Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Current Law Event Case Study - 1650 Words
Current Law Event (Case Study Sample) Content: Name:Tutor:Course:Date:IntroductionThis paper identifies and offers a comprehensive description of a current legal event involving intentional torts. The aspect of intentional tort is also comprehensively reviewed in the paper. The legal event selected is the recent defamation case won by Ryan ONeal at the appeal court after a long battle. The case involved the claims that Ryan had acquired portraits of Farrah through dubious means. AnalysisRyan ONeal won this defamation case after appealing. The court ruled that Ryan had satisfying evidence to prove that he had been defamed by someone who argued that Ryan had stolen a portrait of Farrah who had died earlier. It was ruled that the famous actor would be able to be paid some damages. The actor, sued in 2011 saying that he had been defamed that he had stolen the portrait created by Andy Warhol. The same painting was the subject of the case between him and the University of Texas. ONeals attorney made it in written form t hat they were pleased with the ruling. He got more than a million dollars for damages as he explained that the portrait was given to him by Warhol and that he planned to give it to only son (Mccartney 2).Nevius statement that Ryan had stolen the portrait admitted in a later court hearing that he had no direct evidence toward the plaintiff. Despite him telling a lie, he was not accused as he was constitutionally protected as he was inside the court. This thou simplified the jurys ruling, as it was obvious Nevius had his own personal reasons for hating Ryan. The two of them have apparently been in court for a very long period. This case is an explicit example of a defamation case because we find out that Ryan had not stolen the portrait. He had been falsely accused and was required to be compensated for the damages. The embarrassment he had faced as a public figure and the loss of his working contracts is just a few examples of the damages. The plaintiff might have also been injured a nd had to be compensated.Tort is a French word which refers to a mistake. It is defined as a defiance of an obligation imposed by the civil law. When someone injures a person by violating some of those duties, it is said to be a tort. The injury could refer to an individual or even her property. For example, if a newspaper publishes something about someone that is false, that is tort. If a doctor fails to attend to a patient and then dies or his condition gets worse, the doctor commits a tort called negligence. Tort is broad as it contains several categories, and it is different from contract law and criminal law. Stealing a car and selling illegal drugs such as cocaine are examples of crimes. This is because the society considers the acts as a threat to the government, and prosecution is done to the wrongdoer whether the victim wants the case to go forward or not. It is the injured party that seeks to be compensated in a tort case. She finds herself a lawyer to represent her, and t he lawyer must be in a position to convince the court for the payment of damages to the plaintiff. The injured does not have the mandate to send the defendant behind bars. This is because his actions may be both a tort and a crime. Con artists also are also categorized in the tort of fraud. If they are found guilty, they are made to compensate the injured party. The state can also imprison him on top of that for committing the crime of fraud. A contract row is also different from a tort case. In a contract case, there is usually an agreement between two people or people, and this creates responsibility for both parties. The suit is also made by the plaintiff, and if he wins the case, the damages get refunded with money. In a tort, there are no agreements but the suit is placed by the plaintiff and the damages paid with money. The criminal law is very different as the government does the prosecution and the punishments are harsh because they may include imprisonment, being fined or b oth. One of the categories of tort is the intentional torts. This is harm done on someone or something deliberately. A false or untrue statement that harms the reputation of someone is called defamation. They can either be oral or written and when written they are said to be libel while slander is oral defamation. If for instance, a certain store is accused by a newspaper of overcharging its customers and that is not true, it is libel. A teacher who accuses a student wrongly in class of maybe stealing, it is taken as slander (Shuy 28). A defamation case has four elements. An element is referred to as a truth that the injured party presents in order to win a suit. This is also done by any plaintiff in any other kind of lawsuit. The defamation elements are falseness, defamation statement, communicated and inquiry. Defamation statements are terms that can damage another persons reputation. When a teacher accuses a student of drug dealing, it automatically harms his reputation. In false ness, the words should be force such that if the student deals with drugs, the teacher has an argument to slander. While communicating, the statements must be directed to another person apart from the plaintiff. During the inquiry, the plaintiff must have evidence of some injury. In libel cases, the law does not necessarily need evidence of an injury because it is written making it permanent. Opinion in a defamation case is usually compelling as it is hard to know the truth. For instance, if someone says that Joseph does not help out like other rich people, he cannot be found guilty. This is because it is his opinion and does not suggest any names. When it becomes possible for television and radio to have defamation, it is considered libel because of the enormous audience. This means that a plaintiff does not have to show damages in broadcasting cases. The rules are different for celebrities or people who play in the public. A police chief is an example of a public official while a public figure may be a movie star or musicians who are constantly in the limelight. A public figure can only do well in case if he presents the real spite by the defendant. If the plaintiff is unable to provide proof, he loses the case just like everyone else. In most cases of online defamation, the plaintiff ends up losing the case. For example, Kenneth, a businessman woke up one morning to constant phone calls threatening him because of a bulletin board advertisement. He had wrongly been associated with having public offensive slogans on a bombing that had claimed many innocent lives. He did not know anything about this, so he sued the advertisers for defamation, but he lost the case (Adibe 24). When it is important for defendants to speak freely, they get added protection on defamation cases. These privileges happen in courts and lawmaking hearings. Witnesses speaking there can say anything and not be accused of defamation. This is referred to as absolute privilege. Qualified pr ivilege happens when two parties or people have a need to exchange information. A witness who tells lies is only guilty of perjury not slander (Emanuel 68) Intentional restrain of a person without concrete evidence and with no consent is referred to as false imprisonment. Most of the false imprisonments come from vending stores where employees find themselves detained falsely because of suspected theft. The laws these days are clear that no one should be detained without enough evidence. However for an employee to be detained in an employers office answering questions is viewed as legal (Kubasek et al 38).If a defendant says something that hurts the plaintiff emotionally, most courts give the injured t...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Discuss Reliability and Validity of Diagnosis - 1012 Words
Discuss reliability and validity of diagnosis A reliable and valid diagnosis is one which is correctly reasoned from a satisfying premise and agreed upon by psychiatrists using the same diagnosis system. However, there are many factors that make the process of determining a diagnosis intricate. For one to obtain a reliable and valid diagnosis, one has to be sure that the classification systems themselves are valid and reliable. Because the concept of abnormality is so complex it is particularly difficult to define and this affects diagnosis. Also, there are a number of cultural and ethical considerations one must consider when making a diagnosis, some of these include culture-bound syndromes, culture blindness and racial/ethnic bias.†¦show more content†¦This makes it incredibly hard to determine whether the differences in diagnostics between different cultures is due to the environment or if there is real differences A third cultural consideration in diagnosis is culture blindness; this is the problem of identifying symptoms of a psychological disorder if they are not in the norm of the clinician’s own culture. There are also ethical considerations when diagnosing mental illness. One of these considerations was mentioned above; it is the idea of being stigmatized for having a mental illness. Many people are afraid that once they are given a diagnosis, society will look down on them as being inferior. Schell (1966) argued that once given a ‘label’ one will begin to act as they think they are supposed to, this is known as the self-fulfilling prophecy. This would lead to an increase of symptoms and hence, may lead to a misguided diagnosis. The concept of confirmation bias will also take issue when diagnosing a patient, the clinician may be lead to believe that because the patient is seeking help, he/she does infact need help In the late 1990’s GlaxoSmithKline claimed that they could cure shyness, in effect, 15% of children were diagnosed of social anxiety disorder. GlaxoSmithKline are now being sued for making this drug named Paxil. 4000 people who treated their kids with this noticed that it didn’t work and that their kids showed withdrawal symptoms. This goes to show that sometimes drugShow MoreRelatedQuestions And Multiple Choice Questions1632 Words  | 7 Pagesexamination only. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment can be divided into three parts. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Media Tv - 2312 Words
By using this website and/or any ancillary applications or platforms (?Website?), you (?User?) agree to the Terms of Service, which includes and incorporates the Website?s Privacy Policy, _________ and any other guidelines, rules or requested action that we posted on the Website: Comment by David Yung Ho Kim: Here, you would insert anything else you?d like users to automatically be legally bound to (i.e., copyright infringement notice procedure, user etiquette rules, etc..) Website Terms of Service 1. Who We Are. Smash Media TV (?we?) is a a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of California and we currently operate this Website under the name of ?Smash Media TV? and is considered an online†¦show more content†¦You acknowledge that our materials are protected by copyright law and you will not copy our materials in any way. (c) You will not modify this Website or any portion related thereto, including, without limitation, Material, and our service and trade marks and intellectual property rights, unless otherwise expressly stated herein, without our prior written approval. (d) You will not violate the intellectual property (i.e., copyright, trademark, patent), privacy and/or publicity rights of any person in relation to this Website in any degree. (e) Any information that you post to the Website, including, without limitation, comments, images, videos and audio shall be the sole property of Smash Media TV and you grant Smash Media TV a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable right and license to use, copy, cache, publish, display, distribute, perform, modify and creative derivative works to any degree and for any purpose. (f) You will not publish or transmit, or cause to be published or transmitted, any communication or solicitation with us or any other use of the Website. (g) You shall comply with every request we make to you related to the Website in any degree and there are no exceptions whatsoever. (h) You shall discontinue any use of the Website should you find any Material to be offensive or inappropriate in any way and you
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Enforcing Harsher Animal Abuse Penalties Essay example
Enforcing Harsher Animal Abuse Penalties Should a man who sexually abused and tortured his girlfriends kitten face only eighteen months of prison? People who commit these crimes usually face minimum time in jail and many times it does not even appear on their record. Animals are living creatures and therefore; should not be harmed in any kind of way and especially not killed. Due to the fact that most animals are in this world as a benefit to the human population, favorable treatment should be giving in return. Therefore, cruelty to animals must be stopped before it turns into a situation that is out of hand and would be nearly impossible to control. If harsher penalties were eased then unappealing result do not have to be a†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"They are sentimental beings who are clearly capable of experiencing pleasure pain and suffering. Consequently, respecting their intrinsic value entails releasing them from involuntary association with humans†(DSilva an d Turner). Animals do have emotions like every human does, equally sharing the same pain, happiness, and sadness feelings like people do. As a result animals should not have to go through painful experiences, since they can be referred to being the same as people. â€Å"The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) promotes appreciation for and humane treatment of animals, encourages enforcement of anticruelty laws, and works for the passage of legislation that strengthens existing animal protection laws†(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ). Although there are many animal being abuse, there are also organizations to help animals get the protection they need. Many organizations like ASPCA, are trying to encourage anti-cruelty laws to be put into action.Not only do animals face getting treated unfairly, they are also being illegally hunted by criminals just to get some money off of them. People who are participating illegal hunti ng are reflecting to the laws, demonstrating that they are not strict enough for criminals, since it is not stopping such a terrible crime. Vietnam has enacted 21 different laws regulating the trade of wild animals since 1989, and the hunting of endangered animalsShow MoreRelatedEssay about Gender Politics in the US Criminal Justice System1736 Words  | 7 Pagesoften for fundamentally different reasons than men. Many women are much more likely to kill a male partner than to kill anyone else. A majority of the women incarcerated for homicide kill out of self defense and is often in response to years of male abuse. This then leads into the role gender plays in sentencing and the courtroom, which is a rather complicated one. 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Division and Classification Essay (Reptiles) - 1367 Words
Division and Classification Essay Animals that breath air and have scales on the exterior of their body are referred to as reptiles. Reptiles have been dated back to have been on the earth for the past 315 million years, though not all species are extant in modern times. All reptiles are ectotherm, which means they are â€Å"cold-blooded†animals (whereas most mammals are warm-blooded). All reptiles are also tetrapods, which mean they have four limbs (or they have descended from four-limbed ancestors). In general most reptiles are oviparous (egg-laying), with the exception of some viper and constrictor snakes that give live birth. In regards to size, reptiles can be anywhere from a tiny 0.6 inch gecko all the way up to a 20 foot crocodile†¦show more content†¦Tuataras are generally twenty-four inches in length and two pounds in weight; there is no range in size in this domain since only two species exists. Tuataras are mainly sit- and-wait predators and mainly eat in vertebrates. 75% of their diet consists of large, flightless insects. Reproduction takes two to five years to be commenced and completed, which is the slowest for all reptiles. Tuatara can continue growing for up to the first thirty-five years of their life. The Tuatara has been on the endangered species list for the past one-hundred years (Wikipedia, Sphenodontia). Squamata is the largest and most recent order of reptiles, including the species lizards, snakes, and worm lizards. The order is about one-hundred and sixty million years old and has approiemently 7,900 species in this domain. Species in this order are distinguished by their scales, which have a horny shape. Also species in this domain have a movable quadrate bone, making it possible for them to move their upper jaw. This is very observable in snakes; especially the anaconda which can eat an animal five to six times its size, such as deer and hippopotamuses. Besides the larger snakes in the Squamata order all other eat s mall to medium sized invertebrates. Out of all the orders the Squamata order has the most variance in size-range. On the small side the Jaragua Sphaero is 0.63 inches in length and is one of the world’s two smallest knowShow MoreRelatedDantes Beasts2989 Words  | 12 Pages The most significant of these monsters are of central importance to his journey and to the narrative, as they not only challenge Dantes presence in Inferno, but are custodians of Hell, keeping in order or guarding the perduta gente. In this essay I am concentrating on these prominent beasts, namely Minos, Cerberus, Plutus and Geryon, establishing why they feature in Dantes eschatological vision and discussing the sources which influenced his inclusion of these particular creatures. 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Published by John Wiley Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored inRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesprobable good consequences of each action and the probable bad consequences while weighing the positive and negative impact of each consequence. It’s a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Exercises 1. Columbus Day is an American holiday. Write a short essay that weighs the pros and cons and then comes to a decision about whether there should be more or less public celebration (by Americans and their institutions) on Columbus Day, October 12. Here is some relevant background information to reduce yourRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesthe Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In 2001, he received the Larry L. Cummings Award for mid-career contributions from the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management. In 2007, he received the Professional Practice Award from the Institute of Industrial and Labor Relations, University of Illinois. Books Published: H. G. Heneman III, T. A. Judge, and J. D. Kammeyer-Mueller, Staffing
Unified Communications Workplace Redesign -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Unified Communications Workplace Redesign? Answer: Introduction With the advancement of science, internet has made its presence in the workplace. Since its advent in the workplace, internet has created wonders by systematizing the business activities. One of the most common usage of internet in workplace is the creation of website, for enhancing the brand image for the customers. Along with this, the companies and organizations have launched mobile services for the convenience of the customers (Chung, Lee and Choi 2015). This is in terms of increasing the trafficking of the audience towards the brand image. Scope of the research Merely introducing apps for the customers does not generate high revenue. The personnel also need to assess the extent to which the customers can access the mobile services for carrying out online shopping. This research provides an insight into the impact of mobile technology on the business dynamics of Al Meera Hypermarket and Supermarket in Qatar. Here, emphasis would be given on achieving large-scale customer satisfaction. The data collection from various and wide-ranging sources enlivens the importance of the mobile technology in the workplace and customer satisfaction. Background of the Company Al Meera Hypermarket and supermarket has achieved accolades and glory through commitment and strategic approach towards marketing. These approaches have resulted in the enhancement of the brand image. Adoption of the social media has increased the number of customers. Moreover, it has expanded the scope and arena of the business. This is through the online investment offers made to the stakeholders and shareholders ( 2018). As a matter of specification, the supermarket has 41 branches in and around Qatar. The personnel felt the urge of achieving wider customer satisfaction, therefore, they introduced many other branches in Muraikh, Azizia, Muaither, Thakira, Jeryan Njeima, Al Wakra 2, Al Wajba, Al Thumama, Rawdat Ekdeem. Along with this, the supermarket also opened an outlet in a property in Gulf M Mall. One of the other factors, which has enhanced the widespread presence of the supermarket is the construction of 14 malls. The innovative design of the malls would attrac t the customers ( 2018). 2016 was the era when Al Meera supermarket encountered unprecedented growth. The gross profit increased from 427.2 million QAR to 441.7 million QAR. Along with this, the rental income from the shops also witnessed remarkable growth of 37.6%, mounting the value up to 69.3 million QAR. Apart from this, the sales revenue achieved an escalation of 6.3% taking the amount to 2604.4 million QAR by 31st December 2016. Moreover, the operational income encountered a 6.6% growth from the sales of the last year. In numerical projection, the income last year was QAR 498.6 million, which mounted up to 531.6 million QAR currently ( 2018). Problem statement Recently, the supermarket has launched mobile services for the customers, so that they can shop at ease while relaxing at home. As a matter of specification, the retail hypermarket and supermarket has introduced the reward system on shopping a stipulated amount. However, it has not benefitted the personnel to conduct the business efficiently and effectively. This issue has deprived the customers from availing the benefits of points ( 2018). The major drive behind this is the internal failures in the mobile app, which helps the customers to redeem information regarding the points that they have gained in the account. The retail hypermarket and supermarket personnel have received complaints from the 50 customers regarding the inappropriate setting of rewards with the shopping amounts, which have deprived the customers from exercising their purchasing power. This deprivation has adversely affected the customer service, adding a negative connotation to the aspect of custome r satisfaction. As a matter of specification, the complaints from 50 customers have stalled the productivity of all the functional departments of the supermarket. This proposal would shed light on how mobile technology can be utilized judiciously for upgrading the standards and quality of the retail services. Aims and objectives The aim of this proposal would be to assess the impact of mobile technology on the workplace operations of Al Meera Hypermarket and Supermarket. Based on this aim, the following objectives can be developed: To identify the technologies used by Al Meera hypermarket for achieving customer satisfaction To excavate the accessibility options provided to the customers in case of the online shopping To discover the level to which the customers are comfortable in accessing option of online shopping in Al Meera Hypermarket and Supermarket To suggest recommendations for improving the mobile technology in Al Meera Hypermarket and Supermarket for reaching to a large number of customers Significance of the project Today, mobile technology has found its enlarged presence within the workplace. Mobile technology is used for many purposes, of which communication has gained popularity. Using latest and modern technology for communicating with the clients has benefitted the personnel in enhancing their brand image as smart (Pimmer and Pachler 2014). However, lack of efficient and effective technology broadens the gap between the personnel and the customers. This detachment compels the customers to lag behind from the latest trends adopted by the supermarket, which results in loss in sales revenue. This project, through the example of Al Meera Hypermarket, would attempt to enliven the process through which mobile technology has upgraded the standard and quality of workplace communication. The collected data from the samples enhances the validity and reliability of the propositions and assumptions. Literature review The aspect of scientific knowledge gets advancement through technology. According to academics, technology enriches the knowledge of the individuals regarding application of science in diverse fields. The etymological origin of technology dates back to the mechanical age (between 1450 and 1840). This was the era, when the first analog computer was discovered. Its function was multiplication and division (Pimme and Pachler 2014). During this age, the people also encountered the invention of mechanical computer through the hands of Blaise Pascal. However, Charles Babbage made the most mesmerizing invention of a unique kind of engine possessing flexibility to calculate polynomial equations through the methods of finite differences. Electromechanical age (1940) was the era when digital computer made its presence in the threshold of United States through the mastermind of Mark 1 in the Harvard University. The size of the computer was huge (8 ft high; 50 ft long; 2ft wide and 5 tons in weight). The operation of these computers depended on punch cards. In the process of operation, the people became aware of the separate parts of the computer (Colbert, Yee and George 2016). This enrichment of knowledge generated within the people the idea of using the computers in their homes as well as in the workplace. The electronic age was the time when ENIAC was developed. This was the period between 1940 till the present, when the people were made acquainted with the computers possessing flexibility to solve wide ranging computer problems with high speed. The length of these computers was 680 feet long and weighed 30 tons. The calculations were done through the vacuum tubes. This stage also saw the creation of high programming languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL (Bertschek and Niebel 2016). The age following this encountered the additions of integrated circuits, magnetic tapes throughout the parts of the computers. The development of programming language, BASIC, completed an operating system. In the following age, CPU was added, which was a chip consisting of memory, logic and circuits. Here, the basic functions were storing the files, transferring the files from one location to the other. The addition of internet transformed computers as a whole. It connected the humans with every part of the world. Within the different aspects of technology, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a concept, which allows the employees in the workplace to bring the device of their choice. These include smartphones, laptops, and tablets among others. However, the security of these devices is solely the responsibility of the employees (Pimmer and Pachler 2014). In the recent past, this concept has been implemented as a policy in the workplace. According to the policy, the support is sought by the personnel for the employees device through the proper application of corporate governance. The allowance for support varies from organization to organization. In some of the organizations, allowance is refused for Pc and Laptops. This refusal is compensated by provision of monetary assistance in terms of buying the technological equipments of their choice. Yet in some other organizations, support is given only for mobile devices (Hung et al. 2015). The rules and regulations of the BYOD policy varies according to the duties and responsibilities allocated to the employee. The employees can make use of this policy for mitigating the risks related to the security of their personal technological devices. Technology in workplace Technology plays an important part in the workplace. As a matter of specification, technology helps the personnel to perform the tasks automatically, which saves a lot of time. Along with this, technology assists the personnel to produce innovative goods and products. Based on these functions, it can be said that technology enhances the productivity of the companies and organizations (Colbert, Yee and George 2016). With the advancement in technology, the aspects of video conferencing, whatsapp have been installed in the mobile devices. Through these, the employees can establish contact with the boss even from their homes or anywhere else. These functions have enhanced the portability of the technological devices used in the workplace. Provision of access to the mobile apps helps the users to surf the various services provided by the organization. This access has enabled the personnel to increase the trafficking of the audience towards the brand image (Pauleen et al. 2015). Typical example in this direction is the official website and social networking sites. Proper accessibility in this regards is the introduction of online shopping, which increases the revenue of the organization. Technology also helps the managers to review the performance of the employees. This is to ensure the smooth functioning of the business activities in all the departmental units. The example in this case is CCTV cameras. Apart from this, latest and modern software help the finance admins to develop the budget automatically. Technology also proves beneficial for the line managers in terms of checking the quality of the produced goods before sending them for packaging (Williams and LaBrie 2015). Rewards One of the recent concepts in the retail sector is the rewards. This is provided to the customers if they reach the stipulated shopping amount. This is done by transferring the reward points to the customers account. For this, efficient technologies are needed, which is missing in the workplace of the retail sector. This is in terms of keeping track of the ways and means through which the customers can redeem the points. Recently, the retail supermarket has introduced mobile services, where the customers can redeem points by shipping through the apps (Palvalin 2017). These rewards add happiness into the lives of the customers, as they get extra monetary benefits along with the branded products. Customer satisfaction Customers are the assets for the companies and organizations. They are the important stakeholders, who escalate the sales revenue. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the brand personnel to provide quality products and services for satisfying the specific needs, demands and requirements of the customers. Like the other sectors, retail sector personnel indulge in partnership with the agency partners for introducing lucrative deals, trades and transactions for the customers. Typical example in this direction is rewards on shopping for a stipulated amount. Mere setting of the rewards does not enable the personnel to achieve customer satisfaction (Williams and LaBrie 2015). The personnel need to assess whether the customers are able to access the reward points. Social cognitive theory Social cognitive theory has four dimensions- self regulated behavior; learning through observation; outcome expectancies and self-efficacy. In the case of self-regulation of the behavior, the theories of planned action and reasoned behavior can be brought in. Controlling the computer by using it according to the needs, is a reasoned and planned behavior in case of the employees. The aspect of outcome expectancy is related with the managers in terms of estimating the capability of the employees to make practical application of the learnt skills on executing the workplace operations (Palvalin 2017). Emerging successful in performing the allocated duties diligently enhances the social status of the employees. As a matter of specification, technological learning expands the knowledge horizon of the employees. This expansion enhances the self-esteem of the employees as individuals. Viewing it from the perspective of the workplace issues, technology plays an important role in bestowing efficient and effective solutions on the employees. Regular practice in this direction increases the competence of the employees in terms of solving the issues within the duties and responsibilities. Observing other employees excelling in the technological operations generates an urge within the employees to perform better. Herein lays the true essence of the word cognitive (Chung, Lee and Choi 2015). Indulging in partnership with the internet service providers is the planned behavior of the personnel in terms of enhancing the standards and quality of the services. Taking the feedback of the customers, regarding the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of the provided services, is the reasoned action of the personnel in terms of valuing their purchasing behavior and power. Delving deep into the aspect, deals, trades and contracts with the associate partners is an attempt of the personnel to alter the business scenario. Catering to the passion of the customers regarding the possession of latest technologies is the vision of the retail sector personnel towards enhancing the parameter of corporate social responsibility Introduction to research and research methodology Methodology enhances the clarity of the readers regarding the data collection process. Along with this, the readers are acquainted with the philosophy, which prompted the researcher to adopt a certain approach to the research. Along with this, samples occupy an important position in the data collection process. Their responses acts as an agent for the researcher regarding validating and enhancing the propositions and assumptions. Collection of data from the employees of Al Meera supermarket would enhance the clarity of the researcher regarding the contribution of mobile technology in the workplace and customer satisfaction. Research Philosophy There are mainly three kinds of philosophies, which are applied to research- positivism, post-positivism and interpretivism. Positivism philosophy helps the researcher to develop scientific facts and knowledge about the subject matter of the research. Post positivism philosophy helps the researcher to research the consequences of developing scientific facts and knowledge. Interpretivism needs the researcher to interpret new facts from the established facts (Mackey and Gass 2015). In this research, the researcher would select positivism philosophy for emphasizing on the scientific and real facts related to the impact of mobile technology on workplace. This selection would prove fruitful in terms of relating the assumptions with the scientific, real and objective facts of technological influence in workplace and on the achievement of customer satisfaction. Methodological choice Exploratory, explanatory and descriptive are the main approaches, which are applied in the research. Exploratory research approach assists the researcher to explore new facts based on the gathered and the available facts. Explanatory approach needs the researcher to explain the proposed points in details (Silverman 2016). In terms of the functionality, descriptive approach can be placed in the same alignment with the explanatory approach. This is in terms of delving deep into the proposed facts for describing them. In this research, the researcher would choose exploratory approach for excavating the factors, which establishes relationship between technology and workplace operations. This exploratory approach would enable the researcher to deduce relevant conclusions and suggest recommendations regarding the improvement of mobile technology for improving the workplace productivity the achievement of large-scale customer satisfaction. Moreover, exploratory approach would make the resea rcher aware of the transformations, which have taken place in the workplace of Al Meera hypermarket. Along with this, exploratory approach would enhance the knowledge of the researcher regarding the steps undertaken by the brand personnel for achieving loyalty, trust and dependence from the customers. Research strategy Research strategy is the step by step expression of the actions of the researcher for efficient execution of the research. In terms of its functionality, research strategy can be aligned with the action plan, which depicts the researchers every course of action. In this research, the researcher, at the initial stage, would attempt to enrich his preconceived knowledge regarding the subject matter (Mackey and Gass 2015). As a sequential step, the researcher would develop aims, objectives and questions followed by literature review. After this, the researcher would collect relevant data from the samples and analyze them for deducing conclusion and suggesting recommendations regarding the adopting of latest and modern software for adding the points into the account of the customers. Studying the previous data regarding the customer satisfaction, prior to the initiation of data collection, would be fruitful in terms of posing appropriate questions to the samples and analyzing them in prop er manner. Data collection and analysis For the research purpose, data is collected mainly through primary and secondary methods. Within this, there are subdivisions- quantitative and qualitative methods. In the primary quantitative, surveys are conducted to collect data from the samples (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015). On the other hand, in the qualitative data, case studies, journal articles and books are referred for completion of the data collection process. In this research, the researcher would select quantitative data collection method. As a matter of specification, survey would be conducted on the selected samples. The questions of the survey would be related to the extent to which the employees are comfortable with the technologies used in the workplace of Al Meera hypermarket and supermarket. These questions would be directed towards the business rather than the personal sentiments of the employees. The survey questions for the customers would consist of their satisfaction regarding the services provided. Attem pts would be made to protect their individual sentiments. The collected data is analyzed through primary and secondary methods. In the primary quantitative methods, questionnaires are prepared for analyzing the responses provided by the samples. On the other hand, in the secondary method, themes relevant to the subject matter of the research are developed for analyzing the collected data. In this research, the researcher would prepare questionnaires for analyzing the responses of the samples (Panneerselvam 2014). This would be done through the means of charts, tables and graphs. These tables, charts and graphs would depict the transformations, which the Al Meera hypermarket has undergone since the previous years. Along with this, the charts, tables and graphs would reveal the comparisons in the number of customers in the previous times and the present. One of the other aspects here would be the alterations in the service provided. Sampling technique The whole population is the sample of the research. This is in terms of the subject matter, which revolves around the society and the inhabitants. However, owing to the availability of less time and financial resources, the researcher needs to select a sample size for the collection of data in an efficient and effective manner. The researcher selects the samples mainly through three techniques- probability, random and simple. Probability sampling techniques reflects the selection of the samples, who have expertise on the subject matter of the researcher. Random selection indicates the selection of samples without any calculations or thoughts (Bryman and Bell 2014). Simple sample selection is the method, in which the researcher simply picks out the samples. In this research, the researcher would select 5 employees from Al Meera Hypermarket and Supermarket, who are tech savvy. The survey questions would focus on their accessibility towards the mobile technologies in the workplace. Along with this, 3 customers would be randomly selected for gaining insight into their satisfaction levels regarding the use of mobile apps for the shopping and redeeming points. Ethical considerations For executing a research, a researcher needs to abide by the research ethics. This adherence constitutes the personality of the researcher in terms of interplaying with the already established facts. One of examples of ethical considerations is Data Protection Act (1998). Complying with the standards and protocols of this act would help the researcher to enhance the safety, security and privacy of the personal data exposed by the samples (Panneerselvam 2014). Apart from this, following the Data Protection Act would help the researcher to preserve the privacy, security and safety of the personal details exposed by the samples. This adherence is also assistance in terms of adopting a liberal approach towards the samples. Typical example of this is the provision of liberty to withdraw the survey process upon feeling uncomfortable. Consciousness towards these aspects directly aligns with the true essence of customer satisfaction. Along with this, the researcher is expected to access only those sites, which do not need subscription (Flick, 2015). This adherence would help the researcher to avert the instances of plagiarism and collusion. Action plan The following is a sample of action plan, which enhances the clarity of the readers regarding the time when the research related activities would be undertaken: Activities Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Selection of the topic Development of aims and objectives Literature review Data collection Data analysis Deducing conclusion Suggesting recommendations Evaluation Making the necessary changes Table 1: Gantt chart for the proposal References (2018). About us. Available at: [Accessed on 8th February 2018] Bertschek, I. and Niebel, T., 2016. Mobile and more productive? Firm-level evidence on the productivity effects of mobile internet use.Telecommunications Policy,40(9), pp.888-898. Bryman, A., and Bell, E. (2014).Research methodology: Business and management contexts. Oxford University Press Southern Africa. Chung, S., Lee, K.Y. and Choi, J., 2015. Exploring digital creativity in the workspace: The role of enterprise mobile applications on perceived job performance and creativity.Computers in Human Behavior,42, pp.93-109. Colbert, A., Yee, N. and George, G., 2016. The digital workforce and the workplace of the future.Academy of Management Journal,59(3), pp.731-739. Flick, U. (2015).Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Hung, W.H., Chen, K. and Lin, C.P., 2015. Does the proactive personality mitigate the adverse effect of technostress on productivity in the mobile environment?.Telematics and Informatics,32(1), pp.143-157. Mackey, A and Gass, S. M. (2015).Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Matthews, B., Ross, L. (2014).Research methods. Pearson Higher Ed. McCusker, K., Gunaydin, S. (2015). Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research.Perfusion,30(7), 537-542. Palvalin, M., 2017. How to measure impacts of work environment changes on knowledge work productivityvalidation and improvement of the SmartWoW tool.Measuring Business Excellence,21(2), pp.175-190. Panneerselvam, R. (2014).Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Pauleen, D., Campbell, J., Harmer, B. and Intezari, A., 2015. Making sense of mobile technology: The integration of work and private life.Sage Open,5(2), p.2158244015583859. Pimmer, C. and Pachler, N., 2014. Mobile learning in the workplace: Unlocking the value of mobile technology for work-based education.Increasing access through mobile learning, pp.193-203. Silverman, D. (Ed.). (2016).Qualitative research. Sage. Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., and DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons. Williams, J. and LaBrie, R.C., 2015. Unified communications as an enabler of workplace redesign.Measuring Business Excellence,19(1), pp.81-91.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Social Media Business Communication
Question: Write about theSocial Media for Business Communication. Answer: Social Media and Business Communication: Internet is the very well-known technology that has been used by every individual these days. Advancement in this sector results in development of online marketing by the companies in order to market their products with the use of internet. Social media is considered as the great and a very important part of internet technology as it is the sector that uses the internet connectivity to function. Social media helps the individual to generate the content or the information on the internet space that can be accessed by others whom they want to share this information with (Tuten and Solomon, 2014). Thus social media sites or platforms allow the individuals or the people to communicate and interact with whole world with the help of various tools. The different tools that serve as the platforms for the users to use the technology are websites, blogs, networking sites etc. the owner of these sites buy the space on the internet and allow the user of these sites to have their account. The use rs who are having their accounts on these sites can post their material on the same in order to share the information. These are the time when web 1.0 technology of internet was there (Hoffman and Fodor, 2010). After the invention of web 2.0, the improvement in this technology has raised the standards of social media channels. This technology enhanced the features of these social media tools such that now these sites also allow the users to chat online, post their videos or images etc. earlier, people can only see the information present on the websites but now they can react on the information at the same time. Distance is major obstacle that come across the in communication process at times. This problem can be overcome by the use of social media platforms. As these platforms allow the user to chat with the people all around the world with just an internet connection, thus it makes the communication process easier (De Vries, Gensler and Leeflang, 2012). It is not only the individu al that is benefitted with the invention of social media, but businesses are also getting its benefits. Business communication is the term that can be defined as the process of communication that is used to communicate with their customers. This is one of the major functions of businesses as it is very important and crucial task got the business to enhance its customer base. The owners of the companies especially the product based companies have to make interaction with their stakeholders. It is not only the companys internal communication articles but the external communication also affects the businesses of the firm. Customers play a major role in a businesses sues as the major aim of any company its serve the products to their customers as well as to satisfy them with their services. To develop the feeling of satisfaction among the customers, it is necessary to interact and develop relationship with them so that their needs can be identified and the strategies can be implemented to fulfill those needs. This suggests that the first step in order to satisfy a customer is to identify the needs and to do that, it is required to communicate with them (Zarrella, 2009). It has been observed that small to big businesses in Australia, all are using social media platforms as the medium to interact with their customers and to market their products. As far as the supermarket industry of Australia is considered, it has been identified that it is one of the most competitive industries in Australia. To analyze this important and the impact of social media on business communication, Woolworth strategies can be used as this is the company that is very much known for its social media successful social media strategies. The company serves the customers with many products that can be used by the people on daily basis. As the company deals with such essential products thus it is the need of the company to get the information about the changing needs of the customers on daily basis (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). It is not possible for any company to conduct surveys n regular basis in short interval of time thus interaction with the customers is only solution to this problem. Social media provides such platform to the companies so that they can make connection with the customers on daily basis. As far as the social media use of Woolworth is considered, it has been analyzed that the company is very much engaged with social media channels in order to make conversation with their customers so that they can get information from them about the products needs and the reviews of the services they are experiencing from the company (Hanna, Rohm and Crittenden, 2011). For making the social media use more effective, the company has developed its own social media team that looks exclusively for maintaining social media business of the company. The development of a social media team for the purpose suggests that the company depends highly on the social media channels for its communication (NewsComAu., 2017). The team is responsible for empowering the customers with the technological tool that can help those customers also to share their views regarding the product and the services they are receiving from the company. The major tool of social media that has been used by the company are T witter, Facebook, Instagram etc. the companys IT team has developed the application called Socialbakers which is also called Socialbakers Builders and analytics. This is the major tool of the company that supports all the social media action of the firm. It is the tool that helps the company to find out their target audience. Customer support is also the major part of business communication. Customer support can be defined as the process that deals with resolving the issue of the customers related to the products and services the company is offering to the customers. This process is conducted by Woolworth using the Socialbakers tool (Woolworths Online., 2017). As far as the online sales of the company is considered, it has been identified that the A$1.2bn of the company's revenue is earned through its online sales and online sales is the results of effective communication of the business with the customers through online mediums. The company has made its website so attractive with l ots of colors so that people get attracted to surf the same. Surfing o the sites can convert into buying by the customers through the pop up ads. The surfing of the website also helps in determining that who likes which products so that customized offers can be provided to such customers. The company has put the like button its website (Socialbakers., 2017). The reason behind putting this button is to facilitate the customers to reach the companys Facebook site at one click. It also help the company to know, hoe many customers are lining their online services. It is not mandatory to use social media tools for communicating and advertising about the products by the companies but it is the new way to reach the masses. This is because the customers of todays era are becoming so much used to of these technological aspects and the innovative technical tools that it forces the company to use such tools to market their products. Most of the population of the world engages most of their time on surfing internet (Brown, Broderick and Lee, 2007). This makes the company to attract the customers at that time only. In addition to it, there are several benefits attached with using social media tools. The first benefit is that it is very cost effective. The company needs not to invest so much on the online advertising as compared to offline advertising that require so much of money investment as well as physical efforts (Bovee and Courtland, 2012). To develop the social media marketing campaign, the company needs to hire a team that is skilled with this technical knowledge and can develop a great marketing campaign for the company. It also provides the company like Woolworths to deal directly to the customer without involvement of any mediators and it results in overcoming the issue of data manipulation. If the company's department directly deals with the customers than it will be easier for the company to know the actual situation of the market as well as to segment the customers according to their choices and preferences. To conclude, the report suggests that social media marketing has a great impact on the business communication of the companies; this is because it facilitates the companies with so many benefits that cannot be offered by the offline marketing techniques. Social media channels and their innovative features that are developing day by day makes the communication work of the companies more easily (Goby, 2007). As far as the Woolworth social media engagement is discussed, it suggests that Woolworth is the company that is using social media very effectively. The development of the special social media team by the company makes it easier for the firm to maintain its social media presence. This is because communication can only be done if the company has its effective social media presence. References: Bovee and Courtland, 2012.Business Communication Today, 10/e. Pearson Education India. Brown, J., Broderick, A.J. and Lee, N., 2007. Word of mouth communication within online communities: Conceptualizing the online social network.Journal of interactive marketing,21(3), pp.2-20. Goby, V.P., 2007. Business communication needs: A multicultural perspective.Journal of Business and Technical Communication,21(4), pp.425-437. Hanna, R., Rohm, A. and Crittenden, V.L., 2011. Were all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem.Business horizons,54(3), pp.265-273. Hoffman, D.L. and Fodor, M., 2010. Can you measure the ROI of your social media marketing?.MIT Sloan Management Review,52(1), p.41. De Vries, L., Gensler, S. and Leeflang, P.S., 2012. Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: An investigation of the effects of social media marketing.Journal of Interactive Marketing,26(2), pp.83-91. Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.J., 2009. Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix.Business horizons,52(4), pp.357-365. NewsComAu. 2017. Woolworths Facebook response to customer who bought mouldy hummus is hilarious. [online] Available at: Accessed on: 29 Apr. 2017]. Socialbakers.. 2017. Woolworths: Great Results for a Small Team with Socialbakers Solutions | Socialbakers. [online] Available at: Accessed on: 29 Apr. 2017. Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R., 2014.Social media marketing. Sage. Woolworths Online. (2017). Woolworths Supermarket - Buy Groceries Online. [online] Available at: Accessed on: 29 Apr. 2017. Zarrella, D., 2009.The social media marketing book. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
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