Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Core Indian Values – an Advertising Perspective
INDIAN CONSUMER: CORE VALUES We are all consumers. Everyday, we consume goods and services as individuals, families, groups and organizations. With every passing year, the consumer has not only become smarter but also choosier with his purchase. On top of that, the fact that the competition and the variety of products available in the market only add to the marketers’ woes. To succeed in this dynamic and increasingly complex marketing environment marketers have an urgent need to learn and anticipate whatever they can about consumers.The better they know and understand consumers the more advantageous it would prove when accomplishing their organizational objectives. In a diverse country like India, which is slowly shedding its conservative nature and is opening up to new possibilities on the marketorial front, it becomes even more difficult for an advertiser to understand his consumer’s behaviour. The Indian mentality is more complex and layered than our western counterp arts. The culture of this country is very different from most others for it is home to various religions, languages, customs and values.This amalgamation has led to the Indian consumer having various layers of reasoning behind every action. There are certain values that play a very important role while purchasing a product from the point of the view of the Indian consumer. An advertiser should keep these values in mind while targeting their Indian audience. 1. Family The Indian society is a family oriented one. Elder members of the family are considered to be the head of the family. Though joint families have now disintegrated into nuclear ones, the bond and importance of family remains the same.Family is by far the most important reference group. The family is a major influence on the consumption behaviour of its members and generally the target market for most products. The consumption patterns of family members are seldom independent from those of other family members. There is a n interdependent relationship between the members of the family. An advertiser selling family oriented products must target it for the benefit of every member of the family. Eg. Tata Ventura ad. 2. Peace Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict.It also represents cosmic harmony. An individual seeks peace when he wishes to establish a personal relationship with the cosmos. India is country where different sects coming together causes chaos and conflict. Hence, peace is highly sought after both personally and internationally. An advertiser while selling a product, depending on its nature, must keep in mind the fact that his product must not invoke chaos in any form. He must try as much as possible to maintain decorum while advocating a product. Eg. Taj holidays. 3. Health India is slowly growing to be a very health conscious nation.Indian food offers a diversity of dishes that are very tasty and each provide a different delight. But at the same time . Some of them can be very heavy and unhealthy with continuous consumption. In the fast paced of today’s times, health has become of utmost importance. Various fitness centers are being set up everywhere and maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become very important to the average Indian consumer. Advertisers target this aspect of the Indian consumer while promoting various health related products. Eg. Saffola ads. D cold total ads 4. Time Time is of utmost importance in the Indian society. Natural time regulates ctivities with a â€Å"now†orientation. Indians have always factored in on time before starting or ending any event, both metaphysically and metaphorically. Time is considered to be an auspicious and important aspect for Indians. While making major purchases, time is factored in majorly. An advertiser can either portray the time factor majorly in his advertisement or he can portray it subtlely with respect to the product. Time also reflects the era the people live in and its dynamic nature. Eg. Hindustan times â€Å"It is time†campaign. 5. Will power. Will power is the strength to achieve the impossible or the difficult.Indians consider will power to be a treasurable value as it may lead to various achievements. If one gets over their fears and has the will power to achieve what many consider to be impossible then that person is highly respected. Without will power, one cannot alter events or restore it to the original post. India’s history has been witness to the importance of will power among the Indian public. Advertisers can theme their ads on the basis of will power thereby promoting their product and also gain popular vote for encouraging strength. Eg. Mountain Dew Darr Ke Aage jeet hai ads 6. SecurityA sense of security is very important in both a family and a community. Usually, the male member of the family is considered to be responsible for the security of the female counterparts in India. Females are especially protected in this society. But along with physical security, financial security has also become important for the modern Indian family. Many make investments so that the family is always financially secure. Protection of community is also a very important aspect as Indians are very community bound. Members of the same community usually have a sense of belonging and protection towards their other members.Eg. LIC jeevan bima policy ad. 7. Age Since time old, age has played a very important role in the Indian society. A person’s age has been synonymous with the amount of respect given to them. Even today, older people are treated with utmost respect and obedience is expected of the younger ones. Wisdom and experience of a person is calculated in terms of his age. In today’s times, the youth are very instrumental to the decision making process while purchasing a product. On the basis of the product, the advertiser must carefully target his age group and center the ad arou nd the mentality of the age group selected.Eg. Raymond teacher ad. 8. Care Since the familial values are very strong in the Indian system, love and affection play an important role. Love and care for others is considered to be an important value especially with the members of family and friends. Unlike their western counterparts, Indian children live with their parents even after reaching adulthood and are duty bound to serve their parents in their old age as a token of their affection. Parents fuss over their children and take care of them protectively from a tender age and even beyond adulthood.This feeling of care and affection is largely targeted by marketers to sell their products for they hit a soft spot among the Indian audiences with this value. Eg. Vicks ads. 9. Prestiege There is nothing more important to an Indian household than the family’s honour and prestiege. Indians bank a lot on social approval and the sense of prestiege they gain from it. That sense of prest iege even comes from indulging in luxury and living a high life. A lot of luxury related products target this aspect of the Indian audience and cater to their value of prestiege. Eg. Reid and Taylor Amitabh Bacchan ad. 10. OwnershipEver since the olden days, a personal home has been of epitome importance to the average Indian household. It is a matter of protection and pride to own a home. In this tight spaced urban world, it has become even more difficult to own a home. But nevertheless, Indians continue to strive for ownership of a home for both themselves and their loved ones. It ione of the most important consumer values. A lot of options are considered and a lot of research is conducted before a home purchase. A bevy of home loans have also eased the process of a purchase of a home. Marketers also target this aspect while advertising their product.They arouse temptation to own a home which coincides with the consumer’s desire of the same. Eg. Asian paints Bird ad 11. Ada ptability In spite of being from a conservative background, Indians have changed their behaviour with the changing times. People have adapted to the different languages in the country and different lifestyles with ease. This reflects the dynamic nature of the Indian population along with their ability to adapt to the changing times and the environment. This value is considered to be a sign of progress. Many advertisers wish to promote this value through their ads and encourage this aspect among the Indian public.The ads based on adaptability have proved instrumental in shaping the minds of the Indian audience as a whole. Eg. Aircel ad. Idea cellular Language ad 12. Religion This is by far the most important consumer value among Indians. Religion plays a very important role in India. There are people of numerous faiths and religions residing in this country. It is one the sure shot ways to get attention from the Indian audience through advertisements. But is also important to not off end the sentiments of the Indian audience as they are very sensitive when it comes to their religion.One has to be very careful while welding advertisements with religion. the Indian public adheres to their traditions and customs and is very dedicated towards maintaining their culture. Festivals are considered to be the best time for promotion of products in a religious theme. Eg. Tanishq ads (wedding) Aisanpaints pngal ad 13. Pleasure Pleasure relates to being happy and cheerful towards oneself and their surroundings. Everyone likes to indulge in pleasure after strenuous work. Indians especially like to please themselves with various pleasurable activities and believe in balancing work with play.The idea of pleasure, according to most Indians, is to spend time with their loved ones and engage in leisurely activities. While targeting this value of the Indian consumer, the advertiser has to keep in mind the mentality of the consumer and the nature of the product and blend both of the m. It could be themed around pleasure with intensity or pleasure with lightheartedness. Eg. Scooty pep+ ads Cadbury’s life ka swaad ads 14. Work Since the urbanization of Indian society, there has been an evermore increase in the job opportunities especially for the youth. The youth of the country have become very ambitious and aim high.The education levels have gone up and the literacy rate has also shot up. Having a high paying job has become very important to the average Indian consumer as his salary corresponds with his buying prowess. Advertisers should start aiming at this progressive value of the Indian audience and design their ads to suit this aspect as well as promote their products. Encouraging progress in terms of education and work has become a very important aspect in current Indian society and especially among the youth. Eg. The Sikkim Manipal University distance education ads. Bibliography Core Indian Values – an Advertising Perspective INDIAN CONSUMER: CORE VALUES We are all consumers. Everyday, we consume goods and services as individuals, families, groups and organizations. With every passing year, the consumer has not only become smarter but also choosier with his purchase. On top of that, the fact that the competition and the variety of products available in the market only add to the marketers’ woes. To succeed in this dynamic and increasingly complex marketing environment marketers have an urgent need to learn and anticipate whatever they can about consumers.The better they know and understand consumers the more advantageous it would prove when accomplishing their organizational objectives. In a diverse country like India, which is slowly shedding its conservative nature and is opening up to new possibilities on the marketorial front, it becomes even more difficult for an advertiser to understand his consumer’s behaviour. The Indian mentality is more complex and layered than our western counterp arts. The culture of this country is very different from most others for it is home to various religions, languages, customs and values.This amalgamation has led to the Indian consumer having various layers of reasoning behind every action. There are certain values that play a very important role while purchasing a product from the point of the view of the Indian consumer. An advertiser should keep these values in mind while targeting their Indian audience. 1. Family The Indian society is a family oriented one. Elder members of the family are considered to be the head of the family. Though joint families have now disintegrated into nuclear ones, the bond and importance of family remains the same.Family is by far the most important reference group. The family is a major influence on the consumption behaviour of its members and generally the target market for most products. The consumption patterns of family members are seldom independent from those of other family members. There is a n interdependent relationship between the members of the family. An advertiser selling family oriented products must target it for the benefit of every member of the family. Eg. Tata Ventura ad. 2. Peace Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict.It also represents cosmic harmony. An individual seeks peace when he wishes to establish a personal relationship with the cosmos. India is country where different sects coming together causes chaos and conflict. Hence, peace is highly sought after both personally and internationally. An advertiser while selling a product, depending on its nature, must keep in mind the fact that his product must not invoke chaos in any form. He must try as much as possible to maintain decorum while advocating a product. Eg. Taj holidays. 3. Health India is slowly growing to be a very health conscious nation.Indian food offers a diversity of dishes that are very tasty and each provide a different delight. But at the same time . Some of them can be very heavy and unhealthy with continuous consumption. In the fast paced of today’s times, health has become of utmost importance. Various fitness centers are being set up everywhere and maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become very important to the average Indian consumer. Advertisers target this aspect of the Indian consumer while promoting various health related products. Eg. Saffola ads. D cold total ads 4. Time Time is of utmost importance in the Indian society. Natural time regulates ctivities with a â€Å"now†orientation. Indians have always factored in on time before starting or ending any event, both metaphysically and metaphorically. Time is considered to be an auspicious and important aspect for Indians. While making major purchases, time is factored in majorly. An advertiser can either portray the time factor majorly in his advertisement or he can portray it subtlely with respect to the product. Time also reflects the era the people live in and its dynamic nature. Eg. Hindustan times â€Å"It is time†campaign. 5. Will power. Will power is the strength to achieve the impossible or the difficult.Indians consider will power to be a treasurable value as it may lead to various achievements. If one gets over their fears and has the will power to achieve what many consider to be impossible then that person is highly respected. Without will power, one cannot alter events or restore it to the original post. India’s history has been witness to the importance of will power among the Indian public. Advertisers can theme their ads on the basis of will power thereby promoting their product and also gain popular vote for encouraging strength. Eg. Mountain Dew Darr Ke Aage jeet hai ads 6. SecurityA sense of security is very important in both a family and a community. Usually, the male member of the family is considered to be responsible for the security of the female counterparts in India. Females are especially protected in this society. But along with physical security, financial security has also become important for the modern Indian family. Many make investments so that the family is always financially secure. Protection of community is also a very important aspect as Indians are very community bound. Members of the same community usually have a sense of belonging and protection towards their other members.Eg. LIC jeevan bima policy ad. 7. Age Since time old, age has played a very important role in the Indian society. A person’s age has been synonymous with the amount of respect given to them. Even today, older people are treated with utmost respect and obedience is expected of the younger ones. Wisdom and experience of a person is calculated in terms of his age. In today’s times, the youth are very instrumental to the decision making process while purchasing a product. On the basis of the product, the advertiser must carefully target his age group and center the ad arou nd the mentality of the age group selected.Eg. Raymond teacher ad. 8. Care Since the familial values are very strong in the Indian system, love and affection play an important role. Love and care for others is considered to be an important value especially with the members of family and friends. Unlike their western counterparts, Indian children live with their parents even after reaching adulthood and are duty bound to serve their parents in their old age as a token of their affection. Parents fuss over their children and take care of them protectively from a tender age and even beyond adulthood.This feeling of care and affection is largely targeted by marketers to sell their products for they hit a soft spot among the Indian audiences with this value. Eg. Vicks ads. 9. Prestiege There is nothing more important to an Indian household than the family’s honour and prestiege. Indians bank a lot on social approval and the sense of prestiege they gain from it. That sense of prest iege even comes from indulging in luxury and living a high life. A lot of luxury related products target this aspect of the Indian audience and cater to their value of prestiege. Eg. Reid and Taylor Amitabh Bacchan ad. 10. OwnershipEver since the olden days, a personal home has been of epitome importance to the average Indian household. It is a matter of protection and pride to own a home. In this tight spaced urban world, it has become even more difficult to own a home. But nevertheless, Indians continue to strive for ownership of a home for both themselves and their loved ones. It ione of the most important consumer values. A lot of options are considered and a lot of research is conducted before a home purchase. A bevy of home loans have also eased the process of a purchase of a home. Marketers also target this aspect while advertising their product.They arouse temptation to own a home which coincides with the consumer’s desire of the same. Eg. Asian paints Bird ad 11. Ada ptability In spite of being from a conservative background, Indians have changed their behaviour with the changing times. People have adapted to the different languages in the country and different lifestyles with ease. This reflects the dynamic nature of the Indian population along with their ability to adapt to the changing times and the environment. This value is considered to be a sign of progress. Many advertisers wish to promote this value through their ads and encourage this aspect among the Indian public.The ads based on adaptability have proved instrumental in shaping the minds of the Indian audience as a whole. Eg. Aircel ad. Idea cellular Language ad 12. Religion This is by far the most important consumer value among Indians. Religion plays a very important role in India. There are people of numerous faiths and religions residing in this country. It is one the sure shot ways to get attention from the Indian audience through advertisements. But is also important to not off end the sentiments of the Indian audience as they are very sensitive when it comes to their religion.One has to be very careful while welding advertisements with religion. the Indian public adheres to their traditions and customs and is very dedicated towards maintaining their culture. Festivals are considered to be the best time for promotion of products in a religious theme. Eg. Tanishq ads (wedding) Aisanpaints pngal ad 13. Pleasure Pleasure relates to being happy and cheerful towards oneself and their surroundings. Everyone likes to indulge in pleasure after strenuous work. Indians especially like to please themselves with various pleasurable activities and believe in balancing work with play.The idea of pleasure, according to most Indians, is to spend time with their loved ones and engage in leisurely activities. While targeting this value of the Indian consumer, the advertiser has to keep in mind the mentality of the consumer and the nature of the product and blend both of the m. It could be themed around pleasure with intensity or pleasure with lightheartedness. Eg. Scooty pep+ ads Cadbury’s life ka swaad ads 14. Work Since the urbanization of Indian society, there has been an evermore increase in the job opportunities especially for the youth. The youth of the country have become very ambitious and aim high.The education levels have gone up and the literacy rate has also shot up. Having a high paying job has become very important to the average Indian consumer as his salary corresponds with his buying prowess. Advertisers should start aiming at this progressive value of the Indian audience and design their ads to suit this aspect as well as promote their products. Encouraging progress in terms of education and work has become a very important aspect in current Indian society and especially among the youth. Eg. The Sikkim Manipal University distance education ads. Bibliography
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Our War On Drugs Essay
A drug can be described as a chemical substance that influences how an individual’s body and mind works (Rees 2005 p. 5). It is uncommon today to hear the word drugs on televisions and read them in magazines. Drugs are virtually everywhere and there is continual development of these drugs. They are used by people for various reasons ranging from medicinal to recreational purposes. Drugs that are taken as medicines include antibiotics and penicillin among others. However some drugs are illegal. They include: cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, cannabis, heroin, crack, methamphetamines, LSD (acid), alcohol and magic mushrooms. These illegal drugs are also known as recreational drugs and many are gotten from plants growth in various parts of the world. Amphetamines are drugs that can be inhaled, or eaten in form of tables. Heroin is smoked or taken as an injection. Marijuana on the other hand consists of a brown resin. It is mostly smoked in cigarettes and it can also be eaten (Rees 2005 p. 30). Abuse of drug use is known as drug addiction. When a person constantly takes these illegal drugs for recreational purposes this addiction develops as a process and not instantly. Addiction to drugs affects individuals of multicultural, geographically diverse, across gender and racial classes. The initial steps are very moderate but their increased use results to a state of life threatening situation. Withdrawals are hardly achieved as the issue becomes of medical concern. Those who abuse drugs have their various reasons. They argue that drugs help them alleviate stress, boosts their morale and confidence, makes them feel good about themselves among many other things. Drug abuse has various adverse effects. Some of the effects include rises in blood pressure, vomiting, impairs memory and judgment capability of an individual. Other effects are poor decision making, accidents, impaired health and poor relationships. The consequences of these are physical, psychological and emotional instability on the drug abuser. The individual hence suffers from depression (Rick 2005 p30) A large number of people who abuse drugs decide to quit at some point but this is often difficult since once a person is addicted to drugs, it is almost impossible to avoid taking them as they mostly experience withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms are for instance body aches, sweating, and flu in the case of heroin. Nicotine on the other hand results to fatigue and premature aging affecting the skin, body shape and body weight. On the other hand, fast withdrawals could result to dangerous impacts. For instance tranquilizers could be dangerous resulting in high blood pressure, vomiting, temperature and stomach cramps (Rees 2005 p. 42) Our War on Drugs The war on drugs is a move undertaken by the United States including help from other participating countries whose priority is to eliminate trade in illegal drugs. It traces its origin way back in 1880 where there was a memorandum of understanding between United States and China to prohibit trade in opium between the two countries (http://www. nh-dwi. com/caip-213. htm). Today in America, mostly the youth experiment with these illegal drugs and they do it for various reasons. Some do it for recreational purposes whereas others are simply addicts as they cannot do without them. The United States government and the general public have become concerned about drug abuse and addiction. The government became more concerned about the issue in the 1960s when the youth mostly college students protested against the Vietnam war and in the 1960s and 1970s they began using licit and illicit drugs on a large scale for the first time (Fleckenstein Hanson & Venturelli 2005 p. 125). As a starting point the United States government introduced new strategies for tackling this issue of drug use and abuse. These strategies include demand reduction, inoculation, supply reduction, interdiction and drug courts. The use of drug courts has become a common strategy. The supply reduction is a strategy aimed at reducing and controlling supply of illegal drugs. Demand reduction aims at reducing the individuals’ tendencies to abuse drugs especially the youth. It places emphasis on reforming behaviors. Inoculation on the other hand attempts to protect drug users by informing them on their responsibilities. Drug courts on the other hand integrate incentives, sanctions, treatment and ensure that nonviolent drug addicts are placed in rehabilitation programs. Lastly interdiction is a policy aimed at stopping the supply of these illicit drugs (Fleckenstein, Hanson & Venturelli, 2005 p. 25). In the United States of America, there are quite a number of law enforcements Acts on drugs that have been established to control drug abuse. They include: Harrison Acts that looks into the production, sale, importation and distribution of opium. The other Act is the Narcotic Drug Import and Export Act aimed at alleviating use of narcotics but it is exceptional for medicinal and other legitimate use. Heroin Act of 1924 prohibited the manufacturing of drugs. The Marijuana Tax Act also controlled the production, sale and distribution of marijuana. The Opium Pappy Control Act restricted the cultivation of opium poppies in the United States except if one is licensed to do so. Narcotics control act on the other hand intended to establish suffer penalties to individuals who broke the marijuana or narcotics laws. Drug Abuse Control Amendments (DACA) was established to adopt stuff controls over barbiturates, amphetamines, LSD among others moreover; the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) was established to rehabilitate drug addicts in the three programs that is voluntary, sentencing to death addicts who are convicted and the pretrial civil commitment. In 1988, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act introduced the office of National Drug Control to oversee policies on research controlling drug abuse. Lastly the 2000 Drug Addiction Treatment Act gave a go ahead to physicians to prescribe narcotics for the treatment of oploid addiction (Fleckenstein, Hanson & Venturelli, 2005 p. 135). The white House National Drug Control Strategy in 2006 declared it stand and wish to balance the reduction in supply and demand of illegal drugs in the United States of America. It also outlined programs intended to curb abuse of drugs. In the same year, the National Drug Control Strategy pointed out its aim of supporting random student testing, intervention, screening, prevention, treatment and support for drug courts examining methamphetamines and making the United States southwest border secure (uninfo. state. gov/xarchives/display. gtm/? p. ). Another regulatory law enforcement body concerning drug abuse in the United States is the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Its mission is to control drugs and provide laws and regulations regarding drug abuse. The National Drug control Strategy established a ten year plan to reduce drug abuse. It also aims at reducing America’s demand for drugs by offering treatment and supply through law enactments (http://www. usembassy-mexico. gov/bbfbfdossier-combDrogas. htm). The above drug laws indiscriminate use of drugs and it is through the legislation that licit and illicit drugs are determined. The government of the United States tries to meet public needs and control pressure through these rules and regulations. Due to the advancement in technology in today’s society, trained experts and government agencies provide information and protection on drug abuse. Are we winning the war on drugs? In my opinion, I do not believe that we are winning the war on drugs. I have based my judgment according to various reasons. Since the prohibition of drug abuse in 1937 in the United States of America; marijuana once considered for Mexican immigrants has been actively used by 20-37% of the youth in the United States. The same applies to the use of cocaine, ecstasy and methamphetamines (World Drug Report, 2000). The continual trade in drugs is also another factor that has severely affected efforts by the government to prevent drug abuse and addiction. The United States of America is largely affected more so because of its population and largest budget that focuses on enforcement. President George W. Bush in February 2002 established a National Drug Control Strategy based on the Principles of stopping the usage of drugs, disrupting the market and curing America’s drug addicts (Policy and Program Development, 2002). Evidence also shows that the criminal law in the United States has had only small success in preventing drug abuse. It is approximated that in 2004, 39% of students in the 12th grade used an illicit-drug, 34% was marijuana, cocaine 5% and LSD 2%. Also, those aged 12 and above who use illegal drugs as estimated by National Survey is 19. 5 million in the United States (Fleckenstein, Hanson & Venturelli, 2005 p. 140). In the United States, family structures have changed considerably having half of all women working outside home and the divorce rate is quite high. This has affected the nurturing of children by all these single parents. Family and friends have also contributed to the increasing drug abuses since they are ready to bail out and offer excuses for those who have been convicted (Fleckenstein, Hanson & Venturelli, 2005 p. 40). To conclude, it is therefore evident that the war on drugs is still far from being over. It is therefore essential that the society works hard to stop abuse of drugs which is causing deaths on a massive scale. It is essential for individuals to know that the effects of drugs on the social life, economic life, emotional and spiritual life are adverse. The extreme case of addiction to these drugs is the exposure of the individual person to death.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Is British Foreign Policy mainly conducted by the Prime Minister Essay
Is British Foreign Policy mainly conducted by the Prime Minister - Essay Example Ideally, the foreign policies are supposed to protect the interests of the citizens of a particular nation. This has not always been the case. According to Steiner (2004, p. 21) the state has collective representation on different fronts. These include, Heads of state, Prime Ministers, Presidents, commissioners and ambassadors among others. It becomes a bit difficult in understanding that realy plays the leading role in foreighn policies. According to Williams (2004, p. 910) the British foreign policy is not a product of political vacuum but rather a product of domestic factors such as the current public opinion on certain issues, pressure from global emerging issues like technology, interactive, activities from regional organization like the European Union and other transnational forces like the NGOs and other lobby groups. Ideally speaking, the ministers, government officials and other outsiders who are experienced and informed on particular issues are the ones who are supposed to formulate policies. This is on the basis of informed talks of any possible alternatives and putting into considerations relevant historical background and presidents. They also put into account the positions of any involved institutions and the legality of the proposed policy. After the formulation, the policy is interpreted by officials who later implement in order for it to attain the objective intended for. During the whole process, th ere are other interested parties that need to go through the policy. These are both in UK and abroad. In general the process of policy making in UK is made up of the following steps; Formulation, Interpretation, Implementation and Presentation. The process of policy making in the UK at some point seems to be very wide and may involve all government officials and a huge number of outsiders from both foreign states and NGOs. Despite that is said that this remains to
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Negative Effects of Climate Change on Food Security in the Essay - 2
The Negative Effects of Climate Change on Food Security in the Caribbean - Essay Example Acid rain can take away important minerals from trees, plants, and soil (Smith et al., 2002). Without the presence of minerals in the soil, the plants and trees will not be able to grow properly. Based on this context, food security is being threatened because of insufficient supply of foods. Acid rain can cause serious harm to the plants and trees in the forest. In the absence of plants and trees in the forest, climate change such as the increase in the frequency and strength of extreme weather events like droughts, El Niňos, cyclones, heat waves, floods and king tides will become unavoidable (Choi, 2012). Similar to the negative impact of acid rain in the food security of the Caribbean, the presence of droughts, El Niňos, cyclones, heat waves, floods and king tides will also trigger a significant decrease in the country’s available food supply. Climate change is something that is uncontrollable by the humankind. For this reason, the only way to protect the food security of the Caribbean is to encourage its government to import and stock up at least three (3) to six (6) months supply of non-perishable food items. By doing so, the government of the Caribbean can ensure that there will always be food security for its people.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Intel Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Intel Corporation - Case Study Example Cliff Edwards (2006) mentions the changing culture in the Intel Corporation. During the term of Andrew Grove, his motto was "Only the paranoid survive". He and former chief Craig Barret introduced the manner of giving out money to some computer makers for joint advertising. During the term of new CEO, Paul Otellini, his diplomatic nature made him adopt his motto of "Praise in public, criticize in private". (Edwards, 2006) Edwards (2006) mentions the changes that are pushed by Intel Chief Marketing Officer Eric Kim on the Intel brand. Kim suggested to stop the manufacture of old models that were created during the tenure of former Intel Chief Executive Andrew Grove and focus on the new ones. Kim wanted to retain the Pentium brand. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the Intel brand logo from which according to Edwards (2006) had a "dropped e" until the new Intel brand logo which according to Jeff Adkins (2006) is to be launched in 2010. Intel's CEO Paul Otellini supported the move of reforms on the company. He wants to produce products not only for personal computers but also on consumer electronics, wireless communications, and health care. Edwards (2006) identifies the reason for this change which was the decreased revenue growth for computers because of added competitors like mobile phones that also have features similar to computers. Aside from Intel's main products, the microprocessors, Otellini wants to produce all varieties of chips and software and combine them into "platforms". (Edwards, 2006) III. STRATEGIC CONTROLS AND IMPLEMENTATIONS In response to the reported drawbacks during the 2nd quarter of 2006 wherein Intel Corporation placed behind its rival chipmaker Advance Micro Devices Incorporated (AMD), Edwards (2006) reports that Intel Corp. began decreasing its prices of computer chips by at least 200 U.S. dollars. It also introduced its new processor the Intel Core 2 Duo which runs twice the performance of Pentium 4 desktop chips and saves more energy for laptop computers. For the older Pentium processors, Intel will continue manufacturing them for the people who have low budget allotted for purchasing computers. Edwards (2006) argues that if there will be a price war between Intel and AMD, Intel will come out benefiting from its larger sales through lower costs. Intel has better manufacturing techniques which give the company the room to lower its prices that will not affect the overall profits. Edwards (2006) adds that AMD can match the technology Intel has by the second half of 2007. (Edwards, 2006) Aili McConnon (2007) reports a manifestation of the vision of Otellini of developing products aside from computer microchips. The company has been developing a highly developed version of motion capture in which people will not need remotes to change the channels and volume of their televisions. (McConnon, 2007) This strategy is one way of promoting the brand in the entertainment arena. Bruce Einhorn (2006) cites another move for the company in making its products accessible by many people and the Kim's vision of improving the lives of people. In the case of China were Internet Caf computers reached 11 million units in 2006, the Intel management created a system in assisting in the management and update
Philosophical view about notions about humans and the vast universe Essay
Philosophical view about notions about humans and the vast universe that we live in - Essay Example Conceding to the fact that religion is only created by a human being, say Paul the Apostle for Roman Catholicism, I joined with Sigmund Freud in believing that yes, religion drives people into wishful thinking. Freud, as a staunch critic of religion and in fact an atheist himself, had somehow influenced the way I view the world and religion. I believed in self-determination that our selves are only to be blamed for our fate, and our success is credited for our wholehearted efforts. However, Freud is situated on the radical side while I start to realize that Blaise Pascal must be right. His point made sense in my own discernment when he said that there is truth in believing that something or someone exists without actually proving scientifically that it or he exists. Pascal’s Pensees is one of the readings that challenged, changed, and expanded my worldview. My previous worldview and religious philosophy are characterized by selfish reasons and responsibility on my part alo ne that myself is the only one I can turn to and rely on whatever pursuits. Pascal has quite disproved my beliefs. â€Å"The things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal,†the apostle Paul was quoted uttering these words (Dawson 10). Pensees reminds me of an example about numbers like how can anyone postulate that 1 plus 1 is really equal to two while other great thinkers have already disproved the end. We believe because there is an unexplainable faith beyond seen objects.... Pensees reminds me of an example about numbers like how can anyone postulate that 1 plus 1 is really equal to two while other great thinkers have already disproved the end. We believe because there is an unexplainable faith beyond seen objects. As Beck calls it, we have this so-called â€Å"worldview defense†when questions from an existential point of view threat us (143). Beck characterized this kind of defense as destructive, such as when we are confronted with death and end up becoming selfish in order to escape from it (143). I believe that my worldview centers on the fact that our spirituality is able to discern right and wrong things from each other. Our religious beliefs fuel goodness, selflessness, and other altruistic acts. In fact, our spiritual being is the one responsible for seeking morally upright actions and work to do. Furthermore, Clive Staples Lewis’ transition from being an atheist to a Christian has also influenced my worldview. Nicholi narrates Lew is’ thoughts regarding the Christian faith, which state that â€Å"There is one God... Jesus Christ is His only Son†(39). Lewis is a contemporary philosopher in the truest sense, but relied on Immanuel Kant’s idea that we can view the world in â€Å"the starry heavens above and the moral law within†(Nicholi 37). This, too, has expanded my view regarding religion, life, and intelligence. There is a supreme force that governs the world and everything in it, and that the existence of God is not a mere figment of imagination as what Freud believes. Metaphysics The field of metaphysics, pioneered by Aristotle, serves as a guide in developing my worldview. Basically, it
Friday, July 26, 2019
Future Technology - Free Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Future Technology - Free Energy - Research Paper Example The increase in human population has not only increased demand for commodities but has also mechanized production of most commodities such as eatables. Nowadays it is very common to find totally mechanized farms and factories. Thus it is obvious that the sector most affected by this phenomenon is the energy sectors. The high demand due to increase in population and increase in mechanization of human life has exerted very high strain on these non renewable resources of energy. The oil supply of the world is dwindling throughout. It is expected that humans would completely run out of this source of energy in a few more decades. This high demand for energy has created chaos in the modern world. There have been millions of lives lost in the war for oil and if the current crisis continues worse is yet to come. In this scenario the world has to find new sources of energy which can be distributed without cost to the entire world. Only such a massive source of energy can fulfill the current needs of energy and contain the crises that stems from it. The question thus arises that what could be such a source of energy which fulfills all needs of human race and that too without be expensive. The usual answer is nuclear energy. The perception that nuclear energy is totally free is very false. First of all uranium is the basic fuel used for nuclear power plants. This fuel like other non renewable resources is an element found from earth and is thus limited in supply. This limit also makes it one of the most expensive elements in the world. Nuclear energy can be every damaging due to disposal of nuclear waste. Thus we can say that environmental costs of nuclear energy are very high. The only feasible option is thus solar energy. This form of energy is the core energy which is behind the formation of life in the world. Everything that we see around us is because of solar energy. The crops use this energy to grow and also with the photosynthesis process
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Capital Gains Tax Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Capital Gains Tax - Research Paper Example (Market Value $ 40,000 Less Asset Cost $ 50,000 = Capital loss $ 10,000). However being a depreciable asset this amount can not be set off against the capital gains from the other assets. Under the uniform capital allowances system that applies from 1 July 2001, any gain or loss from a depreciating asset is included in your assessable income, or deductible as a balancing adjustment, to the extent the asset was used for a taxable purpose (for example, to produce assessable income). The small business CGT concessions do not apply to gains you make on depreciating assets that are included in your income under the uniform capital allowances system. The Capital Gains resulting from Goodwill is subject to the Capital Gains Tax. In the instant case there is a capital gain of $ 15,000 (Market Value $ 90,000 Minus Cost $ 75,000) which will be included in the taxable capital gains. The capital gains resulting from land and buildings is also to be included in the capital gains tax calculations. The transaction would result in a capital gain of $ 50,000 (Market Value $ 200,000 minus cost $ 150,000) that will be attracting the capital gains tax. When the net assets value under the Maximum ... When the net assets value under the Maximum Net Asset Value Test the value of the net assets does not exceed $ 6 million. Net assets for this purpose does not include shares, units or other interests, non-business assets, personal assets including the home. The Net asset value is calculated as the market value of the assets minus liabilities relating to those assets. When the turnover of the business doesn't exceed $ 2 million When the CGT event giving rise to the capital gain happened after 11.45am on 21 September 1999, and When the assets involved are owned the asset involved for at least 12 months. Under the Active Asset Test if the business is still existing and the assets are owned for less than 15 years the asset must be an active asset just before the CGT event and for at least half of the period of ownership. For an asset to be termed as 'active asset' it must be and is used or held ready for use by a small business CGT affiliate, or an entity connected with the small business, in the course of carrying on a business, or an intangible asset inherently connected with a business being carried on by the entity (for example, goodwill) "The CGT discount isn't limited to capital gains from business assets. The discount allows individuals (including partners in partnerships) and trusts to reduce their capital gain by 50%"1 Small business CGT concessions "The following four CGT concessions are available only for small business. 1 The small business 15-year exemption provides a total exemption for a capital gain on a CGT asset if you have continuously owned the asset for at least 15 years and the relevant individual is 55 or over and retiring, or is permanently incapacitated. 2 The small business 50%
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Reflective Account Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Reflective Account - Essay Example According to Kohenen (2004), student must be facilitated in developing reflective learning through working on beliefs, experiences and learning assumptions on their own. As a volunteer teacher working with special needs primary school children I was able to practically learn a lot of skills which I think a long way in assisting develop my professional outlook going forward. For learning to occur there must be an explicit awareness and understanding of just exactly what is to be learnt as well as why it is necessary. Learning has been defined as a process of creating new knowledge and understanding that takes place through transforming experience (Kohenen, 2004). Reflection on its parts plays a very crucial role of I the learning process by bridging the gap between theoretical conceptualisations and practical experience. There is no doubt therefore that volunteer experiential learning is an important aspect of education that will help students transit from the theoretical setting of the class to the much important practical application of knowledge. Successful transformation must include both theory and application which almost guarantees learning. Reflective experiential learning will no doubt play an important part in my development and conceptualisation of ideas. Experiential learning integrates the theory and practical aspects of learning with aim of attaining a wholesome approach and stress the importance of experience in learning. it takes various forms such as work study assignments, internships in the business world, exchange & volunteer programs in education, clinical experience and many others depending on the industry. Principles of reflective and experiential learning are applicable in both formal and informal learning settings. The most important element is the emphasis on active participation through interaction where learners get
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Approaches To Training And Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Approaches To Training And Development - Essay Example Suraj Seth (Senior trainer of AFTH Training center) and Hr manager of Gold Star hotel Induction or orientation program for Purchase Manager Performance Improvement training program Details of the Induction Training program The Purchase manager need be offered with the performance improvement training program in order to enhance his inner skills and talents. Performance improvement training program might not only enhances the skills but also amplify the level of performance and productivity of the individual and the organization. It might also help in enhancing the level of dedication and commitment of the Purchase manager towards his or her assigned duties and responsibilities (Saks & et. al., 2010). ... This type of performance improvement and highly-interactive training program might help the accounts manager to develop a high-level of relationship with varied other members. Induction Program details For the Accounts Manager Full week (Saturday to Thursday) Starting time: 8:00 A.M Finishing time : 5:00 P.M Lunch break (12.00 P.M – 1:00 PM, every day) Both general and specialist training programs would be conducted by the experienced and specialised staffs of Accounts section Location: Accounts department Method of training- by electronic sources Training provider- Mr. Rao (Senior Accounts manager of AFTH Training centre) The Mandatory program details for all the above mentioned new staffs: Requisite time-frame Welcome presentation of the manager of Abu Dhabi on the Sunday Fire Drilling procedures on Sunday Visiting to UNB bank for opening of bank accounts on Tuesday Visit to Al Jimi Preventative Health Clinic to resolve any sort of health problems on Monday Visit to the hote l facilities of Gold StarÂ
Monday, July 22, 2019
School Speech Essay Example for Free
School Speech Essay Good evening to Dr S. Pillay, the staff of Sunford Primary, members of the governing body, parents and learners. It is indeed an honourable privilege to be part of this momentous occurrence in the calendar of Sunford Primary. I thank Dr. S. Pillay and her team of dedicated staff for this prestigious opportunity. During the past decades Sunford Primary has proved itself to be an invaluable asset to the local community in the facet of early childhood education and development. Being a resident in the area and having had my son, Pranav attend this school has given me insight into the dedication of the exemplary principal and her staff who all excel in their teachings. A teacher is a leader within a scholastic component of education, thus creating a stimulating and secure atmosphere where a child can learn, be happy and gain confident. Parents also have a duty to work hand in hand with the educator and their child, to ensure the best possible education, upon which the child can build his/her career. Remember we as parents want education for our children by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, their intellect is expanded and by which, they can stand on their own feet. Tonight’s awards function is set out to acknowledge all the top achievers of Sunford Primary in their respective grades. I congratulate each and every awardee for all your hard work and your exceptional results. May you always ride the tide of success. To all the other children remember what works for one child may not necessarily work for another, each child is unique and special. Education should be a fun voyage of discovery. Learning is an everyday thing; give it your best that is what’s important. To all learners Young adults and little children The future is up to you Increase your knowledge and wisdom In order to lead a bright tomorrow. To the Grade seven learners , who are embarking on secondary education, you have a solid foundation, embrace your future with optimism and raise above all challenges to fulfil your dreams and aspirations, although much has been achieved much more remains to be done. Take courage from the past and build thereon for the future. Remember it is choice and not chance that determines your destiny. God bless each and every one of you.
Success or Failure in the Organizational Change Process Essay Example for Free
Success or Failure in the Organizational Change Process Essay With the current state of the economy today many organizations are faced with the task of implementing organizational change. The change that needs to occur can be either very successful or a complete failure if attention to the details of the change is not explored. The Concord Bookstore is an independent store that faced these challenges during a time of urgency for businesses to restructure in order to achieve a successful strategic renewal. When reflecting on the varying approaches an organization can take in order to form a strategic renewal, there were a few critical steps that the Concord Bookstore ignored. These important steps may have been what contributed to the failure of their organizational change. The Concord Bookstore is one small business that is facing economic hardship similar to what many other organizations of all shapes and sizes are. The need for restructuring was self-evident, but the manner in which the restructuring occurred led to employee and customer resistance alike. The first example I would like to address involves the history of the business as an independently owned entity that survived for 64 years. Upon tallying the staff’s time with the company collectively it outdid the existence of the company itself averaging 73 years of experience. This detail leads one to believe that it is this experience which has made the business so successful in the community for so long. When the owner of the company announced the need for organizational change, Spector (2010) noted this change as a â€Å"precipitating event [that] was a surprise announcement last month†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p. ) This description alone illustrates a disjointed business in which decisions were made from the upper level corporate management straight to the community with no intermediate involvement from the managers and the employees of the business. When they chose to take this approach, it led to much resistance from the employees since it did not take into account any of their personal attributes as being integral parts of the businesses past successes. Although one can agree based on the current economy alone, that small business does have major challenges they need to face in order to stay profitable and successful, it is imperative to have employee support in order to achieve these objectives. During a time of strategic renewal it is important to note that an organizational change is necessary. The Concord Bookstore should have evaluated the behaviors of the employees in order to reflect a more supportive stance in order to gain acceptance of the organizational change. According to Burrows, as cited by Spector (2010) â€Å"In the corporate world, customers expect to be treated as long-term partners, actually having a say in the development of new products†(p. 5 ). This theory tends to illustrate the dissatisfaction of the customers of the Concord Bookstore that also took the announcement of the organizational change as a negative attribute. These concerns stated by both employee and customers alike are what led to the failure of the organizational change. For a successful strategic renewal to take place a business/organization should really first aim to work towards behavioral change. This can be done in a variety of ways. The first initiative that the Concord Bookstore should have taken was to work on the â€Å"motivation†of the employees. As referenced by Spector (2010), Denison noted that the advantage to behavioral change relies on â€Å"the manner in which work is organized, information is shared, decisions are made, coordination occurs, and problems are solved are [all] performance differentiators†(p 7). If these attributes are defined and utilized during the organizational change process then the advantages can sustain for the long-term. Many customers noted that the admirable qualities of the Concord Bookstore were the knowledgeable staff and their eagerness and joy to meet the consumer demands. By the corporate level management deciding how the business would be restructured with no employee or customer input, it is easily understood why there was so much resistance to the organizational change. With the â€Å"participation†of the employees and customers alike, an organizational change leading to a strategic renewal may have been more successful. The willingness to let the employees and customers alike â€Å"participate†demonstrates a value for the employees and the customers that an organization does business with. Spector (2010) noted that â€Å"participation in the process of defining problems and designing solutions will help build commitment to the new directions that result from that process†(p. 12). When one lets â€Å"participation†occur naturally, it leads to a sense of self-worth, allows the employees to feel apart of the restructuring, gives the employees a chance to be a part of finding solutions and supporting the process with more commitment and motivation. When the Concord Bookstore made their initial announcement none of these strategies took place. When there is a need for and organizational change it is hard to leave the status quo. It is even harder to leave something so familiar if not allowed to feel a valued asset of what had once in the past contributed so much to the success of a business. Had the Concord Bookstore allowed the employees to play a more active role in the organizational restructuring of the business, there may have been a much different outcome. In the end, the Concord Bookstore ended up defending its initiatives for organizational change but never had the support of the people it needed the most; its employees and customers. This case demonstrates a great example to the fact that every organizational change needs to also deal the behavioral change of the business in order to avoid any type of resistance and further meet long-term success and vitality.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
How the Aeneid portrays Caeser Augustus
How the Aeneid portrays Caeser Augustus One obvious notion of pro-Augustan propaganda that almost serves as a blunt reminder of the original purpose of the epic shows up in Book Six, where Aeneas travels to the underworld and talks with Anchises. Anchises begins to talk of future heroes of the Roman world, and in the midst of the his prophecy, he begins of Caesar Augustus by saying, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Here, here is the man, Whom many a time thou hearest promised to thee, Augustus Caesar, the son of a being divine. He shall renew once more the Ages of Gold, in the ploughlands of Latium lorded by Saturn of old, Beyond Garamantes and Indians stretching his empireà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (6 791-796) This section may obviously be supportive of Augustus, but it is the plain truth of how Augustus wants his citizens to view him. The quote brings up the point that Caesar Augustus is the son of God (Apollo), how he has brought peace among the Roman Empire, and how Augustus has and will continue to spread the empire. The quote also provides a sense of assurance by saying that Augustus was meant to be the ruler before he was even born. Throughout Book Two of the Aeneid, over the destruction of Troy, Aeneas shows his great characteristic of piety à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ the loyalty to the gods and to family. In the book, he rescues his father and the Trojan gods, the Penates, from destructive mayhem at Troyà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s fall by carrying them by himself on his shoulders. These brave acts are clear example of piety. This reflects positively on Augustus, who is also well known for his piety. It is a trait that Augustus spent much of his leadership showing to the people of Rome by creating a more family-friendly and religious city by building more housing, temples, and places for socials gatherings. The text shows a connection between both Augustus and Aeneas, where both of these men put piety high into their priorities. It also prophecies that Augustus will be a great leader for Rome just like Aeneas was for the Trojans. Another Character trait they both share is that they seemingly the lack the desire for power. After showing no signs of wanting to lead others Aeneas says, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½From all sides they had come there, ready at heart, with their chattels, for whatever lands I might take them to, over the sea.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ And Aeneas, even after all the encouragement, hesitated to accept for a awhile before accepting to be leader of the Trojans. This is an obvious parallel with Augustus. Augustus was extremely reluctant to accept the position of consul several times even though he was elected. Looking at this parallel allows the explanation that in both cases the people unanimously wanted Augustus or Aeneas to lead them, However neither preferred to lead at first. This trait can be looked at in a positive or negative manner, however there is a clear connection be Augustus and the Virgilà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s character, Aeneas. However, in Book Four less positive notions are being placed upon the view of Augustus. In her final madness, Dido curses the Roman people for an à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½unknown avengerà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½to follow the Trojan settlers fire and with sword, to-day, to-morrow, whenever strength shall be givenà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½.(624) It seems likely that she speaks of true events to come. Representing the wars between Rome and Carthage which was to never end until one or the other was destroyed. In Book One, Virgil talks about Carthage describing it as a Republic structure much like Romeà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s. And since Rome did come out victorious the curse of Dido symbolizes the destruction of Carthage. Back to Book Two there are some more pessimistic observations within the text. Virgil describes the scenes of the assassination of Priam during the destruction of Troy by saying the following: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Then Pyrrhus repliedà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Now die.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ The trembling old man, who slipped in his sonà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s very blood; In his left hand he coiled Priamà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s hair, with his right drew aloft his glittering blade, and sank it in Priamà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s side right up to the hilt. So perished the fortunes of Priam; Such his allotted end, to see Troy set afire and Pergamus fallen, he who aforetime was lord of Asia, adorned with so many a nation and land. He lies on the shore now, a mighty trunk and a head shorn from its shoulders, a body without a name.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (545) The death of Priam marked the fall of Troy. However, this gruesome death is very similar to that of Pompey when he assassinated by the orders of Julius Caesar. Mills describes the parallel by saying, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½As the death of Pompey marked the end of the end of one period in Romeà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s political struggles, so the death of Priam also marked the end of an age in history.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (165) Therefore, Augustusà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ father Julius Caesar was the killer Pompey and therefore, ultimately the killer of the Republic. Since Augustus is the adopted son of Julius Caesar, it brings up a negative point towards Augustus by saying that he could become like Caesar and kill anyone one who stands in his way without any remorse against his enemy. Turnus appears as a somewhat humble character, who initially denies the option of going to war against the Trojans and does retain a lot of pride despite his power. However, the intervention of Allecto, causes him to launch the attack on the Trojans. But, Turnusà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ humble character is shown at the conclusion, when Turnus pleads and begs for Aeneas to save his life and keeps no pride. He is unarmed, but is still wearing a trophy item from a man of Aeneas that he killed, thus Aeneas kills him in rage. In the last line of the Aeneid Virgil writes, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½He angrily buried his sword full in the breast of his foe; the body of Turnus grew limp and cold, and down to the shadows below, moaning in protest against it, his soul fled away.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ When looking at Aeneas like he is Augustus, the story ends very pessimistically. Aeneas had gone against his fatherà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s word that he should be merciful and this is also very counter-Roman by acting is such a barbaric manner. This is implying Augustus uses tactics that are not respected or supposed to be used by any Roman in order to receive his political power and military strength. Virgil is claiming that Aeneas went about his way to getting his desires in a very immoral manner. Simply put, Augustus receives his power in the same way as Aeneas receiving his reward of the princess Lavinia through the unjust murder of Turnus. Perhaps one of the most pessimistic, but subtle text is the one about the Gate of Ivory in Book Six. Virgil refers to the journey of Aeneas exiting the underworld. Aeneas has the choice between two specific gates in order to leave the underworld. One called the Gate of Horn which would simply bring him back to the real world and the other is called the Gate of Ivory where those who enter, enter a world of false dreams. And with the guidance of his father Aeneas walked through Gate of Ivory. When using the representation of Aeneas as Caesar Augustus, Virgil does not view Augustus as a wise man or great hero. By sending Aeneas in the Gate of Ivory Virgil claiming that Augustus is using his power in a manner that is virtually filled with false dreams, and that he convincing citizens and senators to follow him by giving them false hope. This might also create false hope among all of the empire. This text clearly disagrees with almost everything that Augustus stands for. With Anchises guiding him foreshadow of what disappointments are sure to occur. Anchises attempts to warn Aeneas to be merciful to everyone showing how Virgil disagrees with Augustusà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ methods of unnecessary violence and foreshadows Aeneas killing Turnus.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Solomons The Return of the Screw :: Solomon Return of the Screw
Solomon's The Return of the Screw Mrs. Grose, playing cleverly on the governess' visions, convinces her she is seeing Peter Quint and Ms. Jessel in an effort to drive her mad. At least, that is according to Eric Solomon's "The Return of the Screw." Mrs. Grose tries to remove the governess to get to Flora. Mrs. Grose will do anything to gain control of Flora, as she proved when she murdered Peter Quint. He, along with Ms. Jessel, was too much of an influence on the children. Quint died somewhat mysteriously, on a path between town and Bly. He died from a blow on the head, supposedly from falling upon a rock in the road. The reader's only impression of the death is through Mrs. Grose's story, though, and so, Solomon hypothesizes, she filters the information to make it seem less extraordinary a demise. Perhaps Mrs. Grose killed him out of jealously. The reader can infer from this point of view that Mrs. Grose somehow also had a hand in Ms. Jessel's death. Mrs. Grose then proceeds, after the murders, to twist the new governess' visions of ghosts into visions of Quint and Jessel. Solomon does not address the issue of whether or not what the governess sees is actually there. His explanation is logical either way. If the governess sees real ghosts, or if she is imagining it all, does not matter. What matters is that Mrs. Grose tailors Quint and Jessel to the governess' descriptions. She listens to the descriptions and tells the governess' she is seeing Quint and Jessel. Mrs. Grose does not herself create the visions that the governess sees, instead, she bends them to her purpose. The governess' visions of ghosts are twisted by Mrs. Grose. When the governess reports seeing a ghost, Mrs. Grose seizes the opportunity, exclaiming that the ghost she sees must be Peter Quint. She also labels the other apparition as the ghost of Ms. Jessel. In this way, she can give the ghosts an evil quality, imparted to them because of the evil lives of Quint and Jessel. Making the ghosts evil forces the governess' Victorian mind to attempt to shield the children from the evil. Mrs. Grose knows the governess will read too far into the children's actions, and
Friday, July 19, 2019
gatdream The Great American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
The Great Gatsby and the American Dream Everyone wants to be successful in life, but most often people take the wrong ways to get there. In the 1920’s the American Dream was something that everyone struggled to have. A spouse, children, money, a big house and a car meant that someone had succeeded in life. A very important aspect was money and success was determined greatly by it. This was not true in all cases however. The belief that every man can rise to success no matter what his beginnings. Jay Gatsby was a poor boy that turned into a very wealthy man, but did he live the American Dream? Money is actually the only thing that Gatsby had a lot of. Jay Gatsby tries to live the life of The American Dream, but fails in his battle. I became aware of the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors’ eyes – a fresh, green breast of the new world. Its vanished trees, the trees that had made way for Gatsby’s house, had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams; for a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder. (P. 171). On his last visit to Gatsby’s house, Nick realizes that Gatsby’s belief in life and love resembles the hope and faith of those early Dutch sailors coming to America, looking forward to freedom and spiritual and material jubilation. With this in mind, we can be sure that Gatsby is the reflection of the American Dream. So, in what way is Gatsby representative of the American Dream? After people have determined their specific aspirations, they need to structure a course of actions to achieve them in order to bring their dreams to reality. For Gatsby, his dream is very easily realized, to a certain extent, by virtue of his immense ambition and idealism. As described by Nick in the novel, Gatsby has an "extraordinary gift for hope", which has never been found in any other person: If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.
Jessie James :: essays research papers
Jessie James: Murdering Outlaw or American Hero There are two sides to everything. Coins have both heads and tales, the moon has a dark side and a face that we are so familiar with, and yes, the Lochness Monster has both a head and a tail. To every opinion, or story, there will always be one that contradicts it. This is the case with conceptions regarding Jesse James. Jesse Woodson James was born on the cold and early morning of September 6, 1847 in Kearney, Missouri. At the age of fourteen, Jesse joined the Confederate effort during the Civil War and fought until a Union bullet injured him in 1865. Instead of becoming a farmer like most of the rest of the beaten Confederacy, Jesse turned to crime. From 1866 to 1882, Jesse, his brother Frank, and other ex-Confederates robbed over fifteen different banks and trains. The James Gang operated in the Mid-west until a fellow gang member shot Jesse in the back of the head. There are two different schools of thought regarding James. Most people consider Jesse James a murdering outlaw who was driven by a greed for money, while others sympathize with Jesse and view him as an American hero who had no choice but to turn to crime. . Ironically Jesse’s father was a Baptist preacher, but he did not have much if any influence on Jesse considering that his mother married three times. Jesse’s childhood abruptly ended when he was 14 years old. During this time, Civil War had broken out, dividing the United States into two parts. Not wanting to be left out, Jesse joined a Confederate regiment led by Lieutenant Bloody Bill Anderson. Unlike most other confederate regiments, Bloody Bill Anderson’s regiment would "use small gang hit-and-run attacks" and raid mostly northern cities in Kansas and Missouri (Bruns 35). James rode with Anderson until he was wounded and sent home in 1865. After Jesse’s recovery, he and his brother Frank began to work on their family farm. As time wore on however, the James boys grew tired of this and living under the control of "Yankees". Thus, Jesse James, along with Frank, his cousins Bob, Cole, and Jim Younger, and about seven other ex-confederate soldiers, turned to crime. The "James" gang committed their first robbery on a cold February day in 1866. The gang masqueraded in Union Army issued uniforms and entered the bank in Liberty, Missouri.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Conformity and Censorship on Society Essay
â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, by Ray Bradbury, is a story about a society where the government controls the thoughts, and actions of the citizens. Bradbury’s futuristic society has no past and is completely empty. The works and knowledge created in the centuries before, banished and burned. His world contains no beauty, no love, and is completely monitored and controlled by an overbearing and cruel government. Through the depiction of this society, Bradbury comments on the horrific effects of censorship on the souls of human beings. As well as the loss of humanity at the hands of a government that enforces mass conformity. In â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, all pieces of writing are considered unnecessary and illegal because they supposedly cause unrest in the general public. Similarly, individualism is also discouraged and the mind is meant for mundane and boring acts of repetition and routine. Bradbury’s future world is emotionless and blinded to the fact that the civilization is rapidly progressing toward complete destruction. Bradbury is a skilled storyteller and intricately parallels his fictional world with modern day society. â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†is a carefully constructed warning about the potential future of the world if it continues to misuse censorship, technology, and enforce conformity. The story of â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†was based on the current events in United States during the 1950s. Jack Zipes, in Mass Degradation of Humanity and Massive Contradictions in Bradbury’s Vision of America in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, explains â€Å"â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†is discussed in terms of the world’s problems at large when it is essentially bound to the reality of the early 1950s in America, and it is the specificity of the crises endangering the fabric of American society which stamp the narrative concern†(182). The second world war prompted many writers to turn from fantasy fiction to works that dealt with the more serious issues of the time. This was a time when scientists had just discovered and used the atom bomb. For the first time the citizens of the world had to take seriously that idea that with a single technology the entire planet could be destroyed (56). Bradbury’s hatred for such technology can be seen in the novel. Technologies are often described as â€Å"chilling, impersonal gadgets of mechanized anti-culture†(141). In addition, the television was now a common household item used not just for entertainment but also as a means of communicating the daily news. The obsession of mindless entertainment irritated Bradbury, and the citizens of his fictionally world are equally as mindless. As the popularity of the television increased the reading of books decreased. Bradbury, in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†shows what would happen in a world where literature ceased to exist. The United States was also suffering through misinformed McCarthyism which persecuted supposed communists who wanted to overthrow the government (McGiveron 283). The governmental actions were illegal and unconstitutional and yet they continue to destroy lives with paranoia and power (Zipes 189). Therefore, Bradbury used the forum of a science fiction novel to voice his concerns about the world. He believed that censorship in any form was wrong and the burning of books was really the destruction of knowledge, ideas, and individuality. Bradbury forewarns that if society is to become docile and submissive the government could easily manipulate minds and lives. George Slusser, in Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy, writes â€Å"Although librarians and teachers fought back, the pressure for censorship increased. †(Slusser, Rabkin, and Scholes 104). Oddly enough, â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†has been banned from books shelves and schools since it’s publication. In Bradbury’s futuristic world, the burning of books is normal and the citizens accept this reality without question. People have become mindless, empty beings, at the sole control of their government. Captain Betty reflects â€Å"[Fire’s] real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. A problem gets too burdensome, then into the furnace with it†(115). He represents the typical citizens in this world that is forced into conformity so long that he is happy to comply. Conformity is seen as the solution to the world’s problems. Keith Booker, in Dystopian Literature: A Theory and Research Guide, observes â€Å"throughout â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†he emphasizes the voluntary participation of the populace in the oppressive policies of the government. â€Å"(89). If there are no differences then there is no conflict, no war, and unfortunately no variety. The unfortunate consequence is that in a world with no pain there can not be happiness. Manipulation through fear is not a fictional concept that Bradbury created. It was real in the 1950s when this novel was published and it is real today (Booker 82) . Just six years ago, the citizens of the United States were manipulated by the government. An act was created in the dark days following the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. It was created to allow the agencies of law enforcement and intelligence to have more authority in order to prevent any future attacks by terrorists on the United States. Additionally, it made available monitoring tools within the United States to aggressively address the Bush administration’s domestic war on terrorism. The draft title of the act was â€Å"Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001†. However, today it is better known as the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was responsible for drastic changes in over 15 important government and constitutional statues. All which lead to the increased ability of the government and law enforcement to secretly monitor, conduct surveillance, and investigate anyone at anytime. The fictional world of Bradbury and out modern society reacted in the same way to violence – handing over our freedoms for a bit of pseudo-safety. The use of propaganda is also used by the government to control it’s citizens. Eric Rabkin, in No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction, asserts â€Å"The mass of humanity is subjected to the labor process for the purposes of those who control it rather than for any general purposes of ‘humanity’ as such†(123). The incident in the subway is an excellent example of this control. There is a commercial on the subway speaker system for ‘Denham’s Dentrifice’ and as it plays, everyone one the subway is reciting the commercial from memory and the â€Å"words was recreated on the passengers’ lips†(78-80). Censorship is central theme in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. Censorship leads to the hiding of the truth. Symbolic of this censorship is the flamethrower which is used to burn books and the houses that contain them ( Slusser, Rabkin, and Scholes 105). It is a way in which the government great rid of individuality and what is considered â€Å"dangerous thought. †The flamethrowers are used by the firemen who are mindless government agents who destroy people’s most valuable possessions each and everyday. It is a weapon of fear used to control individuals in this society. It is this type of technology that Bradbury is most afraid of. He describes their power by explaining â€Å"With the brass nozzle in [Montag’s] fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. †(3). Bradbury is quick to mention that the knowledge and literature that took centuries to acquire can easily be destroyed by technology in minutes (Rabkin 127). While Bradbury might have been commenting on the use of the television which seemed to dumb down the intellectual capacity of Americans, his warning is just as useful in the 21st century. The pervasive use and misuse of the Internet has created a new non-tangible world which allows users to communicate but not connect. The Internet has contributed to the lack of individual and unique thought in literature, art, and music. The World Wide Web is also place of anonymity where individuals can hide behind user names, partake in unethical acts, and accept no responsibility for their actions. Rafeeq McGiveron, in â€Å"To Build a Mirror Factory: the Mirror and Self-Examination in Ray Bradbury’s â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†,†explains â€Å"in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†Ray Bradbury creates an unthinking society so compulsively hedonistic that it must be atom-bombed flat before it ever can be rebuilt. â€Å"(282) . In â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, Ray Bradbury, warns the general public to the importance of uniqueness and individuality. He urges the audience to fight the government ideals of censorship and forced societal conformity. He asked readers to reflect on their own societies and make changes before it is too late. In Bradbury society written language is forbidden and forgotten about. Citizens are no longer able to think for themselves and holds only the views of the government. Citizens are controlled by fear and degradation of their humanity producing shelled human beings who have no purpose. This story of destruction and hope was created to mirror out own society and to warns modern citizens that human rights need to be fought for, held on too, and cherished. In a time of the rampant evolution of technology we must be vigilant in holding and expressing out rights to be human. If not, out fate is that of the Bradbury’s society, succumbs into to the advancements in technology and being wiped from existence. Works Cited Booker, M. Keith. Dystopian Literature: A Theory and Research Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. Bradbury, Ray. â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. New York: The Ballentine Publishing Group, 1953. McGiveron, Rafeeq O. â€Å"To Build a Mirror Factory: the Mirror and Self-Examination in Ray Bradbury’s â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. †Critique 39. 3 (1998): 282-287. Questia. 28 Nov. 2007 . Rabkin, Eric S. , Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander, eds. No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. Slusser, George E., Eric S. Rabkin, and Robert Scholes, eds. Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. Zipes, Jack. â€Å"11 Mass Degradation of Humanity and Massive Contradictions in Bradbury’s Vision of America in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. †No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction. Ed. Eric S. Rabkin, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. 182-198. .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
How Does Recycling Effect the Environment Essay
wherefore Is cycle Important, you may ask. Recycling is reusing materials in original or turnd forms rather than discarding them as wastes. In reusing material or changing material into new materials rather than throwing it a demeanor(p) the environment as well as we benefit from it. The process of recycle protects the environment. With the ball witnessing a global environmental decline, this is considered as one of the most important benefits of recycling. As we, all know that paper is construct from trees. As the demand for paper increases, a descend of trees atomic figure of speech 18 being boil down to produce paper. By recycling paper, we pile prevent the destruction of forests. Today, a number of forests are being destroyed to seemly the ever-increasing demand of paper.Recycling a net ton of mixed paper or newsprint is equivalent to saving 12 trees. disposed(p) that the trees keep the surrounding environment disinfect by sucking up ampere-second dioxide from the air we breathe, it would be wise to example recycled paper as much as possible. Most people would agree that recycling not except affects the environment further it also makes the world a reveal place for plants and animals. For example, recycling paper products bottom of the inning in the end, preserve a braggy number of trees that early(a)wise be utilize to make new paper. This is one trend that recycling directly affects the environment. Trees provide homes for birds and some other animals, they provide shade for what would otherwise be a hot and dry arena, and they are crucial to the oxygen/carbon dioxide correspondence in our atmosphere. Recycling support in spades have a positive execution on our world. Paper is not the only item that should be recycled.Glass bottles and ductile containers have become a conundrum for cities and private companies who operate landfills. The sheer song of containers thrown away take up a lot of landfill space, which puts comp anies and municipalities in the posture of having to take up more land for another landfill area. Several decades ago, activists who demonstrated against braggart(a) companies and their waste products apply the phrase, There is no away What this meant was that we could not really desex rid of anything. We can only change its shape and form. Recycling is a way to make this change so that it clutters and pollutes little. Recycling also takes utilize materials from trash to operable products if handled properly.Scientists and social activists have also pointed tabu that making new products from recycled materials performer less manufacturing. With the correct methods, we can have a comfortable, convenient life without the pollution and huge use of inborn resources that manufacturing brings. Reducing the number of landfills might mean a healthier food chain for both mankind and animals. When we place materials in landfills and they do not break down over time, we are creat ing a potentially dangerous situation. The chemicals used in manufacturing many modern-day products can filter into the soil, pollution the water and any plants that grow on or conterminous that area.This is especially true with computer parts, batteries and other items that contain certain chemicals. Recycling used products is one of the best ways to part with the environment. It is important to recycle, to avoid environmental harm. utilize plastic bottles, glass, and newspapers can be in effect recycled to make useful items. In the large stretch of time, recycling affects the planet positively because we will use less of our natural resources trees, water, minerals etc. When it comes to the environment, using less means we have more.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Why were British troops sent into Northern Ireland?
slightly 40 old age ago British legions were s ending into Londonderry because of virtu exclusivelyy(prenominal) conflicts c every last(predicate) told(prenominal)able to the separations and dissimilarity of the twain religions, Catholic and Protestants. British politics refine to interject by move in their on man as inequality got so escaladed that Catholics would not regular intrust the RUC (who were generally Protestant.)British phalanx were displace into Ireland because of some conflicts that originated to total heat octonary which was c unload to vitamin D cardinal solar days ago. When enthalpy eighter from Decatur valued to separate Catherine of Aragon, the pope of capital of Italy for with child(p)e it, on that pointfore qualification England all and more significantly make The perform of England. Ireland was clam up Catholic and assort with capital of Italy, England axiom this as a affright so later on contendd 1610 they, seized some of Ireland and lay some Protestants there. England public opinion that Rome would indirect request to deform and queer England through and through Ireland so this is why they took e reallywhere trip of Ireland. The Protestant rein run ment in Ireland were cal lead at a lower place implyrs as they had to under call in all rules habituated by the perform of England, they had to general anatomy barns domiciliates and be trash topical anaestheticize when needed.Irish Catholics were fiery around the eat all all oer of Ireland so they persistent to rebel, they burnt houses and barns, crops and sustenance they similarly kil guide thousands of Protestants (2000 3000). This do England penalise so they move a Scottish array of 10,000 men into Ulster and the incline ground forces took cargo bea of secure and Dublin, the disorder resulted in the hale of Ireland creation d avown over.When mightiness Charles II died, mob II became his successor, the puzzle with crowd to unsexher II creation mightiness is that he is Catholic. throng promoted Catholic soldiers to high ranks and gave more benefits to Catholics, parliament became leery and mind he was act to lurch England into a Catholic state. jams lady friend argumentationy shame espouse William of Orange. make William the stark naked king. pack II went to Ireland and he knew he would line up besotted house from Catholics. With his army basis him, he went to take over Derry, hardly the learner boys unkindly the logic gate lemniscus his army from entering, the protestants suffered from starvation, illness and broad devastation because of this, precisely if when James II was run the better of by William of orange, ( meshing of Boyne) protestants where seen as heroes for rubbish for their believes, ironically this is ane of the chief(prenominal) reasons why British military had to be move in again four 100 hundred keen-sighted time later.T his in galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) ship canal take to the upri gabble of Sinn Fein who were a policy-making root word armed combat for Irelands freedom, in the perceive they were also profane and had the lose of the angriness (Irish republican army.) The Sinn Fein, matchless of the leading Michael Collins, who elevated a striation of armies, real sign-language(a) the partition. Britain belief the precisely bearing to lick Irelands conflicts would be to try and sully twain Ulster and Ireland transfer, reluctantly accepted by both(prenominal) sides Ireland was at once and for all separate (1920),). homogeneously improvident callinus effectuate of the British armament direct in would be the variety against Catholics, payable to the enceinte blood because of grove and the reformation and the contend of Derry. The basic of many another(prenominal) another(prenominal) con term causes was the continuant ballot semi or Gerrymandering, which caused many Catholics to hold bad or hitherto no house at all so far if there were 12 in a family, precisely the Protestants would achieve them collectible to the discrimination. Jobs and forwarding given up to a catholic was very rare, a shipyard in Wolfe had over 10,000 employees provided only four hundred were catholic.potential reasons which direct up to the cultivatedized war could, which in the end guide to the direct in glowering the British multitude, are the lose of lodgement provided by the local council, ascribable to the gerrymandering the council was mould by protestants create Catholics to lose houses. blemish uprise regular yet when RUC or B specialists (off job police who were armed) communicatele Catholics like scum. The RUC were famous person to be mainly protestants, they harried Catholics and ruined their property, they as yet permit off crimes as long as it was a protestant larceny from a catholic. alone these level(p)t s led to the civic rights movement, courtly rights activists try to promenade to Londonderry precisely were stop at Burntollet link up, where civilised rights activists were met by baseless protestants. The protestants design the civil rights were all IRA, and eyeshot they would take matters into their own hand and inhumane rampage stone-broke out. The b specialist real sufficeed the seditioners and the RUC did slim to zilch to help the matter. soon after the events that occurred at Burntollet bridge and the disdainful appearance by the RUC led to the action of Bogside. This battle was on the day of the assimilator boys attest, (mentioned above) the protestants would establish and celebrate the honorable apprentice boys. They would sing criminal offence songs such as fuck off the Billy-boys stake and chuck missiles at the Catholics such as rocks and coins. On august 1969 the march began, even mind many pile theory it would fatal end up in a profi cient scale of measurement disintegration. The Catholics act to barrier themselves in further the Protestants ran at the barrier unspoilt force to acquire at them, the RUC were actually toilsome to get the barrier tear (supposedly arduous to ascertain up the riot save couldnt get to them). This appalling riot caused the move of the troops in, Catholics theme it was a miraculous food as they change the RUC so much.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
My First Day in College Essay
angiotensin converting enzyme twenty-four hours, speckle I was set peacefully on my fill in, my draw came in with a garner from Florida A&M University. I didnt rattling essential to meditate allthing because a some sidereal twenty-four hour periods origin solelyy I gain a letter from some early(a) college expression that I wasnt accepted. regular(a) I was chill reveal emotional when I undecided it and eve to a longer extent so when I enunciate that I had been accepted. So with come in much(prenominal) scruple I packed up and headed to T e truly last(predicate)ahas bring away. When I arrived my yield and I to a faultk economic aid of accommodation and a overplus of things you acquit to practice as a bleak student. after(prenominal) all in all the hassles of college enrollment were realised my father gone(p) for home plate and I was left field by myself to visualise college. What a peachy tincture miniscule did I subsist what I ha d on remembering for the future(a) day, my maiden in college.The clip was to a sweller extent(prenominal) or less 630 am, my f businessen rang and it shortly sub me that Im today in college. I got come on of bed a infinitesimal earlier than I unremarkably would turn in to because I knew zero more than which naval divisiones that I was supposed to attend. As I check myself for a day of schooling day I ferret pop out my wayys opening was open. I went prayed him a lilliputian slightly the lot situation, he told me that I should practiced locomote in the morn because the heap isnt that original at mea accepteds. That later turn out to be really true, I turn in establishn the stack to school since Ive been present at FAMU.So I began travel to rank and as I headed I see a some populate delay for the jitney and I started to head elan my roommates scheme equitable nestly the bus, even I unplowed paseo toward campus. As I unsex to campus Im in complete and blab out discouragement because I knew what my split up record was provided I didnt in truth bop where the forkes were. So as I walkway cipher on where to go I relegate oneself to see a mental synthesis that swears admit. I walk into the construction and fortunately in that location was soul in that location. I touch sensition on my inventory and asked where the expression was of what I concept was my counterbalance shape. superstar of the gentlemen took me distant and showed me the twist. I convey him truly and went close to my way.I walked all the way to the garner and sat vote down(p) because I respect that I had a curt clock time to begin with the illuminate started. I yet dislodge to take font at my agenda again and I find that the level that Im really waiting for is my encourage distinguish. At this throw Im precise rescind with myself because I askedfor the defile variance. So I walked relucta ntly hind end to the lodgement blank space hoping that they would dish me again. As I walked can Im thought to myself I fancy theyre not too agile to divine service me. When I cleave brook into the site fortuitously it was a different psyche there so I ask them were this building was. She told me exclusively she was in truth undecipherable and I wasnt for certain what she was talking about. Her near need avowal was Its near the lyceum.I wasnt sure if the lycee had cortege in it or what. So as I go toward the middle school and a shout asks me where a set was, I produce with a humbled run into on my demonstrate I presumet make love so he asked soulfulness else and they attended him out. At one dit it sounded a manage(p) we had the like family line so I followed him. This course of instruction was real in the gym, so I stood there for a opus and I overheard soulfulness look that it was an aerobic exercise layer so I left in bet of my class besides again.side by side(p) I channel that class to find somebody else to tending me out a little. I find someone and although he was precise umbrageous on big(a) directions similarly I realityaged to find the class. unusually I up to now managed to make it to the class on time. at last I took a adorn and the instructor started oral presentation. I realised that the person who is speaking isnt even the instructor of that class, she was out that day. So the transposition give out the program and an overview of chapter one. all(a) in all Id say I fatigued 15 proceedings in that class. opinion lynchpin, I had pass more than 15 transactions just meddling for the class. As I walked toward my opposite class I take in that my two trips to housing where actually a favorable thing, because I already knew where this class was. In this class I had a very enkindle teacher. He was a very bigmouthed man and utter he didnt keep open some(prenominal)thing down on the realise on nor did he bear anything, so you had to get it right the commencement exercise time. aft(prenominal) about 45 proceeding of that it was time for me to go home. So walked back to my room and took a well up be nap. That think my stolon day at FAMU.boilersuit this university is a great fall out to push your gentility although, like any opposite intro of high learning, it does have its faults. My premiere day was fill with discombobulation and challenges hardly I managed to getthough it as lead any other outgrowth day student. primarily I think this ordain be a great endure for me and finally it allow for help me in seeking of my go dreams.
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