Saturday, December 28, 2019
Time Management Is A Vital Part Of Completing Goals
Time management is a vital part of completing goals. In order to effectively complete projects, one must learn to perfect the art of managing time. It is fairly easy for one to allot his or her time towards insignificant areas. We often times tend to focus on smaller unimportant task rather than larger more important ones. This paper will detail my plan to effectively execute time management as it relates to work and the pursuit of my masters degree. The bible says that we are simply a mist that appears for a very little while and then vanishes (James 4:14). When I take a deeper look into that scripture, I realize that there is not much time here on this earth. That God only gives one so long to make their impression unto the world. In†¦show more content†¦Organization and time go hand in hand. One simply cannot be organized without having some time of time management skills. For example, those who procrastinate are very unorganized individuals. These are the types who wait until the last minute to execute projects that were assigned months or weeks prior to the deadline. Such practices do not only produce poor results but may also lead to ones stress. Feeling overwhelmed with a situation or circumstances creates stress. Not only is stress physically unhealthy, it is mentally unhealthy as well. God does not want us stressed out nor worried about anything. Thus, why would we put ourselves in intentional positions of stres s? Creating a structured plan that distributes time at a proportionate rate would help minimize the likelihood of unnecessary stress factors. Our readings introduced us to psychological hardiness and how mastering three simple steps can help one-tackle stressful situations. Challenge, control, and commitment are the three steps required to help individuals push through hard times. Avoiding difficult task is the method practiced by the majority of people facing difficulty. Instead of avoiding the issue, one should see them as a challenge that simply needs to be resolved. Next, one must take control of the situation. Instead of panicking, one should display optimism in discovering a solution. A positive outlook on the issue will
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Antitrust Case Against Microsoft Essay - 1873 Words
The U.S. government charged that Microsoft had violated antitrust law. Microsoft disagreed. Do you agree with the U.S. government, or with Microsoft? In answering this question, you may wish to address two issues. Was Microsoft a monopoly? Did it use its monopoly to compete unfairly against other companies? Commencing in 1990, Microsoft was investigated and then charged with violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act which governs United States businesses. The company was determined to be a monopoly, and one which used anti-competitive practices to keep its leading edge on the market. As would most any organization on the receiving end of the allegations, Microsoft did not agree with the charges and sought to defend its business†¦show more content†¦First, Microsoft ‘encouraged’ Compaq, Apple, and other computer manufacturers to promote only Internet Explorer, and to make that the default browser on their PC. This encouragement came in the way of threats to eliminate or delay licensing of operating systems, providing the browser for free to internet access providers, and bundling the software with the operating system under the guise of interactive ease for the consumer. This manipulation led to an increase in the browser’s sales by 45 to 50%, which paralleled t he decline Netscape experienced in their market sales in 1998.6 Microsoft’s defense included a deposition of the company’s Chairman, Bill Gates, during which he appeared to be argumentative, evasive, and unresponsive. Evidence provided on behalf of the organization included videotapes of ways in which the company had supposedly eliminated the technical glitches that prevented users from deleting Internet Explorer and loading Netscape’s Navigator instead. These tapes were questioned and scrutinized by the government and found to be â€Å"inaccurate†.7 It seemed to me that the information the company brought forth as its defense was questionable and excusatory, rather than defensible and explanatory. Examine the various remedies possible in this case. In light of the strength of the various parties’ positions in the case, what remedy would you advocate, and why? The case againstShow MoreRelated The Microsoft Anti-Trust Case: Presidential Candidate Recommendations1545 Words  | 7 PagesThe Microsoft Anti-Trust Case: Presidential Candidate Recommendations The Microsoft Antitrust Case is essentially the clash of two separate ideals, the key issue being how much influence the government should have in the marketplace. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Management Principles Market Sentiments in the U.S.
Question: Management Principles: Market Sentiments in the U.S. Answer: Introduction Named after the first mate in Moby Dick by Herman Melville; Starbucks was founded in the year 1971 by three friends or better known as atypical businessmen named Gordon Bowker, Zev Siegl and Jerry Baldwin with the mission to inspire and nurture the human spirit- one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. With the growing years; by 1987 the company opened 9 stores alone in Seattle headed by CEO Howard Schultz who then took up measures for the expansion of the companys reach at an international extent. Despite of its expensive service; customers even today get dragged because of its quality enriched coffee ranges. Which of Porters competitive strategies is Starbucks using? Michael Porters five force industry theory effectively states how an industry is influenced by five business forces. Understanding and pointing out these five industry forces; you have Rivalry, Supplier power, Buyer power, Threats of New Entrants and Threats of Substitutes. Estimating the influence of these factors; you have Rivalry in the center taking over the most dominating position which influences other four industry forces (Marburger, 2012). Alike all other business companies existing in the market ruled by different sectors; Starbucks too adheres to these five industry forces effectively to ensure its successful functioning in the long run. The center point of Rivalry arises from the competition taking birth between the same firms operating in the same sector. As per the traditional economic model; if a competition persist among the firms engaged in a rivalry; then the profit rate will drive to zero. However it is also to be understood that no market prevails under perfect competition and none so firms are unsophisticated to play the role of passive price takers instead they continue their position striving for gaining over competitive advantage over the rivals they have in the market; whose intensity differs from industry to industry (Polo Weber, 2010). With its entry in the market of Australia, New Zealand, North America, China, Hong Kong and Tokyo; Starbucks aims at having an international outlook. When aiming at the international market; Schultz considered that Starbucks products should meet the local market effectively to attain success. Such a market also possesses the threat of rivalry with company already existing with its service in the same coffee sector. With the regard of industry rivalry; it was assumed that coffee industry is confined completely to competitors holding position within the coffee segment which took any competition from any other coffee segment as a substitute. It is estimated that the environment under which the specialty coffee industry has to undergo a tough competition comprised of both retail-based and product-based competition (Dong Guo, 2014). Only those product-based companies who could extend their services to retail-based companies were considered perfect for withstanding the rapid growth of the specialty coffee industry. Such can only be done by introducing new and upscale version of their brand product which is already famous and highly preferred by the customers. Companies indulging in such rivalry competition much also take up measures to maintain larger sale volume to retain position in the market with reliable profit margin. To ensure such growth; specialty coffee products have to face product based competition with other non-coffee beverages like juice, tea and both soft and hard drinks. To maintain such a competitive rivalry; Schultz also made sure to take up challenges for meeting the threats of substitutes. Considering the threat of soft drinks like Pepsi and Coca-Cola as the primary substitute; Starbucks joined into a partnership with Pepsi-Cola Company to come up with its new product- Bottled Frappuccino; while with Dreyers Grand Ice-cream Inc. for the production of one brand Ice cream in the US(Kim, Brorsen, Anderson, 2010). However a potential threat still persisted as customers were le ss willing to substitute coffee for caffeinated soft drinks or ice creams. Taking over the competition among the rival companies much seriously; the Starbucks began serving the United Airlines along with Canadian Airlines as well as some of Chain hotels. Discuss how Schultz is using leadership, Structure, Information and control system and human resource to implement strategy at Starbucks. Starbucks coffee company has come up with its service as the largest coffee house having international access. The leadership of the company CEO Schultz is rightly attributed with the appropriate functioning of the organizations structure. It has been rightly said that the management, leadership, communication strategy, business chain and other such factors which stand critical to the success of any business organization is highly dependent upon the organizational structure of the company which is why Schultz pays adequate attention for the formation of the organizational structure with his effective leadership strategies (Haskova, 2015). He motivates his employees in such a way that they are able to relate their requirements with the success of the organization. Schultz has made sure to match the organizational structure of Starbucks Coffee Company in such a way that it is able to match the prevailing business needs of both the company and the market. The organizational structure of the Starbucks is basically based on an organizational structure of conventional typology which helps in the growth of its business helping it to optimize its business process effectively providing its customers with the best quality products and services (Mahobia Jain, 2015). The organizational structure of Starbucks is defined as a hybrid mixture of various features guiding the structure of an organization such as Functional structure, Geographic structure, Product-based divisions and team structure. Starbucks Coffees functional organization structure features refers to the employment grouping done on the basis of the business functions they are to perform. For example; there is an HR department, a marketing department and a finance department; all of which are referred as the top most departments of the company helping the corporate headquarter in taking the most important decisions for it. Such an organizational feature can be easily related to hierarchical feature of Starbucks organizational structure such as the HR department of the corporate implementing some policies which are acceptable by all Cafes of Starbucks (Vincenzo, 2012). This organization structure continues function with the CEO at the topmost position. Talking about the geographical structure of the organization; presently Starbucks has three geographical divisions operating at China and Asia-Pacific, Europe-Middle East-Russia-Africa and Thirdly the Northwestern regions of the world. The organizational structure of the company is again sub divided in the US market. Each of these geographical divisions is headed and monitored by a senior vice president who helps the division in ensuring flexibility for adjustment of policies and strategies suitable for the prevailing market condition (Gonzalez, 2015). The company also has product based employees division who are responsible for maintain focus the product lines of the company for ensuring its better performance. Along with all these structural divisions there are employees operating in teams and are most noted in the lowest level of the organization of Starbucks. They are responsible for ensuring effective and efficient services for the customers. However with the passing years; a transformation has been noted in the organizational structure of Starbucks. With its growing expansion since 2007 and Schultz resuming position in 2008; few changes have been amended to the formation of the organizational structure. The structural pattern of the organization is now so designed that effective attention is given to the employees training so as to ensure better performance on their part. This has led to an improved customers experience when dealing with the services of the firm as well as a stable financial position for Starbucks. What strategies has Schultz used in expanding Starbucks internationally? The contribution made by Howard Schultz towards the growth and expansion of Starbucks Coffees is too vast to be estimated in few words. He has made use of effective marketing strategies which has helped in the growth of the company having its reach worldwide that too with maximum customers response. Beginning with its marketing strategies; first you can have a gossip about decaffeinated coffee. Strange but Starbucks history reveals it has taken initiatives for bringing to its customers coffee without caffeine (Taylor, 2008). The company is reported to be adhering to a bold marketing strategy for the implementation of its highest ideals. However it is always the motivational effort of the CEO which has helped the company meet broader success. Learning more about the conventional marketing strategy of Starbucks; there are various instances which can get you easy help. Starbucks history claims that it mainly aims at providing the customers with a perfect cup of coffee which means the company is too concerned about the quality which is why the company takes up strategies for ensuring that the coffee served is rich in flavor, fragrance and meets the expectation of the customers. Though the customers might find the price a bit high; but there is no compromise made with the quality which is why the company chooses to roast all the coffee beans in-house. Adhering to the best marketing strategy; Starbucks is too concerned about the place that is where it is to set up its caf because the company believes that only a comfortable place covered by nature is best suitable for enjoying a perfect cup of coffee. With this ideal the company makes sure to choose the best location for its caf zone. For them; customer satisfaction is their greatest concern (Sindhwani Ahuja, 2014). They believe that only when the product of the company is preferred by the customers; shall they incur highest profit rate with all the products being sold by the end of the day. Moving on towards the next marketing strategic move for Starbucks; the company holds feeling for creating a community. It is because developing community feeling shall bring the customers is sharing their experience of coffee with Starbucks which will help the company to understand the needs and reviews of the customers so as helping them to leap out for improvement. Howard Schultz can be marked as a great innovator for he is the mastermind behind the companys partnership with Pepsi-Cola for launching bolted Frappuccino (Lin, 2012). He understand that customers always look out for something innovative that will help them come out of the same old thing; be its any dress, or goods or food. Lastly taking of the strategy adhered for the brand marketing; Starbucks made extensive use of the media for the promotion of its brand. From paper ads to social media; advertisement flooded for the promotion of the companys coffee and other products. It also joined hand serving the United Airlines and the Canadian airlines along with the chain hotels; all of which together added on more to its promotion and growth. References Dong, H. Guo, X. (2014). The Interaction between Market Sentiments in the U.S. Financial Market and Global Equity Market.IBR,8(1). Gonzalez, G. (2015). The Ritualization of Consumer Capitalism: Catherine Bell's Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice in the Age of Starbucks.Implicit Religion,18(1), 3-44. Haskova, K. (2015). Starbucks Marketing Analysis.CRIS - Bulletin Of The Centre For Research And Interdisciplinary Study,2015(1). Kim, H., Brorsen, B., Anderson, K. (2010). Profit Margin Hedging.American Journal Of Agricultural Economics,92(3), 638-653. Lin, E. (2012). Starbucks as the Third Place: Glimpses into Taiwan's Consumer Culture and Lifestyles.Journal Of International Consumer Marketing,24(1-2), 119-128. Mahobia, H. Jain, T. (2015). Starbucks: Adapting in the Indian Market.Indian Journal Of Marketing,45(8), 37. Marburger, D. (2012).How strong is your firm's competitive advantage?. [New York, N.Y.] (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017): Business Expert Press. Polo, E. Weber, W. (2010). Competitive Generic Strategies Evolution and the Importance of Michael E. Porter.REGE,17(1), 99-117. Sindhwani, P. Ahuja, V. (2014). A Study of Online Co-Creation Strategies of Starbucks Using Netnography.International Journal Of Online Marketing,4(1), 39-51. Taylor, S. (2008). Starbucks Spreads the Spirit of Giving with CARE.Advertising Society Review,9(1). Vincenzo, L. (2012).How to make coffee so good you'll never waste money on Starbucks again. [United States]: Waterbury Publishers.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
George Bernard Shaw And His Short Story About The Essay Example For Students
George Bernard Shaw And His Short Story About The Essay Cremation Of The NarGeorge Bernard Shaw and His Short Story About the Cremation of The NarratorsMotherIn a written exerpt from a letter about the cremation of his mother,George Bernard Shaw recalls her passage with humor and understanding. Thedark humor associated with the horrid details of disposing of his mothersphysical body are eventually reconciled with an understanding that her spiritlives on. He imagines how she would find humor in the bizarre event of her owncremation. The quality of humor unites Shaw and his mother in a bond thattranscends the event of death and helps Shaw understand that her spirit willnever die. The reader is also released from the horror of facing the mechanicsof the cremation process when Mamas own comments lead us to understand thather personality and spirit will live on. Shaws diction is effective in conveying his mood and dramatizing theprocess of cremation. The traditional words of a burial service ashes to ashes,dust to dust are not altered for the cremation, the interior chamber lookedcool, clean, and sunny as by a graveside, and the coffin was presented feetfirst as in a ground burial. In selecting aspects of a traditional burialservice, Shaws mood is revealed as ambivalent toward cremation by imposingrecalled fragments of ground burial for contrast. Strangely fascinated, hebegins to wonder exactly what happens when one is cremated. This mood of awe isdramatized as he encounters several doors to observe in his chronologicalinvestigation. He sees a door opened in the wall, and follows the coffin asit passed out through it and vanished as it closed, but this is not the doorof the furnace. He finds the coffin opposite another door, a realunmistakable furnace door, but as the coffin became engulfed in flame, thedoor fell and the mystery only continu es an hour later as he gazes through anopening in the floor. As he observes two cooks picking through Mamasdainty little heap of ashes and samples of bone the mood of dark humor is theonly way he can handle the horror of his mothers death and cremated body. Hehas remained an unemotional observer on a journey through the crematorium withhumor as the buffer between reporting the event and expressing raw emotion. Humor is the device to release himself and the reader to a new level ofunderstanding. Plentiful details provide insight into the thoughts of the narrator aswell as a time schedule through the cremation. Shaw relates about cremationsthat people are afraid to see it, but it is wonderful and he saw the realthing. The narrator is acknowledging a general fear people share about facingthe mechanics of cremation, and in doing so is admitting his own personal fear. He is also focusing on the accurate reporting of his mothers disposal and thestatement that he was able to observe it and face it, thereby overcoming thefear. An order is provided for farewells from the initial I went behind thescenes at the end of the service to later when we returned (from the hour anda half) to and that merry episode was the end except for scattering them(bone scraps) on a flower bed. All of these steps in the process of sayinggoodbye provide a loose chronological structure to his process of release. These details also provide an emotional way out for the reader who can shareMamas sense of humor about her own cremation thereby replacing personal fearabout death with a feeling of the continuation of life and ones spirit. .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 , .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .postImageUrl , .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 , .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231:hover , .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231:visited , .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231:active { border:0!important; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231:active , .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231 .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9aa626685ff445d674ec2a682ba3d231:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Biotechnology- food EssayThe first person narration of this letter hightens the focus and insightof the principal subject. I went behind the scenes, and I found the violetcoffin bring the focus down to a personal experience, not just a documentary ofa similar event. By following the narrators personal journey, certain truthsabout death and eternity are understood. The narrator goes on to recall certaintruths about his mother: Mama.leaning over beside me shaking with laughterand mama said in my ear. The closeness of the relationship the narratorhad with his mother is clarified by their shared sense of humor. The readeralso feels at this point that their relationship will su rvive by humor in memorythereby overcoming the morbid aspects of death. The narrator has relived theentire experience by retelling it, but he has also reached a new level knowinghis memories will survive and his mothers spirit will live on in a new sharedunderstanding.
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