Friday, April 17, 2020
Hardship As a Topic for College Essay
Hardship As a Topic for College EssayThere are many good hardships to write about for a college essay. Many people feel overwhelmed by the volume of assignments and do not know where to start. In fact, some students may begin their essay on a topic that is not appropriate for them and then end up rewriting the entire paper. Here are a few great things to use as starting points in your essay.Hardship is one of the best topics to use for your essay because it is easier to relate to than many topics. Whether it is relatable to your experience or you find it hard to relate to, you can write about it and still have it relate to your subject matter. The difficulty in writing about hardship often comes from being unable to put a face to the word.This is why many students will use incidents of their past to help them connect with their subject matter. Even if they can not remember the exact details of the events, they can find a single event that reliving their feelings and read it to them. To help this happen, you should try to write down an incident that is related to your subject matter as this will give you a small example of the kind of emotion you are trying to get across.Hardship can also help a student with their writing. It can be difficult to come up with a well thought out essay if the details of their life do not match up with the facts of their essay. By using a specific hardship as your example, it makes it easier to present your essay to the admissions office and help them see the events you are talking about in a different light.Often times, students find themselves in situations that they are trying to avoid. Perhaps they live in a neighborhood that they do not want their parents to find out about. Maybe they are afraid of getting involved in a situation that could cause them legal trouble. Regardless of what the situation is, it can be helpful to show how one's experience helped them make the right choices for their future.Hardship can also help in a creative way. One great way to use a specific hardship is to have it act as a jumping off point for your entire essay. Try to find something about that hardship and then weave it into your theme. When combined with a literary device, it can help to make the reader think about their thoughts and feelings.There are many more examples of good hardships to write about for a college essay. A student may try to bring up their previous experience, while others may want to mention their struggle to become a parent. It is important to include the stories of those who are related to your topic. The point is to build a bridge between yourself and your essay topic to make it easier to write about.If you are struggling with the concept of writing an essay, talk to your teacher and see if they can help you. Teachers can usually see that you struggle with this topic and be able to give you advice on how to go about writing your essay. Many students find that they are better equipped to be writers when they are encouraged to write by someone who understands the difficulty.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Segmenting Business Markets free essay sample
In this lesson, we will discuss concepts and applications related to Business to Business (B2B) market segmentation. Market segmentation involves breaking down a large heterogeneous market into smaller homogeneous markets. Separate marketing programs – the marketing mix can then be developed to meet the needs of each segment. Concentration of marketing solutions is the key component of all marketing plans, and market segmentation is the tool that allows marketers to achieve this focus. Segmentation also helps marketers to satisfy customers while meeting their organization’s objectives. A segmentation base is a characteristic or variable of individuals, groups, or organizations that is used to divide a total market into segments. Markets can be segmented using a single or multiple variables. The five bases of segmentation commonly used in the B2C marketplace we learned are: 1. Geographic is based on region, size, density, and climate characteristics. 2. Demographic is based on age, gender, income level, ethnicity, and family life-cycle characteristics. We will write a custom essay sample on Segmenting Business Markets or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . Psychographic includes personality, motives, and lifestyle characteristics. 4. Benefits segmentation identifies customers according to the benefits they seek in a product. 5. Usage segmentation divides a market by the amount of product purchased or consumed. Bases for Segmenting Business Markets: We know that the business market consists of four broad segments described as producers, resellers, institutions, and governments. However, just as with consumer markets, further segmentation can help B2B marketers to better refine their marketing mix. Company characteristics, such as geographic location, type of company, company size, and product can be used as segmentation variables. Customer type allows business marketers to customize their programs to the unique needs of particular types of organizations or industries. Information from sources such as Statistics Canada , U. S. Census Bureau and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) are used by many marketers to tailor programs to specific business sectors. Firmographics is a term often used to describe this segmentation based on various characteristics of an organization. What demographics are to consumer markets, Firmographics are to organizations. Commonly-used firmographics include employee size, revenue size, industry, number of locations and location of headquarters. Marketers typically combine several variables to define a Firmographics profile of their target market customers. Food for thought: Jeffrey Henning, Founder VP, Strategy at Vovici (Voice of the Customer technology solutions) provides historical notes on the introduction of the concept of Firmographics and its uses in B2B marketing including a template that you might find useful! How they buy segmentation is another variable that can be very useful to marketers developing programs for the business buyer. The descriptors of these high level attributes are: a. ) Satisficers usually contact familiar suppliers and place an order with the first to satisfy product, delivery requirements or other purchase criteria the organization might establish. b. ) Optimizers consider numerous suppliers, both familiar and unfamiliar, and then solicit bids and analyze options. Governments and Non profit organizations generally utilize this approach. Size of the order or cost will also factor in to whether the buying organization will be a satisficer or an optimizer. For this reason marketers must be careful not to oversimplify when assigning this segmentation base. A growing trend in business marketing is the development of market segments based on the characteristics of the individual buying influencers found in the target customer organizations that have been identified through Firmographics. The Buyers personal characteristics or psychographics can influence their buying behavior and therefore offer a viable basis for segmenting in many business markets. These characteristics include: * Demographic characteristics * Decision style * Tolerance for risk * Confidence level * Job responsibilities Psychographics are extremely useful data to gather, but not essential for all businesses. Obviously more critical in the consumer space it can also help in B2B businesses by defining potential customer attitudes to the products/services offered. Many marketer’s have taken this concept further with the development of buyer personas to facilitate and fine tune the marketing messages directed at their most sought after customers. Adelle Revella, a thought leader on product and marketing strategies delivers further insights on this topic in her Buyer Persona Blog. Other B2C market segmentation bases such as Benefits sought and Usage rate may also be applied in business markets. The aim of market segmentation is to arrive at clusters of like-minded companies to allow marketing programs to focus on the subset of prospects that are most likely to purchase. There is a very strong pressure to use segmentation in B2B markets to win a competitive advantage where there is little to differentiate one product offering from another. Segmentation therefore links strongly with a firm’s marketing strategy to achieve a sustainable differentiated position. Market Strategies for Business Market segmentation is the first step in determining whom to approach about buying a product. The next task is to choose one or more target markets – the group of people or the organizations for which the firm will design, implement and maintain a marketing mix. This stage is the Target Market strategy or Targeting strategy and is characterized by the marketer’s decision about market approach. There are three distinct strategies that may be elected. Let’s refresh our memories. A. Undifferentiated Marketing Strategy This means the market is treated as if it were one similar market segment. It focuses on the common needs of the group rather than the differences. Its advantage is that it keeps costs down for marketing and similar related efforts. It works best with organizations that offer stable type products such as gasoline. An undifferentiated targeting strategy is essentially a mass-market philosophyâ€â€viewing the market as one big market and using one marketing mix. It is the least successful B2B targeting strategy a marketer can adopt. B. Multisegment Marketing Strategy Is a strategy that chooses two or more well defined market segments for which the organization will develop and maintain a unique marketing mix. Often the core product will remain the same but the firm develops separate marketing messages, pricing, promotion material and so forth. An example of this strategy is found at Halogen Software, the human resources or talent management solution providers. Halogen has developed core software components. By packaging the core software with additional resources Halogen can appeal to different B2B market segments. Halogen Software has â€Å" optimized†solutions (product/services) for human resource professionals in healthcare, financial services, education, and manufacturing and maybe more. C. Concentrated Marketing Strategy The concentrated targeting strategy is a marketing approach based on appealing to a single segment of a market. It focuses a firms marketing efforts on a single segment or market niche. A firm can concentrate on understanding the needs, motives, and satisfactions of the members of one segment and on developing and maintaining a highly specialized marketing mix.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Important Neurooptical Research Papers
Important Neurooptical Research PapersNeurooptinal research papers are among the most interesting of all scientific papers. Each and every year, many organizations outsource all the Neurooptical research done in other countries to South Africa where Neurooptical facilities are provided to these institutions.Neurooptics is the use of special technology to enhance the viewing capacity of the eyes. This technique uses tiny electrodes which are placed on the eye. These electrodes allow electrical signals to be sent directly to the brain. Because the brain receives and interprets electrical impulses through the optic nerve, Neurooptics improves the visual processing abilities of the individual.Amongst the many benefits of this technique, it can also be used to treat patients suffering from cerebral visual disorders such as Glaucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, macular degeneration and so on. These eye diseases are caused by damage to the optic nerve that causes the parts of the brain responsibl e for the correct processing of images to get damaged. The use of Neurooptics is therefore a powerful way to treat these diseases and at the same time improve the visual performance of the patient. It also helps in improving the overall visual health of the patient.Numerous scientists all over the world have come up with various ways to examine the effects of Neurooptics on different methods of stimulation. This has allowed different doctors to test different levels of stimulation by using different strategies. As a result, doctors are able to provide better treatment options to their patients.One of the most important techniques to test the effectiveness of Neurooptics is Electroencephalography (EEG). Through this process, the rate of brain activity is measured. Brain activity may also be analyzed through behavioral tests such as eyeblink conditioning, selective visual attention, behavioral inhibition, and rapid visual information processing.The Electroencephalography was originall y used in military applications but is now widely used in teaching hospitals and teaching laboratories. There are different levels of stimulation that are used by different doctors to test the efficacy of Neurooptics. Patients are usually encouraged to wear the Neurooptical equipment during the testing process.Another type of testing that doctors perform is called Pupil Dilation. During this procedure, a small dose of electricity is administered to the eye that stimulates the visual cortex and shows the patient a bluish-green color.With the help of this unique technique, many problems with vision are being treated and corrected. The latest studies show that the effects of this technique cannot be observed after a couple of weeks of use. So, if you are suffering from certain diseases, the only way to treat them is to use Neurooptics to help the patients to improve their visual experience.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Should Research Papers Have More Than One Answer?
Should Research Papers Have More Than One Answer?Should research papers have more than one answer? The answer is no. Do not make it difficult for yourself by hiding the identity of your source or talking in generalities, as this can cause a problem in the future. The simple truth is that there is only one way to achieve quality research papers and that is by getting a first class source.In short, should research papers have more than one answer? It depends on what it is that you are trying to achieve. I am certain that any student of higher education will be able to tell you that there are many different approaches to write a good paper.For example, there are different levels of difficulty for students to follow when they are studying a subject. And that means that there is also a difference in the skills that students need to learn to succeed. In other words, should you start to research papers with a single answer or should you find some papers that require multiple answers? Well, that depends on the type of learning that you want to achieve.In other words, should research papers have more than one answer if you have to learn everything at once? Well, the simple answer is no - there is a difference between the two.It is necessary to do some hard work to be able to successfully perform well in an exam. And because there are so many different types of exams and tests, it is really important that students get all the information they need to be able to do well. In other words, should you start with research papers with a single answer?You need to carry out a thorough search before you find one that you think is right for you. There is no point in buying one piece of paper and then seeing it later to find that the spelling and grammar have been wrong. This is another reason why you need to make sure that you have a source that you can rely on.Should research papers have more than one answer if you just want to do some simple test taking and planning? If that is t he case, then you may not need to be too concerned about what is inside the paper.Should research papers have more than one answer if you want to write a complex paper or if you want to prepare for an exam? Well, as long as you know how to make your research paper the best it can be, then you should just carry on doing what you are doing.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Research Paper Topics About Sickle Cell Disease
Research Paper Topics About Sickle Cell DiseaseIf you are like many people in your world and you enjoy reading books or newspapers on a regular basis, you will find that you frequently come across research papers on the subject of sickle cell disease. For those who want to know more about the disease, this brief article discusses some of the more interesting and important details associated with the disease.The question as to how the disease occurs is quite perplexing for many people. It's likely because a large amount of information on the disease is only partially available for many people to have an understanding of the problem. Nevertheless, you can learn a great deal about sickle cell disease by reviewing the following topics about sickle cell disease.As mentioned above, there are many questions regarding the disease that people do not know how to answer. To help them with their quest, the most commonly seen research papers dealing with the disease is concerned with the progress of the disease. When doctors begin to treat sickle cell disease patients, they must remember that they will have to make some adjustments in their treatment program. These adjustments will include anything from the diet of the patient to how much he or she exercise.People who suffer from sickle cell disease also have to remember that most doctors will treat the disease for a short period of time. At this point, the treatment plan for the patient will depend on the severity of the disease. The doctors will give the patient a thorough physical examination, which will determine if the patient needs more testing to find out the causes of the disease. For instance, if the disease causes one's blood to fail to clot properly, then the doctor will probably order tests to confirm this diagnosis.As you can see, the majority of research papers dealing with the disease are more focused on determining the severity of the disease. Thesepapers will tell you the kinds of treatments that doctors of ten prescribe for patients suffering from sickle cell disease. It is important to note that although doctors use medications, they rarely use invasive procedures such as surgery to remove the sickle cells. Therefore, it is common for patients to see their doctors for a medical consultation during which they will ask what treatments they will be prescribed to treat their condition.Another area of research papers dealing with the disease is, how the patient's diet will affect the degree of suffering that sickle cell disease patients experience. People who suffer from the disease have already been diagnosed with one particular condition, and therefore will experience a range of symptoms for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is important to keep their diet varied in order to control their symptoms. In some cases, doctors have recommended foods that are higher in iron in order to treat their symptoms. However, the general consensus has been that you can greatly improve your health a nd your life by adopting a healthier diet.Research papers dealing with the disease as a whole are important in many ways. These papers will outline the effects of the disease in a scientific manner, and highlight important details. You can find a great deal of information on the disease, including the various medications and treatments that are used to treat the disease. In addition, these research papers will list several questions that people who are interested in the disease may have.
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