Thursday, November 28, 2019
Religion of the Victorian Era Faith in Crisis Essay Example
Religion of the Victorian Era: Faith in Crisis Paper Religion of the Victorian Era: Faith in Crisis â€Å"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness †¦ it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. †(Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities) The Victorians had a society comparable to ours with an explosion of ideas and innovation. Today our American society is famous for being a â€Å"melting pot. †Each individual has a different background where they create ideas completely different from another’s.One most likely pictures a melting pot as a fusion of ideas mixing together. One may also see the conflicts our society’s opposing ideas have created and see confusion rather than fusion. The term Victorian literally describes events in the reign of Queen Victoria during the years 1837-1901. The qualities of the queen herself help describe the values of the peoples of the time such as earnestness, moral responsibility, and domestic pr opriety(Christ, and Robson 980).The quality of moral responsibility had an enormous impact creating a great deal of controversy in this society. There became a religious battle; A challenge fought between the religious groups, the philosophers, the scientists, and every person with any opinion. England’s prosperity through new technology led to an expansion of influence around the world. Its annual export of goods sky rocketed in value between 1850 and 1870 and people began to invest. This investment of people, money, and technology created the British Empire(Christ, and Robson 985).Many English people viewed this expansion as a moral responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called this the â€Å"White Man’s burden. †Queen Victoria said that the goal was â€Å"to protect the poor natives and advance civilization†(Christ, and Robson 985). The social relevance began to increase during the first century of industrialization. The sequence of events caused missionary societies to flourish and Christianity began to reach India, Asia, and Africa(Obelkevich 311). While the British missionary societies were expanding, religious debate arose.By the mid-Victorian period the Church of England had transformed into three main divisions: Evangelical, Broad Church, and High Church (Christ, and Robson 984). James Obelkevich wrote, â€Å"The Victorian age was self-consciously religious. Britains greatness, Victorians believed its prosperity, social stability, political liberties, and Empire was rooted in Christian (and Protestant) faith. Yet if religion flourished, it did not bring harmony or good feeling†(328).Biblical disagreement spread with the introduction of new scientific advancements, along with philosophical, social, and religious ideas. The church went from unified to a state of pluralism which began the controversy with â€Å"Protestant against Catholic, Anglican against Dissenter, Evangelical against high churchman, Christian against u nbeliever†(Obelkevich, 328-329). The changes in the church may have been the start of the problem but the changes in society fueled the fire and allowed it to rage. The growth of industry made towns larger and widened the gap between classes.In 1830 the Liverpool and Manchester Railway opened. This was the first steam-powered, public railway line in the world. Railway construction exploded and the train changed England’s landscape, brought cities closer together, and allowed commerce growth. The economic growth brought parliament reform (Christ, and Robson 982). Astronomers became able to gain knowledge of stellar distances which was also frightening to people who never pictured a universe so vast. Anxiety from new scientific theories such as Charles Darwin’s evolution out broke.This not only went against the Christian God creating the world in seven days but also stole man’s role in the world and purpose felt lost for many. John Fowles writes in the nove l The French Lieutenant’s Woman, â€Å"By the 1860s the great iron structures of their philosophies, religions, and social stratifications were already beginning to look dangerously corroded to the more perspicacious†(Christ, and Robson, 987). This quote gives a great illustration of the feelings coming over the Victorian British society at the time.Their faith was being rocked by humans’ new ability to accomplish more things allowing some to feel stronger and no longer needing God. Science and new philosophical ideas shook everything they based their lives on. The literary community displayed their thoughts of the new industrious society and the ideas of science and philosophy through their works. Alfred Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, and Robert Browning express their viewpoints through poetry. Alfred Lord Tennyson’s In memoriam AHH expresses the change of the seasons and the celebration of Christian feasts starting with despair and growing with hope.Tennyso n was moved to write this long religious poem because of the death in 1833 of his friend Arthur Hallam. The poem opens with the words â€Å"Strong Son of God, immortal Love,/ Whom we, that have not seen thy face,/ By faith alone, embrace,/Believing where we cannot prove;†(1-4)(Sanders, 140). This displays his feeling of God well. Although there is much going on in this time period, with scientific discoveries, humans growing stronger with their capabilities, along with the tragic death of his close friend Tennyson holds tight to his faith.Matthew Arnold spoke a different theme through his poetry; It was the questioning if the life in a modern industrial society had the capability to be full and enjoyable (Christ, and Robson 1350). Robert Browning came along later than Tennyson and Arnold but was seen as a mediator between the two poets to one group of readers. This group saw him as a great philosopher and religious teacher that dissolved the doubts. There was a second group of readers that appreciated him for his writing rather than the content (Christ, and Robson 1248).In An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician, he announces his belief in creation with the lines, â€Å"Karshish, the picker-up of learning’s crumbs,/ The not-incurious in God’s handiwork/ (This man’s-flesh he hath admirably made,/ Blown like a bubble, kneaded like a paste,/ To coop up and keep down on earth a space/ That puff of vapor from his mouth, man’s soul)†(1-6). This is interesting because many intellectuals were changing their views to evolution in this time.Browning, Arnold, and Tennyson were all poets unafraid to use their work to speak their minds. Each displaying their attitudes in different ways about the new changes and God. During the Victorian Era there is no doubt the faith of religious people was threatened by great change. Charles Darwins theory of evolution and the industrial revolution ch allenged religion and questioned everything which held it together. Through studying the events in history and analyzing the way people would feel in such a time one can attempt to take a side.Our life experiences would affect this decision, of course, and our society’s ideas are much different than the people in the Victorian era also. We have become more open minded, in my opinion, allowing the fusion of our ideas to take place easier. The Victorians had a trouble with fusion; The perfect word to describe the era: confusion. Works Cited: Christ, Carol T. , and Catherine Robson. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Eighth Edition. E. New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company Inc. , 2006. 979-1825.Print. Obelkevich, James. Religion. Social Agencies and Institutions. Ed. F. M. L. Thompson. Cambridge University Press, 1990. Cambridge Histories Online. Cambridge University Press. 24 July 2011 DOI:10. 1017/CHOL9780521257909. 007 Sanders, Andrew. Christianity and literature in E nglish. World Christianities c. 1815–c. 1914. Eds. Sheridan Gilley and Brian Stanley. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Cambridge Histories Online. Cambridge University Press. 24 July 2011 DOI:10. 1017/CHOL9780521814560. 010
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tyranny In The Lord of the Fli essays
Tyranny In The Lord of the Fli essays The ancient Greeks are well known for many things, including art, poetry, mathematics and most important mythology. When most people here mythology the automatically think that Greek mythology and Roman mythology are the same thing. There not the same thing the Greek people where a peaceful and unique bunch of people. The Greeks believed that as long as a person obeyed the laws they where free to pursue there dreams. Greek people where a very religious group. People believed in gods and goddesses. These gods represented the daily aspects of geek life. The people loved there gods so much that temples where built for theses gods. Temples where made of marble, granite and limestone. Greek myths are all that is left of ancient Greece. About twelve thousand b.c residents of Greece and parts of Asia all believed in one common group of deities that came to be known as Olympians. Greek mythology goes way back in time. This period was known as the classical Greece. These stories behind the myths are so old that they where not written into text until much later. The most widely followed myths where of the Olympians. Olympians where descended from the primal self-created gods, begging with Kaos. The king of gods Zeus rules the Olympians. He is the strongest of the gods. Without him the other gods would not have been freed from their father Kronos. They Olympians are not they only immortals theyre a small portion of family that rule the earth and the sky. There bodies which are the rivers, mountains and forces of nature must be shown proper respect if a person whishes for a safe trip. The oldest myths can be traced back to men known as homer, Hesiod. That means that by the time these stories where written down. They had served years of additions and retellings. These stories that exist today are know as they authentic. Theyre where six Olympians there were Zeus, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Poseidon and Hades. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gun Control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gun Control - Research Paper Example Strict laws should be conceded, necessitating gun holders to be certified in the similar way car motorists are certified. Earning a license should entail a background checks, fingerprinting, and firearm safety teaching (Gold 49). Guns acquisitions should be limited to one month. Rigid consequences should be passed for stealing a gun. Gun traders should also be accredited, and obligated to pay an annual fee to run the gun business. People believe having a gun in the home makes the home a safe place. In contrast, scholars argue guns at home are five times more probable to murder a resident of the family than a burglar to the home. People say they are scared everybody has a gun, so they purchase one for themselves, for defense (Goss 54). It is intended to engage civilians to assist in the usage and control of firearms, especially to safeguard the minds of children, who experience gun violence at tender ages, and have no support. In some areas, many of the children assume to die brutally, possibly by a gunshot. United States children do not have the liberty to trust that one day they will be adults. Even though United States is one of the world’s lushest, toughest, ablest nations, the degree of gun violence points it out as not being one of the safest nations to live in (Carter 67). In addition, this project intends to shed lights on physical and emotional consequences of gun violence, suffered by the affected individuals and their families. Coming up with enhancement programs is one of its goals, programs which will synthesize voluntary spending time with victims of gun violence, and their families, in order to gain an insight of the well rounded consequences suffered by the whole community at large (Goss 71). Gun violence control will require community support (Gold 53). Developing young people skills and minds, and providing them an opportunity to actively live and participate in violence free, caring, and supportive society, is one of the aims of this project.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
No one should be condemned unheard Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
No one should be condemned unheard - Case Study Example I am assuming that you were given sufficient notice and if not, you ought to have been given so that you prepare against the allegations. But the main point which you need to take in mind is that you are entitled to a prior notice before the hearing is done and before you appear for the same. ( the same time Paul, you need to understand that the adequate notice you are entitled to under the principles of natural justice ought to be accompanied by an explanation of the allegations which were levelled against you in the complaint, and at the same time notice about procedure for determination of the alleged misconduct should have been communicated to you to constitute sufficient notice."According to Fortescue J, the first hearing was given in the Garden of Eden". (J.J.Upadhaya, Administrative Law, Central Law Urgency, 4th edition.2001, pg151). His Lordship observed in King vs. .Chancellor, University of Cambridge. "Even God himself did not pass sentence upon Adam, be fore he was called upon to make his defence" "Adam," says God "where art you Has though not eaten of the fruits of the trees whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldn't not eat"(ibid).In the above the lord is trying to state that before any condemnation is made or a decision, which is going to adversely affect the alleged, a hearing must be given. After having been given a notice, if at all it was given to you Paul, the Institute's disciplinary committee ought to have given you a hearing. As I mentioned above, you have the right to that hearing otherwise, this must have been unfair hearing simply because you were not given that right. Paul, I have based my argument on the principle that no one should be condemned unheard (www.welfare.i.e). Before any adverse action was taken against you they ought to have given you an opportunity of being heard. "In Cooper v.Wandersworth Board of works. The Board had power to demolish any building without giving an opportunity of hearing, if it was erected without prior permission. The Board issued order under which the house of the plaintiff was demolished. The action was brought against the board because it had used that power without giving the owner an opportunity of being heard. Although the action of the board was not in violation of the statutory provision, the court held that no man can be deprived of his property without having an opportunity of being heard". (Administrative Law, by J.J.Upadahaya, Central Law Urgency, pg 170,4th edition, 2001).In the above case Paul, statutory provisions provided that demolition be done if the structure was erected illegally but the court was not of the opinion that,such action be taken without the owner of the building being afforded an opportunity of being heard. As much as the regulatory body felt that your licence should not be renewed, simply b ecause of a complaint, true or not true, the mistake committed hear is that they ought to have allowed you to defend your self by affording you a hearing. I have also had an opportunity to note that, upon reaching their decision, the regulatory body did not disclose the reason, which they relied on to arrive at their decision of not renewing your licence, Paul, and you ought to be given a reason for that. Every decision that adversely affects an aggrieved person must contain reasons supporting it. In their decision Paul, they
Monday, November 18, 2019
TUI ( tuarism industry ) case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
TUI ( tuarism industry ) - Case Study Example Most of the countries in the European Continent have a pleasant weather throughout the year with rainfalls is summers and snowfalls and brisk winds in the winters. These countries therefore have a excellent features for attracting tourists. Many businesses in the tourism industry of UK and the rest of Europe depend upon tourism. These businesses are museums, cinemas, hotels, night clubs, restaurants, leisure parks, spas, resorts etc (Aston, 2009). The UK tourism industry is worth  £ 114 billion. The tourism industry of Europe is backed by the European Travel Commission (ETC), which is a non-profit making organization and has its main office in Brussels. This organization has 39 member organizations (European Travel Commission, 2009). The role of these organizations is to promote tourism internationally to European countries. These European countries have now started to focus on â€Å"Ecotourism†as mentioned in the European Travel Commission website. The focus on ecotourism and sustainable tourism was initiated when the tourism industries of Asian countries were booming and the Europe tourism industry was stagnated. The tourist destinations in Europe are not a booming business but they are very stable when compared to other tourist destinations of the world. The industry creates a lot of opportunities for the locals as they get more job creation and business opportunities. The single European market has been able to attract more tourists since the European Union (EU) came into existence (Pompl, 1993). The rich culture of the continent and the diversity makes it the most viable option for tourism whether it is for business reasons of for vacations. The general population in the world is tilting more towards family oriented fun and travel (FCCA, 2005). Individuals with families want to spend more time with their families on vacations and leisure time. The increase in youth activities together with their ability to
Friday, November 15, 2019
Gene Therapy: History and Advancements
Gene Therapy: History and Advancements Gene therapy is an advanced and evolving technology that is being researched and developed extensively. It is an experimental technique that simply, introduces a gene into cells, in the place of a defective or missing gene to correct a genetic disorder. Gene therapy is very interesting and it is very important for scientists to grow the knowledge of gene therapy which can be expanded and applied to help correct different genetic disorders. In 1966, a paper was published by Edward Tatum, proposing the effectiveness of viruses to be used in gene therapy. A couple of years after the paper was published, a demonstration proved Edwards concept true. The term gene therapy arose during the 1960s and 1970s. The first successful patient to be treated with gene therapy was in 1990, a four-year-old girl who had ADA (Adenosine deaminase deficiency), a disease that severally affects the immune system and its ability to fight infections. The therapy consisted of her white blood cells being taken from her and being inserted with the correct genes for making ADA, which was then reinjected into her. Along with her, another nine-year-old was infused with their own corrected cells over a two-year period. Gene therapy has multiple uses, the main being used to fix defective genes or to replace missing genes. Researchers and scientists have been working on gene therapy for decades and the future is very encouraging. Gene therapy can be used to correct a mutated gene. Gene therapy has successfully cured multiple diseases such as immune deficiencies like Severe Combines Immune Deficiency, Adenosine deaminase deficiency, different types of inherited blindness, haemophilia, blood diseases, fat metabolism disorder and gene therapy treatments are under development for cancer. A promising discovery of an effective treatment for melanoma has provided hope for many cancer sufferers. Although gene therapy holds a promise for treating a range of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, it is only available as part of a clinical trial. Gene therapy is the future of curing diseases. Through the process of gene therapy, genes are able to be introduced into existing cells to cure a wide range of diseases. Some examples of gene therapy successes include: Parkinsons disease is a disease that targets the brain, causing the patient to lose cells. As the disease advances, the sufferers lose the ability to control their movements. After a small group of patients were treated by the introduction of new normal cells, they all had improved muscle control. Beta-Thalassemia is a disease where patients dont have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Sufferers depend on constant blood transfusions for survival. In 2007, a patient with a severe blood disease received gene therapy to treat the blood stem cells. After the treatment, the patient was able to raise the level of healthy red blood cells. The patient is now living without blood transfusions. Immune deficiencies are among the first genetic disorders to be treated successfully by gene therapy. An example would be Severe Combined Immune Deficiency. SCID was one of the first to be treated by gene therapy. The cure for SCID has been modified since it was first discovered because the old cure could potentially trigger leukemia. The cure now uses safer vectors which are much less likely to cause cancer. Still in research, gene therapy is far from being perfected. Gene therapy has many risks because of this. Some risks may include inflammation because of how your immune system responded to the working gene copy, the working gene might be slotted in the wrong spot, the working gene might produce too much of the missing protein or enzyme it was targeted to do, causing complicated health problems and other genes may be delivered to the cell instead of the correct gene and the deactivated virus that was intended to target a cell might target another cell. Because gene therapy changes how your body functions, some people may be against that idea because they believe that it is ethically wrong to do. For example, some people might believe that God made us how we are and it is not up to us to change our genes and how they function to fix our imperfections. Gene therapy is still in development and conducting gene therapy clinical trials with genetically modified organisms presents potential safety and infection issues. All human clinical trials that are undertaken in Australia must be conducted under either the Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) or Clinical Trial Exemption schemes (CTX). In addition to the compliance to the CTN or CTX, any human clinical trials involving gene therapy must also require approval by the Gene Technology regulator under the Gene Technology Act of 2000. The intention of the Gene technology act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology. I believe that gene therapy is a big advancement in science. Gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize the way we can cure diseases. Gene therapy, if perfected, has an enormous potential to do good such as curing genetic disorders, but things such as genetic engineering are being researched more. There are already some foods such as rice, that has been genetically altered to have more minerals and vitamins, including vitamin A. This sort of genetic modification isnt bad because it can help increase vitamin levels in some populations of the world that do not have access to more nutritious foods. The concerning side to genetic engineering would be that scientists could find ways to manipulate anything wee need such as our height, build, gender, eye sight ability, potentially developing super-humans.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Powerful Winter Imagery in Edith Whartons Ethan Frome :: Ethan Frome Essays
Powerful Winter Imagery in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome     Ethan Frome, the title character of Edith Wharton's tragic novel, lives in his own world of silence, where he replaces his scarcity of words with images and fantasies. There is striking symbolism in the imagery, predominantly that of winter which connotes frigidity, detachment, bleakness and seclusion.      Twenty-eight year old Ethan feels trapped in his hometown of Starkfield, Massachusetts. He marries thirty-four year old Zeena after the death of his mother, "in an unsuccessful attempt to escape the silence, isolation, and loneliness of life" (Lawson 71).  Several years after their marriage, cousin Mattie Silver is asked to relieve Zeena, a gaunt and sallow hypochondriac, of her household duties. Ethan finds himself falling in love with Mattie, drawn to her youthful energy, as, "The pure air, and the long summer hours in the open, gave life and elasticity to Mattie" (Wharton 60).      Ethan is attracted to Mattie because she is the antithesis of Zeena. "While Mattie is young, happy, healthy, and beautiful like the summer, Zeena is seven years older than Ethan, bitter, ugly and sickly cold like the winter" (Lewis 310). Zeena's strong, dominating personality emasculates Ethan, while Mattie's feminine, effervescent youth makes Ethan feel like a "real man." Contrary to his characteristic passiveness, he defies Zeena in Mattie's defence, "You can't go, Matt! I won't let you! She's [Zeena's] always had her way, but I mean to have mine now -" (Wharton 123). To Ethan, Mattie is radiant and energetic. He sees possibilities in her beyond his trite life in Starkfield, something truly worth standing up for. Her energy and warmth excite him and allow him to escape from his lonely, monotonous life.      While Zeena is visiting an out of town doctor, Ethan and Mattie, alone in the house, intensely feel her eerie presence. The warmth of their evening together is brought to an abrupt end by the accidental breaking of Zeena's prized dish. Zeena's fury at the breaking of an impractical pickle dish exemplifies the rage she must feel about her useless life. "That the pickle dish has never been used makes it a strong symbol of Zeena herself, who prefers not to take part in life" (Lawson 68-69). Ethan's response to Zeena's rage was Powerful Winter Imagery in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome :: Ethan Frome Essays Powerful Winter Imagery in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome     Ethan Frome, the title character of Edith Wharton's tragic novel, lives in his own world of silence, where he replaces his scarcity of words with images and fantasies. There is striking symbolism in the imagery, predominantly that of winter which connotes frigidity, detachment, bleakness and seclusion.      Twenty-eight year old Ethan feels trapped in his hometown of Starkfield, Massachusetts. He marries thirty-four year old Zeena after the death of his mother, "in an unsuccessful attempt to escape the silence, isolation, and loneliness of life" (Lawson 71).  Several years after their marriage, cousin Mattie Silver is asked to relieve Zeena, a gaunt and sallow hypochondriac, of her household duties. Ethan finds himself falling in love with Mattie, drawn to her youthful energy, as, "The pure air, and the long summer hours in the open, gave life and elasticity to Mattie" (Wharton 60).      Ethan is attracted to Mattie because she is the antithesis of Zeena. "While Mattie is young, happy, healthy, and beautiful like the summer, Zeena is seven years older than Ethan, bitter, ugly and sickly cold like the winter" (Lewis 310). Zeena's strong, dominating personality emasculates Ethan, while Mattie's feminine, effervescent youth makes Ethan feel like a "real man." Contrary to his characteristic passiveness, he defies Zeena in Mattie's defence, "You can't go, Matt! I won't let you! She's [Zeena's] always had her way, but I mean to have mine now -" (Wharton 123). To Ethan, Mattie is radiant and energetic. He sees possibilities in her beyond his trite life in Starkfield, something truly worth standing up for. Her energy and warmth excite him and allow him to escape from his lonely, monotonous life.      While Zeena is visiting an out of town doctor, Ethan and Mattie, alone in the house, intensely feel her eerie presence. The warmth of their evening together is brought to an abrupt end by the accidental breaking of Zeena's prized dish. Zeena's fury at the breaking of an impractical pickle dish exemplifies the rage she must feel about her useless life. "That the pickle dish has never been used makes it a strong symbol of Zeena herself, who prefers not to take part in life" (Lawson 68-69). Ethan's response to Zeena's rage was
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Wielding the Sword of Truth
There is that famous saying that â€Å"pen is mightier than sword†. A common interpretation to this statement goes like this: a pen is a better weapon, may it be for offense or defense, than any weapon for destruction. But another interpretation is also apt for the statement: the pen of the writer, and the output it produces, shall be able to withstand any blow from any weapon, however destructive, that tries to destroy or repress the ideas it tries to share to the world.Throughout the world, through countries’ experiences of political turmoil and all the civil repression that comes along with most of it, time only seems to lend more and more credibility to this statement. â€Å"Didn’t you know that manuscripts don’t burn? †(Bulgakov, 1967), this is a much-quoted line from Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. It was spoken by Satan (in the person of a foreign professor/magician named Woland) to The Master, a writer who burned his com pleted novel in an effort to keep the Soviet authorities from reading it.Being one of Bulgakov’s main theme in the novel, it highlights the important role of writers: observing and writing about the social situation, amidst all the threat of a repressive and controlling government, with the object of sharing to others what the writer has seen and not just putting it away, never to be read, out of fear of arrest or tortureâ€â€to shed the light of freedom in the darkness of an unfree world. This theme was said to be based on Bulgakov’s personal experience of burning the early version of The Master and Margarita in fear of punishment from Soviet authorities.Thus it can be said that The Master has some autobiographical element from the author itself. The period when the novel was set corresponds to the time that Bulgakov wrote it: 1930’s, with the communist Bolsheviks reigning over all of Soviet Russia, and Stalin as the head of the said ruling party and of the country. This period was characterized by severe government control, not just on the economy, but on almost every move of the citizen of its country.And while in this time Russia is deemed to deliver good results, as it is considered as one of the superpowers of the world, internally, the system is mired with conflict and threat-and-control-subjected citizens. Those people who challenge the status quo and the government’s way of running the country are immediately taken into custody and sent to psikhushka where they are to be imprisoned as to stop them from â€Å"polluting†other people’s minds. Thus, to avoid imprisonment and torture, several writers, Bulgakov included, chose to destroy their deviant literary works.However, in writing the second draft of the novel, and with it having the abovementioned theme, it seems that Bulgakov has realized the futility and repugnancy of destroying one’s own work in favor of a trouble-free existence. This is reflecte d in the much-quoted line and in Woland’s returning of The Master’s burned novel. The scene and the theme corresponding to it signify the author’s revised stand that a person whose eyes had been opened and exposed to the truth has then the responsibility of spreading this truth to the society, no matter how much that person is to be oppressed.That person has to have the courage to bump through the walls that the oppressors build before them because he/she has been entrusted with a great responsibility. It is cowardly for that person to deny the world of his/her knowledge since with it; the person denies the world the chance to know what they ought to know. At the same time it is cowardly, destroying one’s own truth-revealing work is also futile since even though the output has been destroyed, thus removing any implicating physical evidence of deviance, the idea is still on the person’s, and perhaps of other people’s minds.Bulkagov, upon maki ng the statement about the futility of manuscript burning, sends a hopeful and encouraging message, most especially to writers to shed their fears and rally for truth even amidst the threat of retribution from the authorities who seek to repress the truth by repressing the writers’ and the people’s ideas. Knowing the truth, it is said, is a privilege of everybody. Therefore, those who have initially been exposed to it have to extend this privilege to othersâ€â€the truth becomes their responsibility.And since this world of ours there are people who try to deny this privilege to persons other than themselvesâ€â€those autocrats who usually believe that common people deserve to know only what they choose to divulge, however small a peek to the whole picture it isâ€â€the truth-knowing person, in this case, the writer needs to whip out his pen and use it as the weapon that shall thwart the repression of truth. True, the pen is mightier than the sword. But the pen is only as strong as the courage and nerve of the writer that wields it.By the bye, a pen is only a pen; a written paper is still only a paper; easily destroyed by fire or any other means, but the idea and observation of a writer, or any person for that matter, remains his/hers aloneâ€â€irrepressible, and once acknowledged, indestructible by any controlling authority. Unless the writer sharpens his/her pen with courage for the revelation of truth, however sad to say, in that case, the pen shall forever lose to the swing, no, even from the mere presence of the sword of repression.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Definition and Examples of Slang in English
Definition and Examples of Slang in English Slang is an informal nonstandard variety of speech characterized by newly coined and rapidly changing words and phrases. In his book Slang: The Peoples Poetry (OUP, 2009), Michael Adams argues that slang is not merely a lexical phenomenon, a type of word, but a linguistic practice rooted in social needs and behaviors, mostly the complementary needs to fit in and to stand out. The Characteristics of Slang  The most significant characteristic of slang overlaps with a defining characteristic of jargon: slang is a marker of in-group solidarity, and so it is a correlate of human groups with shared experiences, such as being children at a certain school or of a certain age, or being a member of a certain socially definable group, such as hookers, junkies, jazz musicians, or professional criminals. (Keith Allan and Kate Burridge, Forbidden Words. Cambridge University Press, 2006) The Language of Outsiders  Slang serves the outs as a weapon against the ins. To use slang is to deny allegiance to the existing order, either jokingly or in earnest, by refusing even the words which represent conventions and signal status; and those who are paid to preserve the status quo are prompted to repress slang as they are prompted to repress any other symbol of potential revolution. (James Sledd, On Not Teaching English Usage. The English Journal, November 1965) The downtrodden are the great creators of slang. . . . Slang is . . . a pile of fossilized jokes and puns and ironies, tinselly gems dulled eventually by overmuch handling, but gleaming still when held up to the light. (Anthony Burgess, A Mouthful of Air, 1992) Standing Out and Fitting In  It is not clear to what extent the slang impulse to enliven speech, the impulse to stand out, mingles with the slang impulse toward social intimacy, the impulse to fit in. At times they seem like oil and water, but at others the social and poetic motivations emulsify into one linguistic practice. . . . All of us, young and old, black and white, urban and suburban have slang, and, with your eyes closed, we can tell black guys chillaxin with their buddies from young soccer moms dishing out about the latest issue of Jane*. We share more slang than separates us, but what separates us tells us and others where we fit in, or perhaps, where we hope to fit in, and where we dont. . . . As a social marker, though, slang works: you know that youre among the old, tired, gray, and hopeless, rather than hip, vivid, playful, and rebellious, if only in spirit, when you hear no slang. Slang is a tell even in its absence. (Michael Adams, Slang: The Peoples Poetry. Oxford University Press, 2009)  Your mother reads and reads and reads, she wants English, as much as she can get her hands on . . .. Id come late Friday afternoon, it used to be that I would go home with a magazine or two and maybe a paper, but she wanted more, more slang, more figures of speech, the bees knees, the cats pajamas, horse of a different color, dog-tired, she wanted to talk like she was born here, like she never came from anywhere else . . .. (Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Houghton Mifflin, 2005) Modern Slang in London  I love modern slang. Its as colorful, clever, and disguised from outsiders as slang ever was and is supposed to be. Take bare, for example, one of a number of slang terms recently banned by a London school. It means a lot of, as in theres bare people here, and is the classic concealing reversal of the accepted meaning that you also find in wicked, bad and cool. Victorian criminals did essentially the same with back slang, reversing words so that boy became yob and so on. The other banned words are equally interesting. Extra, for example, mischievously stresses the superfluous in its conventional definition, as in reading the whole book is extra, innit? And that much-disapproved innit? is in fact the nest-ce pas? English has needed since the Normans forgot to bring it with them. And who would not admire rinsed for something worn out or overusedchirpsing for flirting, bennin for doubled-up with laughter, or wi-five for an electronically delivered high-five? My bad, being n ew, sounds more sincere than old, tired, Im sorry (Sos never quite cut it).  Mouse potato for those who spend too much time on PCs is as striking as salmon and aisle salmon for people who will insist on going against the flow in crowds or supermarket aisles. Manstanding is what husbands and partners typically do while their wives or partners are actually getting on with the shopping. Excellent. (Charles Nevin, The Joy of Slang. BBC News, October 25, 2013) Old Slang: Grub, Mob, Knock Off, and Clear as Mud  When we refer . . . to food as grub, it is perhaps hard to realize that the word goes back to Oliver Cromwells time; from early 18th century come mob, and also knock off, to finish; and from early 19th century, the sarcastic use of clear as mud. (Paul Beale, editor of Partridges Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. Routledge, 1991) The Life Span of Slang Words  With the exception of cool, which retains its effectiveness after well over half a century, slang wordsgroovy, phat, radical, smokinhave a very brief life span in which they can be used to express sincere enthusiasm. Then they revert to irony or, at best, expressions of a sort of mild sardonic approval. (Ben Yagoda, When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It. Broadway Books, 2007) The latest slang term for defecation, however, is dropping the kids off at the pool, which offers hope for a new generation of euphemistic suburbanites. (William Safire, Kiduage. The New York Times, 2004) Slanguage  The expression slanguage has been in the English language for well over a hundred years and has an entry in reputable dictionaries like the Macquarie and the Oxford. One of its first written appearances was as early as 1879, and since that time it has been in regular useThe slanguage of a sporting reporter is a fearful and wonderful thing, to give just one early example. The word slang has given rise to quite a number of wonderful blended or compounded words, such as slanguage, and many of them have been in the language a very long time. (Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011) Can O' Beans on Sloppy Slang  Well, said Can o Beans, a bit hesitantly, imprecise speech is one of the major causes of mental illness in human beings. . . .  The inability to correctly perceive reality is often responsible for humans insane behavior. And every time they substitute an all-purpose, sloppy slang word for the words that would accurately describe an emotion or a situation, it lowers their reality orientations, pushes them farther from shore, out onto the foggy waters of alienation and confusion. . . . Slang possesses an economy, an immediacy thats attractive, all right, but it devalues experience by standardizing and fuzzing it. It hangs between humanity and the real world like a . . . a veil. Slang just makes people more stupid, thats all, and stupidity eventually makes them crazy. Id hate to ever see that kind of craziness rub off onto objects. (Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All. Bantam, 1990) The Lighter Side of American Slang I know only two words of American slang: swell and lousy. I think swell is lousy, but lousy is swell. (J.B. Priestley) * Jane was a magazine designed to appeal to young women. It ceased publication in 2007. Pronunciation: slang
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essays
Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essays Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essay Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essay When sketching The Book of Daniel we observe that Daniel has three chief subdivisions as follows: Chapter 1 introduces Daniel, Chapters 2-7 Tells of his trials of character and the development of his prophetic reading accomplishments, and Chapters 8-12 identifies his visions refering future lands and events. The book of Daniel is the key to unlocking much of the prognostication in the New Testament book of Revelations. Many penetrations into the the clip of the terminal prognostications are dependent upon an apprehension of Daniel. Daniel s prognostication, known as Daniel s Seventy Weeks of Years , has been identified as a polar prognostication crucial to the reading of ulterior twenty-four hours prophetic events. Jack W. Hayford, General Editor of the Hayford s bible Handbook gives the undermentioned list of forthcoming events that give understanding to other hard transitions: The Messiah will return before the millennian period ( 2:31-3 ; 44-45 ; 7:13-14 ) God s land will literally be established on the Earth with the Messiah-King as swayer ( 2:44-45 -45 ; 7:26-27 ) The four metals of Nebuchadnezzar s dream image typify four imperiums: Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Macedonian-Greek, and Roman ( 2:37-40 ) The 4th land, Rome, will bask a last-day resurgence in the signifier of a united Confederacy in Europe. Out of this system the Antichrist will emerge ( 7:8, 20-21 ; 8:23 ) The False Prophet and the Antichrist are individuals, non simply a system ( 7:7-8, 20-26 ; 9:27 ; 11:36-45 ) . God will go on to cover with the state of Israel ( 9:20-27 ) 7. National Israel is the prophetic clip clock for last-day events ( 9:24 ) . 8. The False Prophet and the Antichrist will rule the last part of the last hebdomad of Daniel s Seventy Weeks of Years. At the terminal of the hebdomad, after the Great Tribulation, Jesus the Messiah will return to set up the land of God, which will decide all the prognostications of Daniel ( 9:24,27 ) . ( The prophesier Daniel has the differentiation of being listed in Ezekiel 14:14-20 as being one of three Old Testament saints noted for singular righteousness. Even though these three work forces, Noah, Daniel, and Job were in its thick, by their ain righteousness they could merely present themselves, declares the Lord God Ezekiel 14:14. Therefore Ezekiel topographic points Daniel as one of three outstanding work forces of God in the Bible. The name Daniel means God is My Judge. His life most dramatically shows that Daniel has taken his name most earnestly. He displayed a entire committedness to God and trueness to God s people even to the menace of his ain life. It is no uncertainty that this committedness and bravery was straight related to his supplication life. Even when threaten with decease for go oning to pray to the true God, Yahweh, he stayed fast the class. Daniel 6:10 describes that even when Daniel knew that King Darius had made the jurisprudence prohibiting court to no 1 other them himself he continued to kneel and pray three times toward Jerusalem as was his usage. From Daniel 9:2 we learn that Daniel was a pupil of Jeremiah. Three times daily he knelt toward Jerusalem, as was the usage until new direction were given by Christ to the Samaritan adult female in John 4:20-24, and prayed. Notice that he did non discontinue praying or making anything showy with his method of supplication. He merely refused to give and go on to pray in his normal manner. The edict of Darius did non halt Daniel from functioning God without hesitating. It was from Daniel s supplication life that we learn the secret of his ability to be consistent and non-wavering in the mist of changeless danger. Daniel was ever faithful and consistency in his supplication life. Even his enemies knew from their observations that Daniel was non a adult male of via media. He would pray and function his God, even before decease. Before every of import project He began by seeking counsel from God though pray. This sets the illustration that should be followed by all Christians. The subject of chapter 11 of the book of Daniel identifies Antiochus Epiphanes as the male monarch in Syria. Antiochus Epiphanes is the small horn in the prophesy that has already been fulfilled in chapter 8. Chapter 11:21 speaks of this despicable individual, to whom they shall non give the award of the land: but he shall come in pacifically, and obtain the land by flatteries. Antiochus Epiphanes came to power with a plan of peace. This is of historical importance when we recognize that Antioch Epiphanes is a image of the coming Antichrist. When Antiochus attacked Jerusalem in 170 B.C. over 100 thousand Jews were slain. He took away the day-to-day forfeit and desecrated the communion table with swine blood and set up an image of Jupiter to be worshiped in the temple of God. This is a image of the coming events that will happen when the Antichrist has completed the first three and on half old ages of his reign. This is the period predicted by Daniel as the center of the seven hebdomads . Chapter 11:35 is the point in Daniel where we jump from Antiochus Epiphanes to the Antichrist. We see the phrase clip of the terminal mentioning to the period of the Antichrist followed by the return of Christ and his concluding reign. In the first three and one half old ages of his reign the Antichrist will besides come in peace and look to the universe to as a Jesus. He will be a adult male of great stature, a baronial speechmaker, and bearing a magnetic character who will woe the universe with a false plan of peace to obtain the ends of Satan. At verse 30 six of Daniel Chapter eleven history terminals and prognostication Begins. And the male monarch shall make harmonizing to his will ; and he shall laud himself, and amplify himself above every God, and shall fantastic things against the God of Gods, and shall thrive till the outrage be acc omplished: for that is determined shall be done. Harmonizing to Scripture the Antichrist will suppress the follow traits: Dan. 11:36 And the male monarch shall make harmonizing to his will , Prideful He shall laud himself , Self pronounced god Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God ; proving himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4. In Revelation 13:8 it is written And all that dwell upon the Earth shall idolize him, whose names are non written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the universe. The first three and one half old ages of the seven old ages of trial will take the lamb to butcher. His true nature docket and nature, glorified by Stan, will be exposed during the 2nd three and one half old ages. Work force of animal heads will lief follow the Antichrist and make his work until their day of reckoning. This is verified in Romans 8:7-8 were Paul writes Because the animal head is hostility against God: for it is non capable to the jurisprudence of God, neither so can be. So so they that are in the flesh can non delight God. The nature of the Antichrist is a direct duality of the nature Jesus Christ. The Antichrist, or any of his other about 35 assumed names found in Scripture, is the 1 who will convey back the Roman Empire or more suitably stated, the revised Roman Empire. The Antichrist will govern the universe as a dictator with an Fe manus while commanding the universe pecuniary and trade system. No 1 will sell or merchandise without the grade of the Beast. Bible in Chapters 2 and 7 of Daniel show the connexion between end-times prophesy and the European Union. The current European Union began as a vehicle to accomplish economic fusion in Europe after World War II. It started as the European coal and steel fusion program to convey fusion and economic promotions to post war Europe. It has since evolved into the European Economic Community and European Atomic Energy Council, with the sign language of a pact in 1957 in Rome, to the present European Union with its ain pecuniary system. Today the value of the Euro Dollar is greater that the American Dollar, which since World War II until now had been the benchmark for valuing universe currency. The prophesies in the Book of Daniel are now good established and the revived Roman Empire is approaching its adulthood. By 1986 there were 10 lasting member provinces of the European Union and more on the skyline. In 2002 the Euro Dollar was established and a incorporate currency now dominates Europe. After the constitution of the Euro, Antonio Guterres, Portuguese Prime Minister, stated, As Peter was the stone on which the church was built, so the Euro is the stone on which the European Union will be build. The revived Roman Empire is good on its manner to adulthood.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Construction Site Administration Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Construction Site Administration - Article Example They keep a check on these activities and deal their clients in their own intellectual manner. Many successful organizations have discovered the impact of "projects" on the success of the enterprise (Lewin, 2000), and have acknowledged "Production Management in Construction" as a distinct and valuable discipline. What many organizations yet to recognize though, is the importance of implementing Production Management in Construction under the same structures and centralization that has become the paradigm for most other disciplines. The increasing emphasize and importance being placed on Production Management in Construction today and the growing complexity of the function and roles of the Production Manager makes it necessary for us to develop a better understanding about the various processes of Production Management in Construction, how the processes and management approaches vary for different project types and how Production Managers can become more effective at their roles. Production managers manage and coordinate the resources and activities required to produce billions of goods and services every year throughout the world. Although their duties vary from the different kinds of production they are responsible for, production managers still share many of the same major responsibilities. These responsibilities include production scheduling, staffing, procurement and maintenance of equipment in case of industrial production, quality control, inventory control, and the coordination of production activities with those of other departments.Depending on the type of production, the production process consists of subsections of production management that include planning, engineering, quality control, administration, and personnel training. The planning process consists of implementing, organizing and controlling production and coordinating operations. The engineering process involves selecting the tooling and production methods for the organization, planning the utilization of human resources, determining production costs and directing productivity-improvement projects. Quality control is a very important part of production management and involves organizing and directing a quality control department. Then there is administration process that consists of planning and managing an operating budget and accounting for purchases, stocks and material resources. Last but not least there is the personnel training that involve organizing and directing a full training department. The primary goal of production managers is planning the production schedule within budgetary limitations and time constraints. In addition to quality assurance, these are the single two most important aims of any production manager. Production managers also must monitor product or service standards.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Music Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Music - Assignment Example In this manner, the element of rapping is always very common and is almost predominant in nearly all forms of hip hop music (Katz, 2012). This paper is going to explore the origin of the hip hop music, taking into consideration several aspects involving the problems that the youths passed through that may have been responsible for the emergence of the hip hop music. In addition, the paper is going to explore some of the regions where the music genre of Hip hop music was mostly concentrated in the United States, as well as the reasons that may have influenced the rise of the hip hop music. The origin of the hip hop music is attributed to early histories relevant to the problems faced by the youth in America. Such youths saw it fit to spell some of the problems that they faced through rapping alongside the music. Other than rapping, it is important to note that the other characteristic of the hip hop music involves several forms of dancing as well as dancing styles. In connection to the above, it is crucial to note that hip hop music is mostly characterized by such forms of dancing including break dancing. These were some of the ways in which the youths employed in expressing their emotions as well as their problems relevant to the social, political as well as economic challenges that they faced in the regions of America (Flores, 2000). Other than the issue of dancing as well as rapping, the other common elements of the hip hop music includes scratching as well as graffiti writing. These are some of the artistic styles that accompany the issue of hip hop music. It is important to note that the origin of these elements is vested in the culture as well as the age brackets of the people mostly involved in the hip hop music. For instance, most youths are always the ones who mostly revere this musical genre called hip hop. It is of crucial significance to acknowledge the fact
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