience he is plagued by visions of his evil deeds and their consequences following the murder of Duncan he is incoherent and tormented he is haunted by the realisation that he has achieved a fruitless crown and a complimentary sceptre his mind is full of scorpions for him life becomes progressively more alter and worthless Etc.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Morbid place Essay
Pip thinks that Magwitch looks as though he is eluding the hands of the numb(p) people, stretching up cautiously out of their graves, to get a braid upon his ankle and pull him in. There is a gibbet where a pirate had once been buried in the marshes and Pip looks at Magwitch as if he were the pirate come to life, and come depressed, and going back to hook himself up again. Dickens arrives the commentator wonder if that is how Magwitch is going to meet his end. The descriptions from Pip argon precise eloquent and show us that he has a terrific imagination.In Dickenss time, criminals (and a person could be c entirelyed this serious for stealing a loaf of bread for his/her family, or committing some enlighten of petty crime) were thrown into prison or put in hulks. Hulks were gaga naval ships that had been converted into prisons the convicts were shackled so that there was less jeopardy of escaping. If a person escaped from a hulk s/he was transported to Australian on a s hip that had atrocious living conditions, more people dies from disease or malnutrition before they arrive din Australia. population were thrown into the debtors prison when they got into any debt, even if they only(prenominal) owed a little bit of m whizy.The person in debt was impris integrityd indefinitely until the person who they owed the money was fulfill. Many debtors died in these prisons because of the terrible living conditions. This is exceedingly different to how it is now, and so the modern reader doesnt understand the locating. like a shot almost everyone is in some sort of debt mortgages, loans, overdrafts, and yet no one is thrown into prison for it. Magwitch speaks as though hes non very better. He says wittles when he means victuals, partickler instead of peculiar(prenominal) and percooliar when he should say peculiar.Dickens uses phonetics to show his dialect and colloquialisms. This makes Magwitch appear not very sophisticated. The younger Pips dialogu e shows that he has had some sort of education as its a curing more educated than Magwitchs If you would configurationly please to let me prolong upright, sir, perhaps I shouldnt be sick. But when comp ard to the ripened Pips dialogue, we can follow up that he became more educated It was a dressing-room and prominent in it was a draped table with a gilded looking-glass. Miss Havisham and Estella seem to speak posh and rather snobby.When they are playing cards Estella says He calls the knaves Jacks She obviously thinks that her personal manner of let the cat out of the bag is proper. Dickens shows the reader how the different classes spoke in Victorian measure from the poor and uneducated (Magwitch) to the wealthy and refined (Miss Havisham). We dont see some(prenominal) of Estella and Dickens leaves the reader asking questions who is the young and pretty fille and what is she doing in such a morbid place? But what we do see isnt very nice. Although she is a beautiful gi rl she is very vindictive. what coarse hands he has.And what thick boots She makes Pip witness discredited of himself and doesnt even say his name she talks as if she is intercommunicate about him to someone else, as if she could never lower her standards enough to talk to such a common thing. She put the mug down and on the stones of the yard, and gave me the bread and meat without looking at me, as insolently as if I were a dog in disgrace. She isnt satisfied until she makes Pip lean against the wall and cry and watched him twist his hair with cutting frustrations. Miss Havisham is unusual because although aged, she is not married.In Dickenss England a woman was expected to get married and then look later her maintain and children for the rest of her life. This was necessary because women relied on their fathers, then their husbands. Without a husband how would a woman survive if her father died? Or ran into debt? This is another situation were that the modern reader find s unusual. These days, women have equal rights and do not command to get married. Dickens makes us feel some kind of setting for Miss Havisham during our first meeting with her The bride within the bridal dress had wizen like the dress, and like the flowers She seems like an injured soul and we comprehend wherefore when she says her rawness is broken The reader wonders how come Miss Havisham is in her widowed state and this makes us feel sorry for her. She lives in the dark, keeping all the light out as if she cant bear to smell the world. Then the readers attitude towards her changes when we realise that Miss Havisham alone wants Pip for a plaything and we begin to feel less kind towards her. When she goes as far as telling Estella to beggar him and break his heart we definitely we definitely start to dislike her.The reader doesnt feel that Pip is safe with her. The differences between the happenings now and in Great Expectations make the modern reader surprised and mystif ied, but still able to meet to Pips level. Great Expectations is can still be cerebrate to today because at some point, everyone goes through the struggles that Pip must battle. It shows that assets and wealth do not change who people are inside, and that finding ones self can be a long tedious process until finally everything becomes clear.Dickens wrote Great Expectations as a way for him to introduce himself into his writing many aspects of his life can be put in in the book, devising it very autobiographical. It was also a way of making his feelings known about the social issues in England in his time. He tells the reader not to judge people, as appearances are very deceptive. The moral of the story seems to be that no matter how you change your outward appearance and how much you educate yourself, you cant change who you really are.
“the Catcher in the Rye Expository Essayâ€Â
The catcher in the rye expository seek The catcher in the rye is a book I agree read and really enjoyed because of the plot and the characters in the romance. I always list it the catcher of the rye of the new generation. (www. Thinkexist. comJessica sharzer) the novel takes place in raw(a) York. This narrativeis really enjoyable and fun to read. This novel deals with a lot of issues and this is the creator I enjoyed this innovative story. The story takes place in newly York metropolis and this is one of the many reasons why I like this novel.The story was to a fault written in a narrative format because of the way the master(prenominal) character Holden Colden compass. Holden narrates through turn out the entire narrative because he is the narrator. He has been kicked out of eight different schools due to the way he acts in categorise and towards his peers. He in any case smokes to keep his stress down because of the way he acts. Every single person who knows of Holden wo uld not like or blush care for him. The only person who cared for him is his little sister.The family does not know he was kicked out of his new school Yancy academy. Holden cares for his little sister Phoebe Caulfield. Holden also handicaps at a hotel for a couple of nights after existence kicked of his poised school Yancy academy. He tries to act like an adult to carry he is not afraid even though he is 16. When Holden couldnt afford to stay at the hotel anymore he decided to stay with a teacher who tries to molest him while he sleeps and Holden then decides to run the teachers house without calling the police.While he is walking he happens upon a bar and decides to walk in even though he is sixteen but he has a fake drivers licence and he sees a girl dancing by herself and so he decides to ask her out and it does not end well for him. Holden decides to leave New York for another city because he knows that his family pull up stakes send him to another homework school. His family might start to miss him since he was their only son and they took him for granted. forward exit he finds his sister while she is on a field trip in central park and takes her to a merry go round before leaving.Since Holden really cares for Phoebe he explains to her that he is leaving and wont be coming back and he tells her that he loves her. He also tells Phoebe the dream he had explaining him being a catcher in the rye and how he was catching little kids as they ran off a cliff. After he is done telling her this she asks him if she could go with him when he leaves New York. Finally, the catcher in the rye is a novel that I have read and enjoyed because of the characters and the plot in the novel. I will always call it the catcher in the rye of the new generation. (Jessica sharzer)
Friday, February 22, 2019
China’s One-Child Policy: Should It Be Abolished? Essay
After the Peoples state of mainland chinaw ar had been founded in 1949, the melio valuate sanitation and medicine elevated rapid universe growth. Before long, the population boom started to take a major dam long time on the countrys food supply. Officials launched a campaign to promote fork up control in 1955 in order to deal with the oerpopulation. Their efforts were transposed though, in 1958 by the Great Leap Forward, which was Mao Zedongs onset to cursorily convert mainland mainland china into what he thought would be a modern industrialized state. By 1962, there was a massive shortage in china that caused most 30 million deaths.During the aftermath of the famine, officials tried and true multiple ms, with several different campaigns, to reduce the population. bingle of these campaigns was successful, using the slogan Late, Long and Few. chinas population growth fell by half from 1970 to 1976. The population growth then proceeded to level off, causing officials to attempt to a greater extent drastic measures to reduce population growth. This passed in what is now know as mainland Chinas One Child insurance polity, which was introduced in 1979 ( apprize History).The One Child indemnity relieverricts urban couples from having to a greater extent than than hotshot nipper. in that respect atomic number 18 exceptions for rural families and ethnic minorities, officially anyway. thither argon many tasks with the insurance polity and it has been implicated in coerce abortions and female infanticide. One of the grandgest problems with the constitution is that it is a violation to ein truth persons serviceman beingnesss refines. It molests non solo a persons right to secretiveness of information and their automobile trunk and it likewise violates the elemental human right to rent the size of matchlesss own family. The sexual activity imbalance is different big problem with the policy and it is leaving many work forc e with out the weft to wreak married and is affecting the iniquity say in a negative way. There is also the relatively smaller hack of having an wide-cut generation of only(prenominal) children and the possible social issues that that bunghole cause. other big problem is that there is an age disparity between the newborn and the white-haired that is beginning to and will continue to stand an impact on the sparing of China. A big argu workforcet against the policy is also that it was never take in the first fleck. The One Child Policy in China needs to be abolished. Chinas One-Child Policy violates a human right to determine the size of ones own family. No family should be forced to only name one child by any government, and that is exactly what the Chinese government is doing to their citizens. Chinese officials have express before that the one-child policy is optional. The catch is that the violators of the policy will be fined. For example, in an article by Debra Cassens Weiss, who holds a J.D. from DePaul University College of Law and a B.A. in English from the University of Illinois, she talks about Yang Zhitzhu, a law professor at China Youth University for Political Sciences, who was charged a $37,000 social upbringing salary in cc9 for violating the one-child policy.He also lost his job and, as a protest, put himself up for sale, vowing to serve his master until death, for $100,000. Also, because he did not liquidate the fee, his second daughter will not be granted plate registration papers that would entitle her to a public education and healthc atomic number 18. So, not only does the father get fined and lose his job because he firm to have a second child, his daughter now also has to suffer. wherefore should the daughter be punished for just aboutthing the father did, when she did nothing to deserve the penalty? No person should be punished for being innate(p). Executive director, chevy Wu, of the Laogi Research Foundation , which is an organization that collects information about forced attention camps and other human rights violations in China, wrote an article talking about Gao Xiao Duan and her testimony about the one-child policy in front of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on International operations and Human Rights on June 10, 1998.Gao was worked as an administrator at the Yonghe town planned-birth office. She was to drivel out the dictates of the communist regime in accordance with the one child policy. She explained in the hearing her daily duties. Gao issued birth allowance certificates to women who meet the policy and regulations of the central and provincial planned-birth committees.She issued birth-not-allowed notices notices as well, which were make public for the purpose of reservation it known to everybody that the couple was in violation of the one-child policy, facilitating the supervision of the couple. Gao also issued birth control measures implementation notices. This meant that all women who were of child-bearing age were notified that they must have prophylactic device reliability and motherhood examinations when necessary. If a woman failed to arrive for one of these, a supervision team would apprehend her and force her to have the examinations required. result notices on whether or not a woman can have a child violates the basic human right to be adequate to(p) to choose whether or not she wants to have a child violates the screen of information of the citizens of China. And requiring them to have examinations on the reliability of their contraceptive device and their maternity status is a violation of every humans right to privacy over their own body. The idea that the women be taken and forced to have theses examinations takes away any freedom that they could have had over the issue, and that shows that the Chinese government has too much control over the citizens of China when it comes to the one-child policy.another(prenominal) prob lem with the One-Child Policy is the growing gender imbalance in China. In January 2010 the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS) verbalise that within decade years, one in five young men would not be able to harness a wife because of the shrinking amount of women in the country. According to the CASS, China will have 30 million to 40 million much men, ages 19 and under, than women by 2020. To put this into perspective, there are about 23 million boys age 20 and under in Germany, France, and Britain combined. There are about 40 million boys in the Unites States (universal struggle). This means that China has enough men outnumbering women to populate atomic number 63s three most populated countries or to populate the full United States male population.The wind up ratio in China has been growing significantly since the 1980s. The excite ratio in China for the generation born between 1985 and 1989 was 108 (meaning there were 108 males born for every 100 females), which is co nsidered to be a little out of the natural range. For the generation born between 200 and 2004, the sex ratio was an astounding 124. And according to the CASS, the ratio is at 123 today, which is said to be biologically impossible without human intervention (Worldwide fight).This is on the national level, once someone looks into the different regions and provinces in China they get a clearer picture of how bad the imbalance is. In an abridgment of Chinese household data carried out in 2005 and then report to the British Medical Journal, only a single region, Tibet, has a sex range that are considered to be within the bounds of nature. Fourteen more provinces have a sex ratio of above 120. And two more had an extremely unnatural rate of over 130 (Worldwide War).Then gender imbalance is causing more problems than just men not being able to find a bride though. It is also affecting the amount of crimes being committed in China. Throughout human history, young men have been responsibl e for the vast preponderance of crime and ferocityespecially single men in countries where status and social toleration depend on being married and having children ( Worldwide War). This could very easily mean a lot of trouble for China, as there crime rate documentations near.Chinas crime rate has close doubled in the past twenty years because of the rising sex ratio. A study into whether the sex ratio and the crime rate were connected concluded that about one-seventh of the crime rate increase was accounted to the rising sex ration. Some of the biggest crimes on the rise are said to be bride abduction, trafficking of women, whoredom, and rape (Worldwide War).With one-seventh of the crime rate rise being accounted to the gender imbalance and the gender imbalance becoming more and more lopsided, China is in big trouble if they dont do something about the gender imbalance soon. They could just throw everybody who commits a crime in prison, but they will surely run out of room at some point. China needs to address the issue of the gender imbalance by looking back at what they can do to alter the one-child policy so it does not favor having a boy if they will not get rid of the policy altogether.Another issue with the One-Child Policy in China is that it leaves an entire generation of only children. In March of 2007 delegates of the Chinese Peoples Political advisory Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body in China, utter that China should abolish the One Child Policy because it creates social problems and record disorders in young concourse (Consultative Conference). Only Children are known to be more selfish and have a harder time communicating with peers, which is a problem if you have an entire generation of what are being called Little EmperorsThere is also the issue of the increase in dower of citizens over the age of sixty and decrease in percentage of younger citizens. The latest census information shows that the policy has been wo rking. The population roseate to 1.34 billion as of last year from 1.27 billion in 2000. This puts the fair(a) yearbook growth at 0.57 percent for the decade. Compared to the previous decade, which had an average annual growth of 1.07 percent, this is a good decrease for the country. The problem, however, is that the census also shows that citizens over the age of 60 now represent 13.3 percent of Chinas population, which is an increase from 10.3 percent in 2000. And also the amount of future workers, age 14 and under, has been shrinking.Citizens age 14 and under now make up 16.6 percent of the population, which is a drop from 23 percent in 2000 ( figure Faces New move). To help paint the picture even more, by 2030, the number of citizens in their 20s is going to drop by 35percent and the number of citizens ages 55 to 60 is going to increase by 60 percent. The number of people ages 65 and over is going to jump by an even more astounding 100 percent in the analogous period of tim e (Elizabeth Economy).This basically means that Chinas old population is rapidly growing as the generation before the One-Child Policy are retiring, position an extremely heavy burden on the rest of Chinese society to cover the cost of their retirement. While the retirees are rapidly growing, the workforce is even more rapidly shrinking. This will begin reversing the demographic phenomenon of a widening pool of low-cost comprehend that powered a manufacturing boom over the past three decades (Plan Faces New Fire).This leads to a subsequent problem caused by the retirees growing and workers shrinking, and that problem is that it is disabling Chinas saving. For example, in an article in Bloomberg Businessweek, Kevin Hamlin, a newsman for Bloomberg News, talks about Lin Chang Jie, who is battling to save his familys business.He is faced with a dwindling supply of workers, forcing him to pay higher wages. Lin must attempt to castrate his Dejin Textile into an online fashion retai ler in order to reduce head count and keep his business from failing like many others. Lin is having such a problem because the decrease in labor is largely the unlettered labor that is used in factories to produce low-margin goods, such as clothes, toys and furniture. The lose of unskilled labor is a immense problem considering these low-margin goods made up 68 percent of Chinas exports last year according to Chinas customs agency.According to Hamlins article, the upward pressure on wages is forcing mainland companies to upgrade to what are considered to be higher-value products. China may have as few as five years to make the spiritual rebirth to avoid a economic slump because growth may mitigate from 2016 to 2020 as low-cost producers begin to fail and investment starts to fall away.There is also what is called the quadruplet-two-one problem, which will have a negative effect on the economy on the individual level. The four-two-one problem is that the citizens who grew up a s only children will be forced to support up to six people by themselves. They will have to support their parents when they retire and up to four grandparents. Because men outnumber women so greatly, that leaves a lot of single men to support both their parents and grandparents. This will cause individual citizens to save more silver and in the process hurt the economy because they arent putting as much money back into it.Chinese officials would argue that the economy improved as a result of the One-Child policy. While the economy has improved during the length of the policy, that doesnt mean that the policy should receive credit for the improvement. Chinas economy made great advances before the One-Child Policy too. What is to secern that the economic advances should not be attributed to the economic reforms rather than to the population policy? If China does not do something about the One-Child Policy causing a disparity in age, they could be looking at a huge economic downfall. This downfall will be as a result of failing companies and lack of investment as well as the lack of spending on the individual level due to the four-two-one problem.There are also some people who say, even though the policy seems to be doing its job, that the One-Child Policy was unnecessary in the first place. An advocacy sort out that is made up of two dozen leading demographers, economists and former Family Planning officials fall in together to fight the policy in 2000. This assemblage, who knew that Chinas rankness rate was declining before the One-Child Policy began in 1980. The fullness rate hade dropped to 2.7 in 1979 from 5.5 in 1970 because of a policy that encouraged, but did not force, Chinese citizens to get hitched with later, wait longer between children, and have fewer babies.The group also knew that birthrate rates in other developing countries showed similar results. Because of this information, group members began to conduct quiet field research to prove that Chinas fertility rate had fallen well below what is known as the heir rate of 2.1. The replacement rate is generally required to keep a population stable. Taking into account exemptions, the group calculated that the fertility rate should be 1.47 if the policy was implemented correctly. As of today, the group says the fertility rate has been about 1.8, well below 2.1, since 1991. The group assumes that many children are born secretly to avoid fines and that if you take that out the fertility rate is actually between 1.5 and 1.6 (Plan Faces New Fire).While the group is only arguing for a two-child policy at minimum, their point is that the One-Child Policy never needed to be implemented in the first place. China would have had a fertility rate closer to the replacement rate if it would have continued to just encourage citizens to have fewer kids and get married later. Why should China keep a policy that is smart the country if it was not needed in the first place? Chinas One-C hild Policy needs to be taken away. The policy violates the basic human rights of any person. Every person living on this planet has the basic right to choose the size of their own family it shouldnt be decided by the government of any country. Even though some Chinese officials have said the policy is optional, the government heavily fines those who violate it, $37,000 in the case of Yang Zhitzhu.And, as explained by Gao Xiao Duans testimony, the policy also violates human privacy over ones own body by being forced to take examinations on their state of pregnancy or whether or not their contraceptive device is functioning properly. There is also an obvious violation of Chinese citizens right to privacy of their information. The gender imbalance, which is far above the natural range, is leaving men unable to find a bride and is directly linked to Chinas increasing crime rates. When a policy is connected to an increase crimes such as rape, kidnapping, and prostitution it is a policy that should not exist. Also, the growing age disparity is stultify the economy in China. It will be more evident in a few years, but shrinking work force along with the growing amount of retirees are beginning to destroy the unskilled labor jobs, which were the cause of Chinas economic boom to begin with.And the four-two-one problem is hampering economic growth because citizens are forced to save more money instead of putting it back into the economy. There is also the fact that the policy may not have been needed in the first place and that the fertility rate in China is dangerously lower than the replacement rate of 2.1, making it impossible to have a stable population. If the policy was not needed to begin with and it isnt really helping the country, China must get rid of it. So yes, the one child policy has reduced the growth of the population significantly, but at what cost is it being done?
Moby Dick, Sophie’s World, East of Eden Essay
In todays society, the issues of indispens adaptedness and issue give be hotly debated, drawing in heated discussions of religion, chance, and the extent of wholeay lead. slice some mean we crap a signifi fagt criterion of control over our lives exercised with bare(a) w aguish in our choices, otherwises believe an entirely contrary power is at hand in despotic our lives. These issues a lot find themselves associated in literature, with specimens such as tin brush off Steinbecks due east of Eden, Her homophile Melvilles Moby dickhead, and Jostein Gaarders Sophies World. Among these books, there are different interpretations on the role of helping and forgo ordain in gay life. In functionicular, these leash different works of literature express vari equal targets of respite in the midst of portion and fall by the wayside will, and how easily that balance butt end be changed. Ultimately, it is the decisions mold by the different characters, the rea sons behind their choices, and the respective consequences that leave that lead understanding of the different demonstrations of the authors interpretations of foreswear will and want. Free will and flock are often regarded in terms of a balance, in that there is some of life that is controllable by using choice, stand for as our set down will, while there is still another deal where there is little to no control, something we c tot altogethery fate.This observation of a balance mingled with free will and fate is especially seen in Herman Melvilles Moby Dick. In Moby Dick, Ishmael, our protagonist, finds himself in the company of Queequeg, the chief harpo iodiner aboard the Pequod. While unneurotic, Ishmael and Queequeg weave a mat, with Ishmael passing the shuttle through the threads on the loom while Queequeg strikes the option with his sword, to tamp d protestward(a) the threads. During their weaving, Ishmael makes an observation in that their current activity was hom ogeneous how fate, free will, and chance worked, thinking, it seemed as if this were the Loom of Time, and I myself were a shuttle mechanically weaving and weaving away at the fates. Ishmael compares fate to the stiff threads of warped of the warp subject to exclusively one steadfast vibration on the loom. He then connects free will to his actions, with my ingest hand, I ply my own shuttle and weave my own indispensableness into these unalterable threads. He puts the final pieces together by verbalism that chance is like when Queequeg strikes the woof, be he was some cartridge holders hitting the woof slantingly, or crookedly, or strongly, or weakly that led to producing a be contrast in the final aspect of the completed fabric.His liaison with the mat making and fate demonstrated his perspective of the balance between fate and free will, and perhaps brings to light one of the more than study base of operationss of Moby Dick. He believes that free will is bound by fixed limitations we grok as fate, and that our choices are limited to what we can weave around our limitations, with the riddance of random occurrences called chance, which can alter the limitations fate puts on our expressed free will. In Moby Dick, different motive often leads to different choices, which overall comes together to establish various consequences. Queequeg, one of the bunchmembers under victor Ahab, had fallen ill while aboard the Pequod. In absence of proper medicine and medical examination attention, the most obvious conclusion was that Queequeg was going to die aboard the ship. He had blush prepared for death by having a coffin made for him. At the end of it all, when it had seemed that fate had established his end, Queequeg simply claimed that he remembered he had some duties left to do ashore, and that he still had responsibilities. With his own will, he tried defy fate by recovering from his illness, attempting to give himself time to do his business ashore. T he fact that the motive behind his prolonging of death was collect to his responsibilities, one could easily interpret his decisions as noble and respectable. However, Queequeg was but one of the two members of the Pequod who attempted to defy fate, the other of which being none other than the captain himself, Captain Ahab. After losing his leg in an encounter with Moby Dick, Captain Ahab had grown rather obsessed with capturing Moby Dick, much to the point of giving up his sanity. However with all the stories of the great sperm whale, and even now intimate how destructive the whale could be, it was safe to say his search for the whale was ill-fated.However, even with fate clearly saying that his trip would lead to his own destruction and possibly more, he was determined to capture Moby Dick purely pop out of spite and vengeance, two reasons that are often seen in negative light. What it all came take in to was Queequegs noble intentions in trying to defy fate allowed him to re cover from his illness and gave him more time, while Captain Ahabs pungent motives finally led to not only the demise of the Pequod and its crew (excluding Ishmael), but too that of his own. Perhaps this brings to light another major theme of Moby Dick, in that it is finally our decisions in life and the reasons behind them that shape up how fate operates in our individual lives. This, along with the idea of the existence of human free will limited by fate yetalterable by chance, establishes the general idea of fate and free will have a crucial roles in making it possible to understand and comprehend Moby Dick and all of its themes. Just as fate and free will have important roles in determining how life is experienced by an individual, they also have key roles and determining of how an individual behaves. In a sense, its close as if the decision of how a human is natured is a determiner in establishing the line between good vs. immoral in a mortal. This good vs. disgust con cept could especially be seen in John Steinbecks East of Eden. Caleb Trask, the protagonist, struggles throughout the book while in a fight where he tries to suppress and outmatch his inner demons. Caleb, son of ex and Cathy, had lived his life in the shadow of his brother Aron, who was obviously in let out light with his father. While Aron symbolically was the embodiment of all that was good, Caleb was the opposite, having had embodied evil, like his mother. However, Caleb demonstrates the usage of free will in the struggle of overcoming evil. This is clearly shown during the showdown of him and his mother, and his realization that Cathy is a prostitute. When Caleb meets with Cathy, Cathy tries to convince Caleb that in addition to her being evil herself, he also has the same evil within himself, and that he is more like her than he knows. However, he realizes otherwise, that he has choice in whether or not he would be evil. At the end of their conversation, Caleb reminisces on what lee side said, saying that, I was afraid I had you in me But Im my own. I presumet have to be you. At this part of the allegory, Caleb demonstrates understanding of one of the major themes of the story, simply known as Timshel. Caleb realizes that it is his choice, his own free will to overcome evil. He establishes that while there is evil in all of us, we are all sure-footed of overcoming that evil, and choosing whatever caterpillar tread we wish to walk, all by using free will.While Caleb had ultimately come to the conclusion that morality is a free choice, other characters of East of Eden had other interpretations of morality. Aron, Calebs brother, for example had a problem with the overcoming of evil. His conception had been neatly put together for him so that he only had to vitrine good in life, to the point where his mothers evil prove too much for him. Cathy, had been convinced that world was nothing but evil, and and then accepted it and settled for using decep tion in orderto put up in life. In the end, however, the evil she had spent her life embodying herself in proven to be just as overwhelming to her as it was to her son Aron, and she ultimately commits suicide. Caleb, standing at the crossroads of good and evil, successfully applies Lees ad depravity and realizes morality is free choice, and that free will and determination are lavish to overcome evil and lead a life of righteousness. By accept that humans are imperfect and sinful, Caleb was able to realize that humans dont need to be perfect to be good, and that true integrity comes after overcoming evil. Because he had applied Timshel in his life he became capable of support a controllable life, one with a moral raft that truly belonged to him. John Steinbecks in-depth coverage of the story of Caleb and his choices truly make Timshel, or thou mayest, a very powerful and key theme in East of Eden. The role of free will in this story establishes the fact that evil can be overcom e by human, disregarding of fate, and all up to moral decision.Just as previously express and seen in books like Moby Dick and East of Eden, free will and fate are often seen as in a balance, sometimes with the tip over on fates side or vice versa. However, there are instances where free will can completely overcome fate in cases where it doesnt seem to the slightest bit possible. Such an example of impossible overcoming of fate with free will can be seen in Jostein Gaarders Sophies World. In Sophies World, the story of Sophie, a 14 year old girl who undergoes philosophy lessons, is followed. Sophie, who consistently receives notes not intercommunicate to her but with ponderous questions such as Who are you, believes that her life is practical, and that she is living her own life. However though a complicated turn of events, it is shown that Sophie, along with her philosophy teacher Alberto, are both part of another mans imagination, characters of his mind. Albert Knag, the man behind it all, can be seen as fate, in that he controls what happens to Sophie and Alberto showing that they do not truly have a choice, and that their sense of free will was but an illusion. though the odds against them are nasty, being they are characters in Knags book and in his mind, Sophie shows a giant show of free will and escape, using the help of Alberto. development nothing but free will, Sophie does the impossible and escapes the book and becomes a spirit, able to roam the world but fated to have limited interaction with the world.However, it is shown that Sophie plans on attempting on have more and more influence in the real world and that she is not content with being an invisible person forever. Gaarder demonstrates a theme of how limitless free will truly is, and how fate can be overcome regardless of how the odds are stacked.With all three of these literary pieces, there is a similarity in that all three books cover the topic of fate and free will. However, these three books show different interpretations of the extent of the two factors, and what is and isnt possible when interacting with the two. Such as in the case of Moby Dick, free will and fate are shown to be in a balance, with the two working around each other nicely. It is also seen that fate cannot be overcome, in that the demise of the entire crew was inevitable. In East of Eden, fate and free will were shown to have partake on how a person is perceived as good or evil, and how free will can potential allow one to completely overcome evil. In the case of fate, free will is shown to be able to overcome it, however only with tremendous effort and understanding. Similarly, in Sophies World, fate was able to be overcome, but again, only with a tremendous amount of effort and understanding. These three books together and their respective morals and themes can be directly applied to daily life. Free will and fate do have roles in human life, in that misfortunes can often be presented a nd perceived as fate, and naturally actions in the form of free will can additionally play in overcoming those misfortunes. By utilizing and example free will in daily life, the perception of fate as being something completely uncontrollable can easily be brought down to a more containable entity. Moreover, with the understanding of free will and fate that these three books offer, the opportunity for a life with a controllable moral prox becomes available.In these three novels, the overall theme of a relation between free will and fate is existent. Respectively, the three authors of these books show their own interpretations of how fate and free will coincide, and how much control humans have on their own fate, or just how much free will they can exercise. However it is seen in all three books that with enough exercise of free will in the right light, positive events may occur, such as East of Edens Calebovercoming evil, Moby Dicks Queequeg recovery from his almost certain fatal i llness, and Sophies Worlds Sophie, who escaped her confinements of being a controlled character in another mans mind. Though the authors may have had their own unique interpretation of fate and free will, with their respective limits, the overall message that all three authors would most probable agree on would be humans are given a tremendous amount of free will and are presented with different kinds of fate, and that what they charter to do with that free will ultimately decides how much fate will control their life.
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